irritating. Of course, I wasn’t aware that there were three of us in the equation. I’m certainly glad I found out now as opposed to later.”

“Did you…do you love him?”

She halted and turned to face him. “I wasn’t sure exactly what my feelings were before, but now I am, and the answer is a definite no. But I cared for him. Enough to give the relationship some more time and effort. Still, there was always something lacking between us-especially recently. Of course, any caring I may have had is now well and truly extinguished. I just wish I didn’t have the visual in my head of him and Melon Boobs together.”

She resumed her pacing and he sat quietly, letting her gather her thoughts. Finally she continued, “It’s not that I’m heartbroken. Far from it. I’m actually relieved. But damn it, I’m angry. At him for being such a lying cheat, but mostly at myself for hanging in there way too long. For believing he was the sort of stable, steady, dependable guy I was looking for. For being so stupid.”

He snagged her hand as she walked by him, then rose to stand in front of her, biting down his own anger at the bastard who had made her feel this way. After lightly clasping her by the shoulders, he looked directly into her eyes and said, “You are not stupid, Mallory. You did nothing wrong.”

“I was too trusting.”

“You were lied to. That isn’t in any way a reflection on your character. The fact that you were willing to go the extra mile for a relationship shows the sort of person you are. You’re loyal. You have integrity. And you’re not a quitter.”

Her chin quivered and she gave him a shaky smile. “You’re making me feel much better.”

“I’m glad. But you should feel good. Even though the circumstances were crappy, look at it this way-you were just freed from a relationship that, based on the facts that you feel relieved and didn’t love him, you obviously no longer wanted to be involved in anyway.”

“You’re right. I know. It’s just that it’s so discouraging to be tossed over for someone who looks as if she just breezed into town between Playboy centerfold modeling assignments.”

“There’s absolutely no reason for you to be discouraged. Clearly the guy is an ass. And supremely foolish. And unbelievably blind.”

Unmistakable gratitude flickered in her eyes. “Well, thanks. I appreciate the outrage on my behalf. But jeez, the guy is a thirty-four-year-old Ivy League graduate. You’d think he’d at least have the sense, the taste to dump me for someone who’s old enough to buy her own beer and who has more going for her than an enormous pair of fake knockers.” She heaved a sigh. “But maybe she’s very nice.”

He tucked a stray silky dark curl behind her ear. “Not as nice as you.”

“And really smart.”

“Not as smart as you.”

“Probably she’s prettier than I thought-I wasn’t exactly concentrating on her face.”

“She couldn’t possibly be prettier than you.”

Her lips twitched. “You know, you’re really doing an outstanding job soothing my wounded ego.”

“Good.” His gaze searched hers. “So that’s what that kiss was about. An ego stroke.”

A rosy blush stained her cheeks. “I guess I needed a little reassurance that I wasn’t a troll.” Doubt flickered in her eyes. “You’re not angry with me, are you?”

“Angry? At being kissed by a gorgeous sexy woman? A kiss that made me feel like you’d tossed me into an oven and hit Broil? Hell, no. But surely it was obvious that anger was not my reaction at all.” He cupped her face in his hands and stroked his thumbs over her smooth cheeks. “Consider me more than willing to give you all the reassurance you need.”

Whoa, hold on there, dude, his inner voice yelled. What are you saying? Have you forgotten why Mallory isn’t right for you?

No, he hadn’t forgotten. He’d just…reassessed. Just because she was a “forever” sort of gal didn’t mean she had to be his forever gal. Just because she was the kind of woman who could wreak havoc with a guy’s travel plans, didn’t mean he’d let her mess up his plans-again. If she wanted an ego-stroking fling, hell, who better for the job than Bachelor Number One?

Besides, it wasn’t as if anything could come of this. He’d just be the rebound guy. Everybody knew Rebound Guy never ended up being permanent. Which, given the fact that he was leaving for Europe the day after tomorrow, made their timing perfect-a first for them.

“Hmm. Reassuring me…” she repeated. “I might just take you up on that offer.”

Might? I guess I’ll just have to see what it’ll take to change that ‘might’ into a definite.” Another wash of color stole over her cheeks and he brushed his thumbs over that enticing blush. “Here’s something that should help reassure you. Our lunch today? An exercise in torture. You have no idea the enormous amount of self-control it required not to touch you. Kiss you.”

“You did touch me. You did kiss me.”

“Not the way I wanted to.”

The ghost of a smile flirted with the corners of her mouth. “I have to admit, I came here with the hope that you’d possibly be willing to give my wilted self-esteem a boost.”

“Sweetheart, there is no possibly about how very willing I am.” Shadows still lingered in her big brown eyes-shadows he wanted erased. His gaze dipped to her mouth and he barely squelched a groan of pure want. The need to kiss her was unbearable. Yet he wanted to do a hell of a lot more than kiss her. But for now…

Just one more kiss, he promised himself. Just to reassure her of how incredibly desirable she is.

His hands slipped from her face to draw her slowly into his arms. His heart pounded as if he’d run around the entire island of Manhattan. Lowering his head, he brushed his lips softly against hers. And instantly realized his mistake. Just one kiss would not be possible.

He feathered his lips over hers again, a whisper of reacquaintance that only begged for more. She responded by parting her lips and gliding the tip of her tongue over his bottom lip. And in a flash of fire he knew that one hundred kisses wouldn’t be enough.

With a groan, he pulled her closer, tighter against him and slipped his tongue into the silky heat of her mouth. In a heartbeat he was lost, all sense of time and place overwhelmed by the need to touch. And taste. Her delicious feminine scent invaded his head and his rapidly vanishing control slipped another notch. One of his hands smoothed up her back to tangle in her soft hair, while the other hand skimmed lower to cup the luscious curve of her buttocks. And suddenly the years faded away and he was flooded with that same wild, reckless feeling she’d once inspired in him. When they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. Couldn’t get enough of each other.

Her arms tightened around his neck and she shifted against him. His erection jerked, and if his eyes had been opened, he knew they’d have glazed over. As it was, she had bells ringing in his head.

Breaking off their kiss, she gasped, “Phone.”

Phone? A loud ringing permeated the haze of arousal surrounding him.

“Do you need to answer it?” she asked, nipping little kisses against his jaw.

He wanted to say no, but damn it, it might be Nick. “Yeah, I should,” he said, reluctantly releasing her. He was so hard he couldn’t walk without wincing. When he made it to the desk, he shot the phone a baleful glare at the interruption and snatched up the receiver.

“Picture This,” he said, his voice coming out in a husky rasp.

“Adam, is that you?” asked Nick through the phone.

“It’s me. What’s up?” He looked down at the bulge behind his fly and hoped Nick wouldn’t ask him the same question.

“You sound funny. You okay?”

“I’m fine.” Except for the strangulation occurring in the front of my jeans. “How ’bout you?”

“Good. Listen, my neighbor just called asking if there was any free studio time next week, and since the schedule’s on my desk there, I thought I’d take a chance and see if you were still around. Can you check it for me?”

“Sure.” Adam opened the appointment book and flipped the pages. After rattling off the trio of openings, Nick

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