Forcing what he hoped passed for a carefree grin, he said, 'And seeing as how our weekend will be over by this time tomorrow, I vote we head back to the resort and enjoy each other as much as we can for the time we have left.' He waggled his brows. 'Think we can make it through the entire box of condoms I bought?'

Her expression relaxed and she smiled. 'There's only one way to find out. But thirty-six condoms in twenty-four hours?' She shook her head. 'I think there'll be a few left over.'

'I'm willing to go for the record if you are. Whaddaya say?'

'I say let's finish shopping and get out of here.'

Matt selected two platters, both hand painted with grapes, as Christmas gifts for his mom and sister, while Jilly picked out several serving bowls for presents, and two oversize latte cups for herself.

'Latte goes very well with chocolate-covered marshmallows,' she said with a teasing grin.

They each picked out several bottles of wine, then brought their purchases to the register where Joe wrapped them in colorful holiday paper while he amused them with stories of growing up in Italy.

While their receipts printed, Joe nodded toward a large glass bowl near the cash register, half-filled with business cards. 'We pick a winner once a month for a free bottle of wine. If you'd like to enter, just put your business card in there.'

Both Matt and Jilly dug out business cards and passed them to Joe who looked at them with interest. 'Maxximum Advertising Agency,' he read. 'You work together?'

An uncomfortable flush crept up Matt's neck at the unwelcome reminder. 'Yes.'

Nodding solemnly, Joe dropped the cards into the bowl. 'My wife, she works here at the winery. This can sometimes be difficult.' He shot them a broad wink. 'But sometimes also rewarding.' He handed them their packages with a flourish. 'Best of luck to you, Matthew and Jillian. I hope you will return to Galini Vineyards. Perhaps in the summer, when the vines are green and lush with ripening fruit. I will give you a personally guided tour.'

'That sounds lovely, Joe,' Jilly said with a smile. 'Thank you.'

Matt's stomach tightened. If Jilly meant to take Joe up on his offer, she'd obviously be doing so accompanied by someone who-

Isn't me.

Shoving that disturbing, irritating thought aside, Matt shook Joe's hand, then he and Jilly headed toward the exit. When Matt opened the door, the bells tingled, and they looked up. Once again they stood directly under the mistletoe. Jilly smiled and lifted her face, clearly expecting a quick peck. But need and desire slammed into Matt. Hauling her against him with his free arm, he angled his back to afford them a modicum of privacy, then slanted his mouth over hers in a hot, hard, demanding kiss. When he lifted his head, masculine satisfaction roared through him at Jilly's dazed expression.

'Wow,' she breathed. 'That's some damn good mistletoe.'

Matt looked over his shoulder at Joe, who grinned and shot him a thumbs-up. 'Mistletoe works every time,' Joe said with a laugh.

With a final wave, they walked to the car. After Matt closed the trunk, he asked, 'I'm ready to hit the room, get naked, and start working on that thirty-six pack. Whaddaya say?'

'I say it's good to set high goals in life.'

Chapter 9

Relaxed, rejuvenated, and all but purring from her deluxe facial, Jilly walked toward the resort's bar where she and Matt had agreed to meet for an after-spa drink before returning to the room to ready themselves for dinner with Jack.

She sat in an overstuffed chair at a small, round table that afforded her a good view of the lobby area so she wouldn't miss Matt. She checked her watch. Good. She had at least ten or fifteen minutes before Matt showed up. After slipping her cell phone from her purse, she quickly dialed Kate's number. Her friend picked up on the second ring.

'I've been dying to hear from you,' Kate said. 'How's it going?'

Jilly blew out a breath. 'Remember how you suggested that maybe I should indulge in an affair with Matt this weekend? That it would satisfy my curiosity so then I'd be able to forget him? And that as long as we both went into it understanding it would be over after this weekend, everything would be fine?'

'Yes, yes, and yes. I remember perfectly. So? How are things?'

'Good and bad.'

'Good first.'

'You can't call me Rusty anymore.'

'Ooohhh. So what can I call you?'

'How about Lucky?'

'How lucky?'

'Hit-the-jackpot lucky.'

Kate gave a low whistle. 'So what's the bad part?'

'The plan to satisfy my curiosity so then I'd be able to forget him isn't working out all that well. My curiosity is far from satisfied, and I think it's going to prove a lot more difficult than I'd thought to drop this man off my radar screen after tomorrow.'

'I see. So you like him.'

Jilly pinched the bridge of her nose. 'I'm afraid so.'

'Well, you know, there's no law that says you can't continue this once you return to work.'

'Yes, there is. Engaging in an affair at work is professional suicide. Especially since whoever wins the ARC account is going to be the other one's boss. I get queasy just thinking about that scenario. Besides, there's more to it than just that. Matt just isn't my type.'

'Oh. So you only like him when you're both naked?'

Jilly frowned. If only that were true. 'Not exactly.'

'Well, what's wrong with him?'

Frustration edged through Jilly-at Matt for causing her all this turmoil, and at herself for allowing him to. 'He's just… a very take-charge guy. You know how I don't like that.'

'So he's stepping on your independence.'



'He's… crowding me. Like today, we went out and he offered to pay for my lunch. And then he scheduled a deluxe facial at the spa's resort for me. And then he bought me a bottle of wine. I am perfectly capable of purchasing my own meal, my own wine, and arranging my own facials.'

'Of course you are. That bastard. Does his cruelty never end? You want me to drive out there and kick his smarmy ass?'

Jilly squeezed her eyes shut. 'Ha, ha. Point taken. But it's small stuff like that which shows the sort of person he is.'

'Thoughtful and romantic?'

'If you'll recall, things with Aaron started out nicely as well. Then the next thing I knew, he expected me to rearrange my life to revolve around his.'

'Yes, but if you'll recall, Aaron also eventually proved not to have a thoughtful or romantic bone in his body.'

'Hey, whose side are you on?'

'Yours, silly. But I'd hate to see you throw away something that might turn out to be just what you're looking for.'

'But I'm not looking for anything!'

'Everyone is looking for something, Jilly. I clearly remember you saying you'd snap up the right guy if he came along.'

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