'My word, what a coincidence, ' Jack said.

'And you know my feelings about gun control, ' Laurie added.

'Indeed, ' Jack said. 'So what does all this mean for Laurie Montgomery?'

'I don't know exactly, ' Laurie said with a sigh. 'I suppose I'll let things slide with Paul and try to talk to him again in a week or so.

Meanwhile, like I said this morning, I'll dive into my work. It'll take my mind off my disastrous personal life.'

'I hope he leaves you alone, ' Jack said. 'He strikes me as a rather persistent sort.'

'I know what you mean, ' Laurie said. 'Which brings me to the matter of asking you for a favor.'

'Sure, what do you need? '

'I don't want to be sitting by the phone tonight, or tomorrow night for that matter.

I'd like to be with friends. Do you think there's any chance you and I could go with Chet and Colleen to that Monet show Chet mentioned yesterday? '

'I'd have to check with Chet, ' Jack said. 'But I'd be happy to go.'

'Wonderful, ' Laurie said. 'And as for tonight, what do you think about going out for a bite with me and Lou. I think I owe you guys something for my behavior last night, so it will be my treat.'

'You don't owe anybody anything, ' Jack said. 'I can't speak for Lou, but as for me, I'd be delighted to eat with you tonight. It will give me a chance to fill you in on what brought me here to your office a few minutes ago.'

'And what was that? '

'Your suggestion about Connie Davydov was right on the money, ' Jack said. 'She died of botulinum toxin.'

'No kidding! ' Laurie said. Her flushed face lit up with a smile.

'Scout's honor, ' Jack said. 'Peter confirmed it this morning.'

'Good grief! ' Laurie exclaimed. 'So what happened? Did you call Randolph Sanders? ' Jack pushed off from the desk. 'I'll tell you all about it tonight.

When and where shall it be for dinner? '

'Would eight be a good time?'

'Sounds fine, ' Jack said. 'Where? '

'How about Lou's favorite restaurant in Little Italy? ' Laurie said. 'I haven't been there in ages.'

'What's the name? '

'It doesn't have a name, ' Laurie explained.

'Okay, what's the address? '

'I can't remember.'

'Wonderful! ' Jack commented sarcastically.

'Pick me up on your way downtown, ' Laurie said. 'I'll be able to find it. It's on a little street off Mulberry. But come in a cab, not on your bike.' After a halfhearted promise not to bicycle to her apartment that -evening, Jack went back to his office. As he walked in, Chet looked up from his microscope.

'So, ' Chet said. 'What was that all about? '

'It's all very complicated, ' Jack replied plopping himself down in his chair.

Between the excitement with Paul and the long bike ride, he was suddenly feeling tired. 'But one result is that Laurie has changed her mind about tomorrow night. So if you and Colleen still want some company, we're available.'

'Great! ' Chet said. He reached for his phone. 'I'll give Colleen a call to see if she can get any more tickets.'

'Wait a second, ' Jack said. 'What about the veterinarian epidemiologists? Were you able to get ahold of any of them? '

'I did, ' Chet said. 'I talked with a Dr. Clark Simsarian who chaired the seminar. I asked him if they'd come up with a diagnosis for the rats, but they haven't. They've also not come across any more anthrax ulcers.'

'I've got a suggestion for them, ' Jack said. 'Call Dr. Simsarian back and suggest they check for botulinum toxin.'

'Botulinum toxin! ' Chet said. 'Is that what Connie Davydov died of?'

'Apparently, ' Jack said. 'At least according to Peter Letterman.'

'And you still think the rats and Connie might be related? ' Chet questioned.

'It's a long shot, ' Jack agreed. 'But since the vets haven't come up with anything else, they might as well give it a try. I stopped by a veterinarian's office out in Brighton Beach today. He said that even some local cats have been dying mysteriously.'

'I'll pass the tip along, ' Chet said. 'What about Randolph Sanders?'

Have you let him know about the botulinum toxin? '

'I did, ' Jack said. 'And I'm embarrassed to say I enjoyed making him writhe.'

'I'll be curious to hear the fallout, ' Chet said, shaking his head.

'Deciding not to do an autopsy and then finding out the patient died of botulism is a medical examiner's worst nightmare.'

'I'm curious too, ' Jack said. 'In fact, while you make your calls, I think I'll see what I can find out.'

Jack phoned the Brooklyn office and asked for Dr. Sanders. Since the ME wasn't in his office, Jack had him paged. While he waited, Chet got through to Colleen and got a positive reaction. Chet gave Jack a thumbsup sign just as Randolph Sanders came on the line.

'Sorry to bother you, ' Jack said into the phone with the same breezy style he'd used earlier when he'd spoken with the man. 'Chet and I have been talking about the Davydov case. We're curious as to what's going on.'

'It's a nightmare, ' Randolph said.

'That's just how Chet characterized it a moment ago, ' Jack said. He winked at Chet, who was waiting for Dr. Simsarian to pick up.

'I can't believe the luck, ' Randolph said. 'Right after I spoke with you this morning, I called the Strickland funeral home, and they gave me a bit of bad news.'

'I'm sorry to hear that, ' Jack said.

'The body has been cremated.'

'Oh! ' Jack moaned with feigned sympathy.

'There wasn't much I could do at that point other than turn the situation over to Jim Bennett.'

'And what's he done? '

'Nothing yet, ' Randolph said. 'But I know he has a call in to Bingham.

This whole mess is going to have to be handled by top brass, specifically Harold Bingham.'

'I guess you must feel pretty bad, ' Jack said. In spite of his dislike for the man, he couldn't help but feel a tinge of true sympathy.

'Nothing like this has ever happened to me before, ' Randolph said.

'You'll get through this, ' Jack said. 'In jobs like ours, it's impossible to catch everything. And you're doing the best you can at this point.' Jack and Chet hung up from their respective calls almost simultaneously. They turned and faced each other.

'You first, ' Chet said. 'What did you learn? '

'There's no fallout, ' Jack said. 'At least not yet. Bingham's in the loop but hasn't been, told yet. The real problem is that the body's gone.

It was cremated.' Jack shook his head. 'It's a mess. The only thing I know is that it's out of my hands.'

'I couldn't agree more, ' Chet said. 'And let it stay out of your hands!

As far as Dr. Simsarian is concerned, he wasn't excited about your suggestion, but he said that he'd give it a try.' Jack threw up his hands. 'Well, that's all we can do.'

'Absolutely, ' Chet said.

Jack turned to his desk. In the center of his blotter was a slide tray with a Post-it attached. On it was a note from Maureen. The slides were the skin samples from Connie Davydov.

After getting his microscope out, Jack slipped one of the slides under the objective and took a look.

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