what she wasn't even sure of herself? Especially given that Wade wasn't as convinced as she was that The Watcher was benign, and in his current frame of mind he might easily jump to the wrong conclusion.

She began to feel increasingly edgy and chilled, balanced on the edge of panic, like a small prey animal lost in unfamiliar darkness.

The predator was out the re… somewhere. Somewhere close. She could feel him. She'd been given all the defenses she needed to elude him, outwit him, defeat him. But now, as the danger grew closer, deep inside she felt the fear…the confusion…the doubt.

All those defenses… Would they be enough?

Chapter 12

Tierney noticed when Wade made the turn that would take him up the hill into his own neighborhood instead of toward hers, and he was so intent on his own thoughts it was a shock when she straightened up like she'd been stung.

And an even greater shock, after the deafening silence in the car for the past half hour, when she actually spoke.

'Where are we going? I thought-'

He smiled without an ounce of humor. 'Yeah, I know the plan is to drive you home, pretend Jeannette's gone wandering off again…and off we go to the park to look for her.'

This was the part of the plan he dreaded, the part where he and Tierney were supposed to split up to search the park. Which was supposed to give the killer his chance. Thinking about it now, he swore silent blasphemies, wondering at what point he'd lost his mind and agreed to go along with this insanity. Sure, supposedly there would be cops stationed undercover all over that damn park. But he, better than anybody, knew how the best-laid plans could turn bad.

'I'm going to stop by my place first, if you don't mind.' His voice was a quiet but dangerous growl. 'Pick up my mail and a change of clothes.' And the backup weapon he wasn't supposed to carry, and which nearly all detectives did. He'd never had to use one, but he knew he'd feel better having it. He sure as hell didn't want to be caught without his weapon the one time he needed it.

It occurred to him then that she'd looked deathly pale, in the one quick glance he'd given her in the darkening car. He felt a painful stab of guilt and concern. He probably wasn't making this any easier for her, letting his dislike of this whole bait-the-tiger plan boil over the way he had. He hadn't been blocking the way he felt about her, either.

He pulled into his driveway, looked over at her and said contritely, 'Hey, you okay? Getting any bad vibes?'

She looked him straight in the eye and said. 'No.'

Well, she told herself, it was the truth-the vibes she was getting weren't bad-not at all.

There was tremendous excitement and anticipation, all mixed up with intense anxiety. The emotions were rolling in on her in waves, from opposite directions, like weather fronts colliding, one benign, the other malevolent. Good and evil…

How would she know which was which, and which direction it was coming from? She felt paralyzed with panic.

Gran! Where are you? Please hear me. I need you!

'Well.' Wade said, 'I'm not about to leave you in the car. Not this time.' He got out and slammed his door, head moving from side to side like a radar antenna, scanning the street as he went around to open hers.

She got out. moving like a robot, her mind filled with the thunder of those two massive, inexorable forces…

When a car door slammed across the street, she didn't even hear it.

Wade heard it. He whirled, shoving Tierney behind him. His weapon was already in his hands.

On the other side of the street a shadowy figure was moving toward him. Wade couldn't believe it-the dirtbag was going to make his move right here! It was his worst-case scenario, the reason he'd had no faith in this so- called plan. Reminded him of something he'd heard somewhere. You want to make God laugh? Make a plan.

He was already in his take-down crouch, weapon aimed and ready. 'James Larson-stop right there!'

'Wait-' The figure extended his arms. Too dark to tell if he had a weapon. 'I'm not-'

'Whoever you are-take one more step and I'll be forced to shoot. Don't make me do it…'

Hell, yeah. Make my day…

'Look, it's not what you think.'

The man's voice-for an instant, Wade thought it sounded familiar. Hard to tell-it was high with fear and shook with nervous laughter. Uncertain now, he hesitated… turned to look at Tierney, trying to get her take on this guy.

She seemed frozen…eyes wide with terror. It was all the confirmation he needed.

'Down on the ground-now!'

The figure folded slowly to his knees, but his arms were still outstretched in entreaty. 'Wade-wait-my name is Cory Pearson. We've met before. I just want to talk to you. For God's sake-I'm your brother!'

Rage blew through Wade's head, turning his vision red and his voice to ice.

'Yeah? Well, you just made the worst mistake of your life, pal. Now I know you're a liar. I've only got one brother. His name's Matthew not Cory. Lives in San Diego. In a wheelchair. That's right-he's a paraplegic, goddamn you. Now, get down on the ground! Lace your fingers together-hands behind your head! Come on-do it. Face on the ground! Do it-now!'

Tierney watched Wade dart into the street and drop to one knee beside the figure lying prone on the ground. The figure of the man who claimed to be Wade's brother. But…could this be right? Was this the killer, after all?

Her head hurt. Felt like it was going to explode. She felt so many emotions, so many intense conflicting emotions!


She felt like a dazed rabbit completely surrounded by wolves. Paralyzed…help less.

In the center of the maelstrom only one thought came to her. Her grandmother's voice, trembling with grief. /I saw, but I wouldna' believe.

She understood that now, as if a spotlight shone brightly on the words and images in her head. Understood how Jeannette could have 'known' about her beloved's peril, but still be unable to prevent it.

It was, truly, what made The Gift a curse.

Gran… please help me. I need you!

The answer came at last, and she almost didn't hear it. Don't listen so hard, darling.

But the voice inside her mind wasn't Jeannette's. That voice had been crystalline and bright, like water laughing over pebbles. This was a voice she didn't recognize, and yet…had she heard it before? Somewhere… faint, like a whisper…nostalgic, like the softest of breezes on a warm spring morning, bringing with it the scent of lilacs.

Relax… let it pour over you… Like rain. You'll know…

Tierney's heart leaped with new hope. Gran?

Again the soft breeze, a hint of laughter. Not quite…

She reached out to the voice, incredulous…disbelieving… Mother? But you didn 't- you don't…

I've always been able to hear you, Tee.

'Momma?' She said it out loud, in a voice tremulous with tears.

Wade heard it and turned toward her. Too late.

To Cory, it seemed to happen in a second. Less. From his position, flat on his belly in the street with his cheek pressing into the gritty and still warm pavement, he saw a shadowy form lunge from the shadows between the trees and parked cars that lined the street. Saw him grab Tierney from behind and envelop her in an evil parody of

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