Lynette leaned forward. 'It is not me he knows. It is Lysette.'

Her mother's face paled. 'What are you saying?'

'He called me Lysette, Maman, and acted as if we knew each other well.'

'That is impossible.'

'Is it?' Lynette removed her mask. 'He looked at me directly and called me Lysette. How can that be a coincidence?'

'You removed your mask for him?' Marguerite whispered, her eyes wide.

'Well…' Lynette's face heated. 'He removed it.'

'Lynette!' her mother cried, her spine straightening with indignation. 'How could you? I should have dragged you with me to the kitchen when that oaf spilled wine on my gown. I trusted you to behave in my absence.'

'Marguerite…' Solange began soothingly.

'And you!' Marguerite glared at her dearest friend. 'This evening was your idea. You should have kept a better eye on her.'

'Mon amie.' Solange laughed softly. 'Nothing can deter true determination.'

'That is a poor excuse for lack of supervision.'

'Did supervision deter you? Seems to me the daughter has the same taste in men as her mother.'

Marguerite's mouth opened, then closed. A flush spread across her cheekbones.

Lynette's gaze darted back and forth between the two women, uncomprehending. Her father was nothing like Simon Quinn.

'About Lysette…' she began tentatively.

'How would he know her?' her mother snapped, her foul mood escalating.

'That is the question I intend to ask him,' Lynette replied.

'No.' The word was uttered with such finality it took Lynette aback. 'You will stay away from him.'

'We have to know!' Lynette protested. 'I must know!'

'I said no, Lynette. There will be no further discussion on the matter. Your sister is gone.'

'But wasn't Quinn dashing when he spirited us away?' Solange murmured.

Marguerite glared at her.

Lynette knew when it was time to hold her tongue and she did so, but the uncommonly vehement refusal created a deep-seated unease.

She would seek out Mr. Quinn.

Nothing could stop her from discovering if there was something about her twin that she did not know.

Especially if the secret kept was Simon Quinn.

Edward reached the gate leading to the front drive and paused with the unconscious Corinne tucked securely in his arms. Impatience and concern rode him hard as he waited for the struggling Desjardins to overtake him and release the catch.

Just as the comte gained the distance between them, the portal swung open of its own accord. A tall, dark- haired man stood on the threshold, coming to a halt at the sight of them.

'My lord,' the gentleman greeted in a hoarse voice.

'Quinn,' Desjardins returned.

Edward sensed a wary tension emanating from the man called Quinn. It caused him to hold Corinne more securely, her face turned in toward his chest.

Quinn glanced at the back of Corinne's disheveled head, then rested a moment on the shredded skirts of her once-bright yellow gown.

'Do you require assistance?'

'At this point, only a physician can help her.'

With a nod, Quinn stepped aside, facilitating their departure.

The comte hurried forward, waving madly for his carriage, which waited with a dozen others clogging the drive. The various drivers spotted Edward's burden, and they began the arduous task of clearing a path for their departure.

As they approached, Desjardins's footman opened the door and Edward used the last of his waning strength to carry both himself and Corinne into the interior. He laid her carefully along the leather squab and turned to exit, only to find the comte blocking the doorway.

Saying nothing, Edward sat, grateful for the ride and the opportunity to remain with Corinne a little longer.

The equipage lurched into motion, and Edward closed his eyes and rested his head wearily against the back of the squab. The shallow, rapid wheezing that afflicted all of them echoed within the small confines. He thought of the day and how he had awakened that morning in completely different circumstances. Unencumbered. Focused.

Now, mere hours later, he was embroiled in the life of a woman who would certainly bring him nothing but grief.

However, there was no help for it at this point. He was fascinated and he had never been able to resist exposing the cause of any fascination.

Mysteries were meant to be solved.

Simon watched Desjardins and Mr. James settle the injured woman into a carriage, and wondered why and how the comte's plans had altered so drastically over the course of the day. That morning the comte had enlisted Lysette's assistance in reaching James, but tonight Lysette had been in his arms, while Desjardins and James appeared to be rubbing along well on their own.

The situation unsettled Simon, causing the hairs on his nape to stand on end and tension to stiffen his spine. Something was amiss and Lysette's sudden change of heart was beyond suspicious. Mindless with lust, he had not cared about her motivations. He'd cared only about pushing inside her and staying there until he could think again.

Frustrated by the sudden sensation of being played the fool, Simon growled and continued his journey to the back of the manse. He glanced at every window as he passed it, searching for any signs of occupation. He hoped everyone was safely free of entrapment. His eyes lit on the destruction of one window and a shattered chair beneath it. Glass littered the gravel pathway and bore testament of a desperate attempt to stay alive.

How in hell had this happened?

Simon gained the terrace and was relieved to see that the line of water carriers continued to work industriously.

He rejoined them, working past the sunrise, his thoughts actively occupied with the mystery Lysette, Desjardins, and James presented.

Chapter 8

'What in bloody hell happened to you?' Eddington queried as Simon stumbled through the front door shortly after nine in the morning.

The fresh, clean fragrance of the interior of his home was a welcome relief after smelling nothing but smoke the entirety of the long night. Simon glanced at his sweat-soaked and soot-covered garments and knew the entire lot would have to be destroyed. The burnt odor was now permanently ingrained in the cloth. In contrast, the earl was freshly bathed and wearing a comfortable robe.

'You are buying me a new wardrobe,' Simon growled, shrugging out of his coat, an action that caused ash to sprinkle down to the rug.

Eddington's nose wrinkled. 'Good God. You are a disaster.'

'The Baroness Orlinda's home caught fire during the ball.' Simon brushed past the earl on his way to the stairs.

'An accident?' Eddington fell into step behind him.

'So it would appear. A poorly secured lamp in the gallery.'

'What are the odds?'

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