'How many pounds do you have now? ' Curt asked. 'I'm sorry.' Yuri said.

, , , . _ , 'Last night you said you might have enough by the end of the week, ' Curt reminded him. 'So you must have an idea. I mean, Thursday night is pretty close to the end of the week.'

'I did another harvest this morning, ' Yuri said. 'I didn't weigh it.'

'So you're close, ' Curt said.

'Yes, I'm close, ' Yuri said. He nodded a few times as if agreeing with himself before taking a deep breath and exhaling through pursed lips. It was like he'd been under stress but was now able to relax.

He gestured with his glass toward both Curt and Steve as if he was giving a toast and then took another, larger slug of his drink. He held the vodka in his mouth for a moment before swallowing as if it was fine wine.

'What about the second fermenter? ' Steve asked. 'Have you converted it to anthrax? '

'Yes, this morning, ' Yuri said.

'How is it going? ' Curt asked.

'Extremely well, ' Yuri said. He managed a smile. 'It's growing much better than the Clostridium botulinum. In fact I was amazed when I checked just a few minutes before you arrived. I'll be able to harvest an entire batch this evening.'

'We could steal you another fermenter tonight, ' Steve suggested. 'If that could help.'

'There's no need, ' Yuri said with a wave of his free hand. 'Not with the second one running. Now that I've had a chance to think, I'm sure I'll be able to make delivery Thursday night.'

'Really? ' Curt questioned.

'Absolutely, ' Yuri said.

'You weren't so sure just a few moments ago, ' Curt said.

'I wasn't, ' Yuri admitted. 'Not until Steve reminded me of the second fermenter. With it running like it is, I'll be able to have at least ten pounds, maybe even a bit more if I work nonstop.'

'Is there any reason you can't do that? ' Curt asked.

'No, ' Yuri said. 'I just won't drive the cab.'

'There is one more thing we want you to do before tomorrow night, ' Curt said.

Yuri's face, which had recently assumed a smile, reverted to a troubled expression.

'Now, don't get upset, ' Curt said, noticing the change in Yuri's demeanor. 'This is an easy request, at least easy for you. I'd like you to write down how you've created this anthrax powder. Since you'll be back in Russia, we're going to have to find someone else if we want to stage an encore.' Yuri's smile returned. He nodded. 'Sure, I can do that. In fact I'll be happy to do it.'

'Perfect! ' Curt said.

He smiled to himself before picking up the paper bag from the couch and handing it across to Yuri. As Yuri accepted the parcel, Curt's other hand slipped behind to grasp the butt of his own pistol nestled in its holster in the small of his back. Unbeknownst to Yuri, who was happily opening the package, Steve did the same with his gun.

Yuri lifted the automatic out by its barrel. Dropping the paper bag, he examined the gun closely. He hefted it. 'It's lightweight, ' he said.

'It is, ' Curt said. 'It's called a Glock. It's a very good weapon.

It's the preferred handgun with the militias.'

'Is there anything particular that I should know about it? ' Yuri said.

He released the magazine catch and slipped it out. He glanced at the bullets and counted them.

'You just point it at your brother-in-law and pull the trigger, ' Curt said. 'The gun does the rest.' Yuri laughed. He slipped his finger within the trigger guard and pointed the gun at his refrigerator.

'Bang! ' he said and jerked the gun as if it had recoiled. He laughed again before placing the gun on the coffee table.

Curt and Steve relaxed and sat back in their seats.

'There's something else in the bag, ' Curt said.

'There is? ' Yuri questioned. He reached down and retrieved the package.

He pulled out a cellophane bag that seemed to be filled with black hair. The corners of Yuri's mouth drew up into a half smile. He thought it was some kind of joke. 'What the hell is this? '

'It's something we picked up in a costume store on the way over here, ' Curt said. 'It's a beard.'

'What on earth for? ' Yuri asked.

'It's to make a point, ' Curt said. 'The gun is only for an absolute emergency. We don't want you using it. Stay away from your brother-inlaw and take your phone off the hook. Don't talk to him.

When you go out, make sure he's not around and wear the stupid beard.

If he happens to come around, don't let him in. Just get rid of him.

The problem is, that if you use the gun, it'll bring the police, and if the police come here and start snooping around, Operation Wolverine goes down the toilet. If that happens, Steve and I and the PAA troops are going to be very unhappy. Am I making myself clear?'

'Don't worry, ' Yuri said with a wave of dismissal. 'I'll only use the gun to avoid being killed myself. It's more to just make me feel safe.'

'That's what I was hoping, ' Curt said.

'After all, ' Yuri added as he tore open the cellophane package, 'Operation Wolverine is just as important to me as it is to you. The last thing I'd want to do is something that would interfere with it.'

Yuri pulled out the fake beard and held it up against his face. 'How do I look? '

'Ridiculous, ' Curt said.

Yuri laughed and put the cellophane and the beard back into the paper bag.

Curt stood up, and Steve and Yuri followed suit. Curt stuck out his hand and Yuri shook it enthusiastically.

'So what time Thursday night? ' Curt asked.

'As you wish, ' Yuri said. 'It will be ready when you want.'

'Excellent, ' Curt said. 'We'll come by sometime after dark. I'll have a firefighter's rabbit tool bag. It's about twenty inches by ten and about ten high. It's like a small duffel bag. Will that be big enough for the plastic sausages? '

'More than enough, ' Yuri said.

'The key thing is to make sure there are no sharp edges on the inside.

In fact, I'll give you a towel to roll them up in.'

'Sounds good, ' Curt said. He gave a halfhearted military salute.

Selfconsciously, Yuri returned the gesture.

Curt preceded Steve out the door. They could hear Yuri bolt it as they descended the front walk.

Reaching the truck they climbed in their respective sides.

'So what was your take? ' Curt questioned as he started the engine.

'I was encouraged, ' Steve said. 'At first when he acted so nervous I had my doubts. I thought he was going to try to give us a hard time about getting the anthrax or maybe argue we should do Central Park rather than the federal building.'

'I did, too, ' Curt said. 'But then it was like he suddenly saw the light and realized that Operation Wolverine had better be executed fast before something else goes wrong.

Thank God we came out here and put pressure on him. I suppose we should have done it a week ago.

But at the moment, it doesn't matter.

What matters is that Operation Wolverine is going to happen, and come Friday all hell's going to break loose here in the Big Apple.'

'I'm glad he's decided to be cooperative, but he's still one weird duck, ' Steve said. 'Did it make you nervous when he took the gun out?'

'A little, ' Curt admitted. 'But it was more because of what you'd said before we went in. I actually think the guy's pathetic.

Pretending to shoot the gun like that was so juvenile. And when he put that beard on, I almost cracked up.'

'I think it was a brilliant idea to ask him to write out how to make the anthrax powder, ' Steve said.

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