“No, but that isn’t surprising. Clearly what your father drew, under the guise of a painting, was a map, one that would presumably contain the location of the jewels.”
“Really?” A sense of excitement trilled through her. “Are you merely guessing because hidden maps are the sort of things spies do, or do you know for certain?”
“Hidden maps are our forte, of course,” he said in a dry tone, “but I know for certain based on what I’ve decoded from your father’s letter.”
She leaned across the desk. “You’ve deciphered the note? So quickly? How did you figure it out? Will you show me how you did it? What does it say?”
His lips twitched at the barrage of questions. “Yes, I’ve deciphered it. I figured it out so quickly because not only was decoding my specialty, but I am unsurpassedly brilliant.”
“Hmmm. I don’t believe ‘unsurpassedly’ is a word, Dr. Brilliant.”
He waved his hand. “It should be. As for showing you how I did it, I fear I cannot, for it quite clearly states in the Official Spy Handbook that a spy cannot, under any circumstances, no matter how he might be coaxed or tortured or kissed, reveal any code used by the Crown.”
“Coaxed, tortured, or
He heaved a heavy sigh. “It was all in the line of duty, I assure you. As for what the note said…” His voice trailed off and his expression sobered.
“What is it?” she asked, a fissure of dread snaking down her spine.
For an answer, he pushed a piece of vellum toward her. “This is the decoded message.”
Victoria pulled the note closer and read the neatly written words.
Her heart thumped in slow, painful beats and she looked up at him. “Do you know if my father truly is unharmed?” she asked, proud that her voice remained steady.
He studied her for several seconds before replying. “Truly? No. He claims he’s fine, and I know your father, Victoria. He is the most resourceful man I know. Over the years, he has weathered several attacks against him.”
She actually felt the blood drain from her face. “If you’re
“I’m being honest with you. He knows how to take care of himself. Since he didn’t indicate he’d been hurt, I’m sure he wasn’t.”
“How do I know this is actually what he’d coded into the note? That you haven’t left something out?”
His gaze seemed to bore right through her. “You don’t. If you continue with your insistence on helping me, I suppose you’ll just have to trust me.”
Trust him? A spy? A man who made his living by telling elaborate lies? A man who was no doubt searching for a way to find his cache of jewels without her? A man who could adversely affect her self-control with a mere look? A man who’d proven he would take advantage of being alone with her? She’d be mad to trust him. Yet… there was something about him that inspired confidence and faith. And as for being alone with her, well, her conscience demanded that she admit she’d taken just as much advantage of that situation as he had. And apparently her father thought him trustworthy. Surely he wouldn’t entrust her care to him otherwise.
Heat crawled through her from his intent regard, and she dropped her gaze to the note. “How on earth did you decipher this message from Father’s letter?”
“I told you, I am unsurpassedly brilliant.”
“You mean your brilliance is unsurpassed.”
“Why thank you.”
“Who is this Baylor?”
“A man for hire, and he wasn’t particular about who hired him-us or the French. He played both sides and gave his information to the highest bidder. He was one of the craftiest, most unscrupulous men I’ve ever run across. When I resigned from my service to the Crown, Baylor was being sought by the French and English alike.”
“How did he have information about the jewels? Could he have been involved in their disappearance?”
He shrugged. “Possibly. But Baylor was like a rat, sneaking around into crevices, ferreting out snippets of information, then selling them to interested parties. He might have come across the information inadvertently and was trying to make a sale when your father found him.”
She looked at the drawing she’d made. “That doesn’t look like any sort of map I’ve ever seen.”
“You cannot recall anything else?”
She slowly shook her head. “No. I thought it was a picture of tufts of grass, but according to the decoded note, it’s a rock formation.”
“Yes, but which one? There’re dozens on this estate.”
“So where do we begin?”
“I’ll draw a grid map of the property and we’ll search one area at a time. And you’re not to discuss this. With anyone.”
She raised her brows at his peremptory tone. “What about your brother and Lord Alwyck?”
“No one.”
“But why? They already know about the note. They know
“Because your father requested it.” He pointed to two words at the bottom of the note. “ ‘Be safe’ was a secret code between your father and me. It means not to discuss the matter with anyone.” His gaze bore into hers. “Unfortunately, with circumstances such as they are, you already know-something your father would not be pleased about, I’m sure. Of course, I’m also certain he wouldn’t be thrilled to know that since your arrival in Cornwall you’ve resorted to kidnapping and blackmail.”
“I’ve done no such thing!”
“Really? What would you call holding my letter hostage and demanding I accept your assistance before you’d return it to me?”
Victoria lifted her chin. “If I’d done anything less, I’d have once again been relegated to the corner with an indulgent pat on the head. As a Modern Woman, I refuse to be treated like that any longer.”
“Bravely spoken words. However, you might want to keep such declarations under your bonnet once you return to London. I doubt either of your potential fiancйs would be happy to hear them. Most likely the prospect of taking a Modern Woman for their wife would put them off the hunt.”
Refusing to rise to his bait, she asked, “Why do you suppose Father requested secrecy, even from your brother and Lord Alwyck?”
An odd look passed over his face. “I’ve no way of knowing what was in his mind. Perhaps he suspects that someone in this area-including my brother or Gordon, or perhaps both of them-were somehow involved in the jewels’ disappearance.”
Victoria stared. “Do you think they were involved?”
“No.” The word came out sharply, and he raked his hand through his hair. “No,” he repeated in a milder tone, “but the point is, I wasn’t to discuss this with anyone, so now I must have your promise that you will not do so.”
“What if Lords Sutton or Alwyck specifically ask me?”
“Hmmm. Yes, that could present a problem. Best you avoid their company whenever possible. Pity, especially as they both seemed quite taken with you.”
She couldn’t tell if he was serious or jesting. “Avoid the company of two handsome, eligible men, especially when they both, as you say, seemed quite taken with me? I’m not enamored of that idea at all. Even if I were, given that I’m a guest in your family’s home and Lord Alwyck is clearly a frequent visitor here, I couldn’t very well avoid them entirely.”
“Then if asked, change the subject,” he said, sounding testy. “Claim the headache. Or the vapors. Lay your