Kathleen Creighton
The Top Gun's Return
A book in the Starrs of the West series
The first book in the Taken series, 2003
To Gail Chasan, my editor and champion for I'm-not-even-going-to-tell-you-how-many years.
How did I get so lucky?
Dear Reader,
The year may be coming to a close, but the excitement never flags here at Silhouette Intimate Moments. We've got four-yes, four-fabulous miniseries for you this month, starting with Carla Cassidy's CHEROKEE CORNERS and
We've also got two terrific stand-alone titles, starting with Laurey Bright's
Enjoy-and look for more excitement next year, right here in Silhouette Intimate Moments.

Leslie J. Wainger
Executive Editor
Sammi June stared at the shadows on her ceiling cast by the soccer-ball-shaped night-light beside her bed. Under the covers her knee stung and throbbed where she'd picked the scab off it too soon, and she thought about that while tears tickled their way down the sides of her face and ran into her ears. The tears came from the achy, lonely place inside her, but if she concentrated hard enough she could make herself believe that her skinned knee was to blame for that, too.
Stupid knee. She'd had skinned knees before. It was no big deal. Except, why did it have to happen
Tomorrow was supposed to be her big day. She was so excited she couldn't fall sleep. It was the most important part, and the teacher had picked
Sammi June sniffed and wiped her cheeks with her hands, then listened to the darkness as hard as she could. She thought sometimes if she listened hard enough she could make herself hear the sounds she wanted so badly to hear: the front door opening, footsteps on the stairs, Momma's voice, trying to whisper but bubbling brightly with happiness. Daddy's voice whispering back, low and gruff and growly.
After a moment she pushed back the covers and got out of bed and walked over to the window. In the daytime in this new place, there wasn't much to see from the bedroom window except for other people's houses. But at night, if she knelt down and pressed her face close to the glass and looked up…way up…just above the rooftop of the house next door, she could see it. One star, all by itself, so big and bright it didn't seem real. But it was real; Momma said so. She said it was the Evening Star, the one everyone sings to you about when you're real little: 'Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are…' Momma said if you make a wish on the Evening Star it will come true, and there was a poem for that, too.
Kneeling on the hard floor-on one knee, because the skinned one was sore-Sammi June closed her eyes and whispered the poem:
'Starlight, star bright,
First star I've seen tonight,
I wish I may I wish I might
Have the wish I wish tonight.'
Then, staring at the Evening Star until her eyes burned and made new tears, she silently added the wish she'd wished so many times before:
Chapter 1
The day Jessie Bauer's life changed forever began like any other. She worked the day shift as a nurse's aid at the hospital in Athens and came home looking forward to the same three things she always did after a long day on her feet: a glass of Momma's sweet tea, a letter from Tristan and a quiet hour to sit with her feet up while she read it.
'Hey, Momma,' Jessie said as she stepped through the open back porch door and put her pocketbook on the kitchen table, 'whatcha makin'?' So close to the first day of summer, the year's longest day, the sun was still high in the sky. The house was warm and smelled of burned sugar and overripe fruit.
Her mother lifted damp hair off of her forehead with the back of a hand that held a long-handled wooden spoon. 'Oh, I picked up some of those last-of-the-season strawberries Frank had on sale down at the produce stand. They were goin' fast, so I thought I'd better get 'em put up while they still had some good in 'em.' Red-faced and sweaty, she flashed Jessie a smile.
'Let me get changed,' Jessie said. 'I'll help you.'
'Oh, heavens, I'm about done here-just these last few jars. Then I'm gonna put the kettles to soak and go in