standing in the path ahead, clearly waiting for her. Her gaze narrowed on his face and she moved forward.
Nathan’s shouted warning came just as she was grabbed from behind by a muscled arm that trapped her against a hard chest. She saw the silver glint of a knife just as the blade was pressed against her throat.
by Charles Brightmore
“One sound, one movement out of you,” the man growled next to Victoria’s ear, “and you’ll seal your own fate.”
Terrified, she clamped her lips shut and ceased struggling, her gaze searching out Nathan.
Nathan started forward but skidded to a halt when the man jammed the knife tighter against her throat. His gaze flicked to hers and he shot her a look that clearly indicated she should listen to the madman with the knife.
“One more step and I’ll slit her ear to ear,” the man threatened in a tone that slithered dread down her spine.
“Let her go,” Nathan said in a frigid, steel-edged voice Victoria had never heard from him before.
“Happy to oblige ye, after I get what I want.”
“I’ll give whatever you want.
“‘Fraid it don’t work like that, seein’ as how I’m the one holdin‘ the blade to her throat. Now, speakin’ of blades, I want ye to slip yours out of yer boot, real nice and slow, then toss it in the bushes. You make any fast moves, Doctor, and the lady’ll suffer.”
“You know who I am,” Nathan stated in a deadly voice.
“Who ye are
Scarcely able to breathe with the blade pressed so tight against her throat, she watched Nathan, his gaze never shifting from the man’s face, slowly slip a knife from his boot, then toss it lightly toward the bushes. “Now let her go.”
“As soon as ye hand over the letter.”
“What letter?”
With the flick of his wrist the man nicked the skin beneath Victoria’s jaw and she gasped. Warm wetness trickled down her neck and black spots danced before her eyes at the realization that it was her own blood.
“Yer stupid question just gave the lady a scar. If ye ask another, it’ll cost her an ear. If ye claim ye don’t have what I want, she’ll lose her life. Understand?”
A brief pause, then Nathan said, “Yes.”
“I want the letter that was in the lady’s bag.
Dear God. She was going to die. Nathan didn’t have the letter
“How do I know you’ll let her go once I give you what you want?”
“Guess ye’ll just have to take my word for it.” The evil chuckle next to her ear raised prickles all over her clammy skin. “Don’t worry, Doctor. My word’s as good as yours. Honor among thieves, you know.”
Drawing what was surely her last breath, she watched Nathan slowly reach down again, this time pulling a folded piece of ivory vellum from his boot. Shock trembled through her. The letter. He had it. Hope flooded her, pushing aside the fear that had momentarily crippled her.
But surely Nathan wouldn’t really give the letter, the map, to this brigand. Surely any second he would utilize some ingenious spy tactic to disarm and capture this thief. Instead, he slowly straightened and extended his arm, holding the note between his thumb and index fingers.
“Toss it,” her captor growled. “So it lands right nice near my feet. If it don’t, the lady will pay.”
The note sailed through the air. With her chin pointing nearly toward the sky, Victoria couldn’t see where the letter landed, but since her throat remained uncut, she assumed Nathan’s aim had been true.
“Now, on the ground, facedown,” the man ordered Nathan.
All right, any second now Nathan would employ one of his spy tricks to save them and disarm the man. She kept her gaze trained on his face, waiting for some sort of signal, some indication of what he wanted her to do, but his gaze never wavered from the man holding her. She watched, every nerve alert. Nathan lowered himself to the dirt path as instructed.
“Hands behind your head, Doctor.”
Nathan clasped his hands behind his head.
A fury unlike anything she’d ever before experienced erupted in Victoria. Damnation, he was going to get away with this!
“Now, little lady,” her captor said, his hot breath by her ear, “you’re going to walk over to the doctor and lie facedown with yer hands behind your head, just like him. Make a sound or do anything other than that and I’ll sink this blade right between yer shoulder blades. And the doctor will be next.”
She’d never felt so helpless or filled with rage in her life. She longed to scream, struggle, but she feared he’d carry out his threat. Raised up on her toes as she was, she had no leverage to even stomp on his foot. But something inside wouldn’t allow her to do
But at that precise instant her captor released her, shoving her roughly away from him. She stumbled forward, her boot catching on the hem of her gown. With an involuntary cry, she pitched forward, falling hard on her knees, breaking her fall with her hands. She skidded forward, landing on her stomach with a jarring thud, knocking the breath from her lungs.
She’d barely realized what had happened when gentle hands grasped her shoulders and turned her over. She looked up into Nathan’s face, his expression stark with worry.
“Victoria,” he said in a low, urgent voice, his gaze riveting on her throat while he yanked off his shirt. She touched her fingers to the stinging spot and felt warm stickiness.
“I’m bleeding.”
“Yes, I know. I need to see how badly.”
“Where is-”
“He’s gone.”
“But he has-”
“Shhhh. It doesn’t matter. Don’t worry.”
“But you must-”
“Take care of you. Don’t talk. Just tilt your head this way a bit for me… that’s it.” She felt him wipe something soft… must have been his shirt… against her stinging throat. “The cut is small,” he said in a calm voice tinged with