realized four was a crowd.”

This evening only…

Those words reverberated through Adam, and in spite of the fact that they were perfectly true, they left behind an unsettling sensation he couldn’t name other than to know that he didn’t particularly like it. And sizzled impatience through his system to have her again.

Standing, he snagged her hand and gently tugged.

“Where are we going?” she asked, sliding off the stool.

He unknotted the sash of her robe and slipped his hands inside the parted material to run his palms over the enticing curve of her waist.

“Let’s take a shower,” he said, leaning down to nuzzle her soft, fragrant neck. “I want to make wet, hot love to you in the water. See if it’s as good as I remember.”

“That sounds lovely. But with the power out, the water might not stay warm for long.”

“You have a problem with a wet, hot quickie?”

“Now that’s a rhetorical question if I’ve ever heard one.”


Saturday, 11:30 p.m.

MALLORY STOOD under the warm shower spray, her palms braced against the pale green tiles, her head falling limply between her arms while she luxuriated in the incredible sensations humming through her body courtesy of Adam’s soapy hands.

Lifting her head, she peeked at him over her shoulder. “For a guy who claimed he wanted a quickie, you’re taking your sweet time.” Her muscles turned to warmed wax under his long, slow massage down her back and her neck went limp again.

“I never said I wanted a quickie-this time. Only that I was willing should the water turn cold.” His hands came forward to glide over her breasts and tease her nipples. “I’d much rather take my time.”

One hand slipped lower and she spread her legs wider for him. “Works for me.”

His lips wandered over the back of her neck, along her shoulder, reawakening memories of showering with him. While one hand continued to tease her breasts, the fingers of his other hand eased between her legs to caress her with a lazy, maddening, teasing stroke.

“This beauty mark,” he whispered, kissing a spot at the base of her nape. “I remember how I used to love it when you wore your hair up so I could just walk up behind you, like this-” he moved closer and his erection nestled tighter against her buttocks “-and kiss that gorgeous spot.”

God, she remembered him doing that. How it thrilled her every time, turning her knees to mush. “I’m surprised you remember,” she said, her eyes drifting closed, her senses reeling from the combination of his lips nuzzling her neck and his fingers’ slow, relentless arousal of her sex.

“You have another beauty mark-three freckles. Here.” His hand brushed under her left breast. “And another one here.” His hand curved over her shoulder, then coasted down her back to lightly knead her right buttock.

Flutters ignited in her belly. “You have a good memory.”

“It has more to do with you being unforgettable than with me having a good memory.”

A small frown pulled at her brows. Unforgettable? Clearly he was only being gallant. If she’d been so unforgettable, why had he wanted them to see other people? True, she’d been on her way to college, he embarking on his Wall Street career, but she hadn’t even thought of dating anyone else while they were apart. She’d found everything she wanted-in him. But he’d been adamant. Kind, but adamant. And she hadn’t been about to beg. He’d wanted only friendship-fine. She’d buried her hurt and given him what he wanted.

But all thoughts of the past were driven from her mind, along with everything else when his hand curved over her bottom then moved forward over her slick folds. He slipped two fingers into her from behind, while the fingers of his other hand continued their maddening slow circles over her swollen, aroused flesh. Pressing back, she undulated her hips, seeking more, and he obliged her by touching all the right spots in all the right ways.

For several stunning seconds she remained on the precipice, then her orgasm throbbed through her, dragging a long, husky moan from her throat that tapered off along with her spasms into a purr of pleasure.

“Stay right there, just like that,” he whispered against her ear, as if she were going anywhere. As if she were capable of doing anything other than fighting to catch her breath. He moved away from her, forcing her to brace her knees so she didn’t slither down the drain. A tearing sound roused her enough to glance over her shoulder. Adam, wet and aroused, rivulets of water trailing down his muscular body, was rolling on a condom. He looked up and the scorching fire in his eyes rippled heat down her spine. With his gaze on hers, he clasped her hips and entered her from behind with one long, deep thrust.

For the space of several breathless heartbeats they remained perfectly still and Mallory absorbed the carnal sensations ricocheting through her. Then he rocked against her, touching her deeper. Her eyes drifted closed and she sighed a long oooohhh of pleasure. Standing behind her, he stroked her, slowly, surely, withdrawing nearly all the way from her body, only to glide deep again. One hand slid around her, coasting over her abdomen then dipping between her legs, his fingers knowing exactly where and how to touch her throbbing nerve endings.

“Adam…” she gasped, arching her neck, her back, drowning in sensation. Her orgasm inundated her, a convulsive rush of mindless pleasure. He groaned and thrust deeply, and she absorbed his shudders as he took his release.

She’d thought she couldn’t move before, but now she realized how foolish she’d been-now that she really knew what overcooked spaghetti felt like. Her breathing still ragged, she felt him gently withdraw from her body, heard the shower door slide open then quickly close again as he clearly disposed of the condom. Then felt his hands on her shoulders, gently turning her around until she faced him.

“Don’t let go just yet, okay?” she asked, struggling to open eyelids heavy with postcoital languor. “My knees are totally gone, and it’s all your fault.”

He anchored her against him with one strong arm then lightly brushed his fingertips over her wet lips. “Not letting go,” he said softly.

She managed to hike up her eyelids to half-mast. “As I recall you were good in the shower…”

Her words trailed off at his expression. He looked dazed-understandable if his orgasm had hit the same height on the Richter scale as hers-but he also looked…confused? A small frown bunched between his brows, and his gaze roamed over her face, his fingers brushing over her features as if trying to figure out who she was and how she’d ended up naked in the shower with him.

“You okay?” she felt compelled to ask.

His gaze, dark and intense, met hers. Then he blinked and his expression cleared. “About a hundred times better than ‘okay.’ You?”

She slid her hands up his chest and pulled his head down for a lush, open-mouthed kiss. “Very okay. At least for now. But I’ve gotta warn you, I’m going to want to do that again.”

He ran his tongue over her bottom lip then nibbled on the sensitive skin. “I don’t know when I’ve ever heard better news.”

“Doesn’t frighten you off?”

“You’ve got to be kidding.”

She leaned back in the circle of his arms and smiled into his beautiful eyes, his dark lashes spiky from the water. “Good. Because the night’s still young and it’s come to my attention that I have several months of being unfulfilled to make up for.”

His eyebrows shot up. “No way.”

“’Fraid so.” But as gratified as she was by his unmistakable “your boyfriend must have been nuts” expression, she didn’t want to think about, let alone talk about Greg. She shot Adam a crooked grin. “Until you arrived this evening, you could sum up my situation in two words-lonely and horny.

His slow, wicked smile stole her breath. “Lonely and horny,” he repeated, his hands slipping down to caress her

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