worked. Domitian’s campaign against them had been hard-fought and bitter; the tussle was still ongoing in the forests of unconquered Germany even two years after his official triumph.

The fact that Domitian had named himself ‘Germanicus’ after he dealt with the Chatti showed he understood the crucial importance of his victory. By annexing their territory, he had cut off an awkward acute angle in the enormous Roman frontier, reducing by many miles the length that needed guarding. He had penned the belligerent Chatti into their strongholds, safeguarding trade routes — including the Baltic amber route — with his new frontier. There, he was constructing a regular series of wooden watchtowers that guarded a military road. Rumours rippled around that an earthwork or at least a palisade was being planned for the whole length. The new frontier would be Domitian’s enduring legacy, enabling Roman oversight of the German tribes for the next two centuries.

Logically, as Diurpaneus recognised, Domitian must be coming for Dacia. Although he had not yet changed the number of legions, which remained as they had been since Nero’s day, those in Moesia which lay immediately opposite Dacia were being beefed up by units drawn from his British and German auxiliaries. So far, there were two legions in Pannonia, one in Dalmatia and three in Moesia, which was not much for such an extended frontier, but both Vespasian and Domitian had steadily reinforced the river defences. They had quietly built new forts. They had established extra bases for the Pannonian and Moesian fleets which patrolled the Lower Danube.

As Diurpaneus of the Dacians weighed up the fine tuning opposite, he knew that Domitian’s arrival on the Danube must be only a matter of time. He was a comparatively young emperor, son and brother of famous generals, who wanted to make his own name. Diurpaneus could sit and wait for it to happen — or he could strike first.

He struck — and he struck hard.

There had been a long history of hit-and-run raids across the river, but this was different. Newly bonded under Diurpaneus, the Dacians came snarling across near Novae. It was an ancient Thracian settlement at an important strategic position in Moesia, dominating a road junction on the south bank and controlling one of the easier Danube crossings. Although the soldiers in the line of Roman forts had been staring north for years in anticipation of exactly this, they were taken completely by surprise. Scads of Dacians attacked and overran the province. They laid waste the riverbank. Penetrating far to the south, they destroyed towns and fortifications. There was great loss of life. A wide area collapsed in chaos. Then the Dacians did not simply plunder and retreat; despite the inevitability of Roman reprisals, they dug in and stayed.

The Dacian weapon of choice was a long sword with its end curved like a harvest sickle, which the Romans called a falx. Opposing strategists claimed it was cumbersome, and useless against shields, but Dacian warriors knew how to handle it. At close quarters it served efficiently for disembowelling. It was very sharp and could be used in other ways. When Diurpaneus and his rampaging Dacians captured the Roman governor, Oppius Sabinus, he was killed by decapitation.

It took a month for the news to reach Rome.


Lara’s death inevitably marked a shift in Lucilla’s life. For the first three years of Domitian’s reign she and her sister — or was she really her mother? — had been extremely close. Their difference in ages always made Lara the leader; Lucilla could now see that it was more than simple seniority. Lara had skills to teach and at first she provided their customer base. In retrospect, Lara always made their choices — who to work for, how to organise appointments, even what colour a client’s hair would be or the right moment to refresh a woman’s style. Lucilla, using her nimble skill with hairpieces, had had her own expertise so there had never been struggles for supremacy. It had always seemed natural that Lara took the lead.

Now, Lucilla had to make all the choices.

Although forlorn and insecure, she never neglected her business. Work offered itself as a natural solace. She was good at what she did; she could work even when her mind was wandering into thoughts of Lara and Lachne. Covering every task that she and Lara had once shared kept her intensely busy. One or two clients who had been particularly attached to Lara slipped away, but most stayed loyal. It became necessary to consider training an assistant.

She bought a slave. It was troubling for Lucilla, herself a freedwoman’s child, but she was at least able to purchase the girl from Flavia Domitilla. Lucilla did not have to venture into a slave market where the overseers treated their wares worse than animals, pulling open mouths to show how many teeth slaves had, letting lewd male customers fondle young girls’ breasts, loudly making coarse assertions about their sexual pasts and future possibilities. Instead, Domitilla’s girl, whose name was Glyke, could be quietly looked over at the house, then without embarrassment obtained from the steward; Stephanus only demanded a modest bribe for fixing the transaction.

A freedwoman’s slave could face a life of particular cruelty. Those who had endured beatings and other abuse in their early life sometimes imposed worse on their own slaves. Lucilla presumed Glyke would appreciate that this never happened to her. But after a year, the ungrateful Glyke ran away with a baker’s delivery boy. Lucilla could have reported this to the vigiles and had her runaway slave hunted, but she forbore. Glyke was in love. The baker’s boy might have pretended affection but he would dump her eventually. He had that look in his eye. For a girl so young, being abandoned would be enough punishment.

Glyke may never have realised she was only a few years younger than her new mistress. There was a world of difference between them in judgement and poise.

Nevertheless, Lucilla was hiding deep uncertainties. In some ways she was fortunate. She would survive financially. Her client base was sufficient. She might build a much bigger business; that would be hard work, though work she found a pleasure. Yet it would take all her time. Acquiring Glyke showed her the problems of management. Yes, the girl shared her labour, but Lucilla spent too much time training and supervising; with her own reputation at stake she could not trust the young slave to work on her own initiative. She had to house and feed her too. At the apartment Glyke slept in the workroom, but constantly nagged to be allowed into the Praetorian’s accommodation. She seemed unable to grasp that his rooms were outside Lucilla’s control and that Lucilla had no wish to put herself under any obligation to Vinius.

When Glyke ran away, Lucilla’s strongest feeling was relief. She bore the financial loss, which was compensated by being once more alone at home and unpressured. Having the apartment to herself again was wonderful. Vinius had said she could use the room with the couch as her private area; without Glyke, Lucilla did so.

Her ease with her own company did not mean she hankered for a reclusive life. At twenty-one, her unmarried state was becoming a source of unhappiness. She shrank from being trapped with the wrong partner but if she ever dreamed of her future, she imagined someone in her bed and at her table. Like Lachne, and Lara too, presumably, she was drawn to men. Despite her grim knowledge of life, as much as she yearned for physical love she harboured idealistic hopes. She wanted true male companionship; also, she believed she could be a good mother, if she ever had children.

She had few affairs. Nevertheless, she knew about men’s behaviour. At work she spent most of her days listening to women on this subject, usually complaining. A woman and her hairdresser might never spend time together socially, yet they were intimately acquainted with the fabric of each other’s lives. Husbands and sons, fathers and brothers, were routinely discussed. Their characters and careers were catalogued, their habits and adventures followed over time. Lucilla, who was a good listener, absorbed this and acquired more wisdom than she realised.

It would be wasted if she never found a man.

The place to look was obviously Alba. Lucilla had always loved Alba, and now without Lara dragging on her to stay in Rome near her children, Lucilla could go whenever she wanted. If the court was at Alba she could spend the whole summer there.

It was truly beautiful. On one side was a breathtaking view down a precipitous wooded hillside to the perfection of the lake bowl, its surface often turquoise in reflection of the sky, a scatter of water birds bobbing midway. A nymphaeum, or water-feature, had been cut into the shoreline rock, its entrance dramatically framing the view to Mount Albanus, which was topped by the glittering white Temple of Jupiter Latiarius. In the other

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