New York City

Sentinels Headquarters

Hours later

“Jessie.” When Seth saw her at his dormitory door, he grinned and his face lit up as if he’d flipped an internal switch. “Tanya busted me loose. I’m confined to this facility until someone escorts me back to Alexa’s place, but no more locked doors. Check it out.”

He closed the door behind her and opened it again to prove his point with a wave of his arm, acting like a magician with a new trick.

“You’re easy to amuse.” She smiled. “When are you leaving?”

“I’m not. Not until I know Alexa is safe.” The mischievous glint in his dark eyes vanished when his expression grew somber. “I want to be here in case they need me.”

Jess was relieved to know he wanted to help and would be around if Garrett needed him. Having Seth part of the team that would bring Alexa home made her feel better, especially when she had news of her own to share.

“What’s the matter?” he asked. “Did something else happen?”

Jess wiped her palms on her jeans and took a deep breath.

“I’m heading out soon. Garrett is sending a team to help Alexa, and I’m on it.” She looked him in the eye. “I wanted to thank you…for everything.”

“Even for the peep show in the shower?”

“Especially for that peep show.” She grinned and enjoyed the blush on his cheeks.

She’d forgotten how comfortable he always made her feel. Even when life felt like a kick in the teeth, Seth Harper could usually make her smile. Still, Jess knew her life wouldn’t be an easy fit with his. It had been another reason why she’d resisted letting him into her heart any more than she already had.

She’d never found a man with staying power. And even if Seth had real potential, she knew not to expect much, but not because she thought he’d deliberately hurt her. She was a card-carrying member of the walking wounded. She couldn’t expect him to accept her the way she was. That was too much to ask of anyone. And when she finally had to let him go, it would be too painful.

Seth would leave an empty crater in her heart—in a place where only he would fit.

He stared at her a long moment. He crossed his arms and didn’t take his eyes off her until he finally spoke again.

“I know this is what you do. And there’s a chance you might…” He held back the rest. “I’m proud of you, Jessie, but that won’t stop me from worrying. A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do. I hope that’s okay.”

“Yeah, Mr. Macho. I think that’ll be okay.” When she stepped toward him, he held her in his arms and rested his forehead on hers. She closed her eyes and breathed deep, taking in the intoxicating smell of his skin. With the warmth of his body next to hers, she felt safe…and loved.

It was good to have someone to lean on, even for a little while.

Southeast Cuba

Trailing the men who had Kate had been slow, especially with Kinkaid in his condition. Alexa did most of the strenuous tracking, leaving him to flank her position and be on guard against an ambush from the men they were chasing. After last night, the bastards who had Kate knew they were being tracked, making them more dangerous. And since they had home-turf advantage, the terrorists knew where they were going, which put her and Kinkaid at an even greater disadvantage. They also had to stay off the main path. That left them drudging through thick vegetation at nearly twice the distance.

Alexa looked over her shoulder to see Kinkaid behind her with weapon in hand and eyes alert. Even as sick as he was, he was a big man and still looked formidable to anyone who didn’t know him—but she knew better. His movements were more languid than usual, and the steely glare in his green eyes lacked his usual predatory gleam.

When she got to good cover, she caught his eye to signal him to stop. He joined her and dropped to a knee. Drizzle pattered on her boonie hat, a reminder they were still at the mercy of Mother Nature.

“Take a break,” she said as she shrugged out of her pack and pulled out a map. “We’ve been heading north. I think these guys are making a beeline for the only nearby town, Baracoa.” After swatting at a cloud of gnats, she pointed to a spot on the map on the southeast coast of Cuba. “We missed most of the hurricane, being in the mountains, but Baracoa is at sea level. There will be flooding, and we’ll have to deal with the aftermath of the storm.”

“Only one road in?” Kinkaid asked.

“Looks like it, if it’s not flooded. The road will be watched. We’ll have to find another way in.” She folded the map and took a drink from her hydration pack. “These bastards must have connections in town. Why else would they risk taking a hostage there?”

If Kate is still alive, she almost said. She knew the little Haitian girl had told Kinkaid last night that Kate was still alive, but there were no guarantees she’d be breathing today. And even though they both knew the odds of his friend surviving her ordeal, neither of them talked about the worst-case scenario.

“They know we’re coming.” Kinkaid wiped a hand across his face. “They’ll be ready this time. We can expect more men. And we won’t know who to trust in Baracoa.”

Alexa knew they’d stand out in town. And for every contact they made, they’d have to expect trouble and be more guarded. They couldn’t trust anyone.

“You speak the language?” she asked.

He nodded. “Yeah.”

“Good. That’ll help.”

If the rumors were true about Kinkaid having links to regional drug cartels, she had a pretty good idea he spoke several languages fluently. His unsavory affiliations would pay off in Cuba.

“I’m going to call home base.” She retrieved the satellite phone from her gear and pointed. “I’m heading to that ridge. It’s not far. You can keep an eye on me from here.”

“Be careful,” he replied.

Alexa took her assault rifle to look for higher ground and better reception for the SAT phone. As she headed up the slope in the rain, she dug her boots into the dirt and pulled through the heavy brush, looking for a clear shot at the sky. The climb was short, but strenuous. Sweat trickled off her neck and down her back. Following the terrorists had brought them to a lower elevation, and the muggy heat was back. The air was downright steamy with the rain. And if it was possible, the bugs had gotten worse.

Near the ridge, she found good cover with a view below to Kinkaid’s position. She caught his eye and he waved to let her know he’d keep watch. Within minutes, she had Garrett on the line.

“The Home Shopping Network is sending you a package.” Garrett gave her an estimated time of arrival in code. “Give my regards to the bounty hunter.”

In cryptic fashion, Garrett had informed her that help was coming, and Jessie would be a part of the backup team. Alexa suspected that Garrett hadn’t been pleased with her decision to help Kinkaid find Kate, but to his credit, he hadn’t mentioned it…so far.

“Copy that.”

Between the voice delays inherent in a satellite phone, she gave him a brief report on their plan, purposefully sticking to protocol and communicating in code when necessary. When she was done, Garrett surprised her with information on the terrorist leader they were chasing. Their target’s name was Abdul Kabir Sayed. Using the man’s name had violated procedure. Garrett had taken a risk to get her the information she’d need to track the bastard when they got to Baracoa.

Kinkaid would be pleased that he would have a name.

“Thanks for the ID on our target. I’ll contact you…”

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