soul was stronger than a mere human’s. It had the strength of an angel’s, but without the weakness of wings. I’d given you just enough of my blood to immortalize that inhuman part of you before Adrian killed your body. So you’ve returned again and again, always in a different vessel but still my daughter.”

Still the woman Adrian loved. A woman that wasn’t her.

Her spine straightened. “A pretty s-story, but I don’t believe you.”

“Why would I lie?”

“To turn me against Adrian.”

He made a soft tsking noise. “On the contrary, I can give him back to you. Fully, completely. I know you want that. I can see how much you love him.”

“What are you saying?”

Pushing to his feet, he stepped closer. “I can finish the Change, Lindsay. I can give you immortality and reawaken the soul in you that Adrian loves. I can take away the mortality that makes you forbidden to him. Everything can be what it should have been.”

She laughed, but it came out a broken and painful cry. “Of course. Take Adrian’s woman and make her a vampire. The ultimate revenge for the loss of your wings. It must kill you to see those crimson tips on his pretty feathers. It must be an agonizing reminder of how he mutilated you.”

Syre was unfazed by her venomous outburst. “I didn’t expect you to believe me. Will you believe him?”

Her heart stopped. “What are you saying?”

“Call him.” His beautiful eyes glittered like gemstones. “Ask him yourself.”


Elijah watched the gates of the Navajo Lake pack entrance pass by the rear windows of the black Suburban he was in. He couldn’t shake off the coiling apprehension rippling through him. Although Damien had assured him he wasn’t being held responsible for Lindsay’s abduction-which had technically happened under the Sentinels’ watch- he’d been immediately returned to Navajo Lake instead of being allowed to assist in the hunt for her. All of Adrian’s pack was being sent to the Lake and a new pack was being formed.

The extreme scope of that act spoke of deep suspicion. Lindsay had been taken from the Point, which meant someone there was undeniably involved. Quarantining the lycans appeared to be the first step in the attempt to find the culprits.

Despite understanding the precariousness of his own situation, Elijah’s greatest fear was for Lindsay. Once he’d learned the identity of the vamp she’d attacked, his stomach had bottomed out. Vash had already been hunting him because of the blood in Shreveport; then Lindsay had been spotted with him-in the midst of launching an attack of her own. No matter how he looked at it, it looked bad for his friend. Real fucking bad. He doubted Lindsay would survive the day, if she wasn’t already dead.

And he was states away, unable to help her. The beast inside him was pacing restlessly, growling its desire to be slipped free of its leash. If he weren’t an Alpha, he would have lost control hours ago. As it was, he was debating mutiny for the first time in his life. He didn’t have enough friends to callously disregard losing one, and Lindsay was special to him-she’d already proven she would die to save his ass. He had yet to return the favor.

The Suburban rolled to a stop in the center of the outpost. Elijah climbed out. A half dozen full-sized vans pulled up in a line behind the SUV, and the rest of Adrian’s pack emptied into the courtyard.

Jason approached him. “You got here quickly. Good. I’ve narrowed the suspect pool to six individuals. One of them is responsible for stealing your blood. I thought you might like to question them.”

Elijah stared at the Sentinel through his sunglasses, instantly put on guard by the show of camaraderie. Jason saw little value in lycans. They were occasionally useful, but always expendable-treated worse than dogs at times.

The Sentinel patted him on the back and smiled. “I thought you’d be pleased. Instead you’re scowling at me.”

Catching on, Elijah twisted away from the Sentinel’s touch. He was being shown off as a lycan who was more connected to the angels than he was to his own kind. That was why they’d had him ride in the Suburban. That was why he was being singled out by Jason now. Elijah had thought they were keeping him close in preparation for punishment.

And he’d been right, just not in the way he’d expected.

Moving back toward the other members of Adrian’s pack, he found them eyeing him with defiance and determination.

Rachel stepped forward and hissed. “Do you think you’re one of them?”

“You’re a smart girl, Rach. You know they’re playing you and me both. They’re playing all of us.”

Jonas stepped closer. “You’re Alpha, Elijah. What are you going to do about it?”

The impetuous young lycan gestured at the thirty-foot-high log fence around them. “If I were Alpha, I’d tear this place apart.”

“And go where?” Elijah challenged.

Rachel’s eyes glittered. “I don’t know what you’re afraid of, El. But you’re going to have to make a decision about which side you’re standing with. Don’t let Micah’s death be in vain.”

“You can’t put that on me.”

“It’s all on you,” she said coldly. “More than you know.”

He opened his mouth to retort, but she shifted and howled. The rest of the pack altered their forms en masse, circling him in a blatant show of subservience. The Sentinels nearby unfurled their wings, their eyes aflame.

Jason stepped closer, with his wings curled forward in the familiar battle-ready pose. “Elijah-”

The pack responded to the implied threat to their Alpha-a threat they’d instigated-by lunging forward in a writhing sea of multicolored fur.

Shouts shattered the mountain’s tranquility. Angels took to the air. Lycans in lupine form poured from splintered doorways and shattered windows in an endless wave. Shots rang out and howls rent the air.

Elijah stood in the middle of utter chaos, watching everything he knew crumbling into pools of blood and fur and feathers. Screams reverberated through him, echoing in his horrified mind.

A bullet pierced his shoulder, the tiny bit of silver in it sizzling his flesh like acid. The lycans grew more frenzied and ferocious in reaction to the smell of his blood. With the choice taken from him, Elijah shifted and leaped into the fray, hoping to save as many lives as he could.

Adrian looked out of Syre’s office windows at the town below. His blood had gone cold with trepidation. With every second that passed, he felt himself spiraling deeper into a primal state of rage.

His cell phone vibrated on the desktop. He felt Raven’s wary eyes on him as he lifted it to his ear. “Mitchell.”


His breath exploded from his chest. “Lindsay! Where are you? Are you hurt?”

“Would you prefer to call me tzel?” she asked softly.

He sank into Syre’s chair. “What did he tell you?”

“A long story, but the gist is that I carry the woman you love inside me. Is that true?”

He hesitated a moment, feeling the underlying pain in her voice. “You carry Shadoe’s soul in you, yes.”

Raven watched him avidly from the chair in the corner, her eyes sparkling with malicious glee.

“That’s why you came up to me in the airport.”

“At first it was for her,” he admitted. “But that changed. What’s grown between us since then is because of you, Lindsay.”

“In a few short weeks you got over the woman you’ve loved for ages and fell for me?” She made a choked noise, a sound so agonized his heart broke at the sound of it. “Forgive me if I don’t believe you.”

“I can prove it to you. Tell me where you are, how to find you. If I take Syre down, Shadoe’s soul will be freed. It will just be you and me.”

“But you said good-bye to me yesterday, Adrian. Not in so many words, but it was the end all the same. Is this

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