“ And you love him?”

She started crying again. Jake took a new handkerchief and pressed it gently against her cheeks.

Now the reader will undoubtedly protest that Jake Gibbs calling another man a rogue was but the latest chapter in the famous history of pot and kettle. But Jake is not without his moral codes, and he is not being completely hypocritical here, given the girl’s tender age. Besides, he has a much larger purpose in mind.

“ I wonder if this whole episode is not the story of our country in a nutshell,” said Jake, helping her dry her tears. “The British beguile us, take what they want, and leave us for someone else.”

“ The girl, gaining control of herself, looked at him coldly. “You’re a rebel, aren’t you?”

“ A patriot, perhaps, not a rebel, miss,” he said, smiling. “But what I’ve told you about the general is true enough. He has a wife at home, you know, and many mistresses. Mrs. Loring is just the most infamous.”

“ We’ve sworn allegiance to the King!”

“ Does that mean we should let the British treat us as chattel? Should we be subservient to their foulest desires? Don’t we owe allegiance to ourselves first?”

“ You speak well, sir. I fear you’re merely trying to take advantage of me, like the general.”

Jake rose to go. “Not at all. But if you’re more interested in love than politics, you might find Smith’s lad there of some interest. And about your own age.”

Miss Melanie Pinkleton frowned, but Jake noted that she not only stayed seated as he walked toward the door, but motioned to the boy that her cup in was in need of refilling.

“ God, he’s a plump one.”

“ I don’t see why we’re fighting for these Tories. They’re living off the fat of the land, and we barely get a lime every other week.”

“ Sharp now, don’t drop him. Watch it!”

Van Clynne plunged unceremoniously to the deck of the flagship. The seamen undid the ropes they had used to hoist him, leaving him sprawled like a beached octopus.”

The fall to the deck caused a slight concussion and headache; it also raised certain voices in van Clynne’s head, most prominent among them those of his father and grandfather, who told him to get off his duff and get on with the business of winning back the family estate.

Van Clynne was helped to his feet by a member of the general’s guard. The soldier escorted him to the quarterdeck of the Eagle, where Howe sat on a couch under a red-striped tarpaulin before the captain’s quarters. He looked for all the world as if he were enjoying breakfast on his country estate, having just come in from the hunt. A soldier stood behind him as a waiter; two guards were a few yards back. Otherwise the quarterdeck was empty. The ship itself had only a bare skeleton crew aboard.

Many people have had their criticisms of General Howe, but no one has ever claimed he was not a gentleman of the highest order. After his visitor was announced as an important messenger from the Canadian provinces, Howe raised his hand and with a sweeping invitation asked van Clynne is he had “supped.”

“ No, sir,” said the Dutchman, till not recovered from his journey. “It is a bit early in the morning for dinner.”

“ Well, join me anyway,” said the general. “My officers are seeing to their troops, and my brother is off on inspection. I do not like to eat alone. I am awaiting a visitor, but you can keep me company until then.”

“ Miss Pinkleton had been delayed,” said van Clynne unwisely. The general’s face clouded as the Dutchman fished for an alibi. “There was some sort of commotion on shore. I heard several women fighting, I believe.”

“ Damn. It was Mrs. Loring, wasn’t it? They saw each other, did they?”

Van Clynne shrugged. “Well, come sit with me. Damn. Women will be my ruin.”

“ I agree with that, sir. Most heartily. Men are always too generous in their affections, and it leads us to vulnerability.”

Jakes instructions had been simple and direct — get aboard, give Howe the bullet, and come back to New York as quickly as possible. But several things occurred to van Clynne at the moment. First, that this might be an opportunity to gain valuable intelligence from the general about his battle plans, information that General Washington would cherish so deeply that the return of his land would be beyond question. Second, Jake had no legal authority over him. Third, even if he were still feeling a bit seasick, that was no reason not to eat something.

And last but not least, anything he could do to delay the torture of another water crossing was well worth the effort or risk.

So he sat down to dine with General Howe, and with the first whiff of food felt his stomach undertake a remarkable recovery. Indeed, the plate had lain on the table no more than half a minute before van Clynne allowed as how perhaps he was feeling a bit hungry after all. The general smiled, and instructed his man to bring another helping. The food was rabbit, skillfully cooked in what the general claimed was a French style, slowly roasted on a spit.

“ Is that so?”

“ Yes, and a bit of wild parsley, I dare say, would add more flavor.”

Howe was pleased by the fact that he was eating in a style that owed it origins not to a cowardly if formidable enemy, but one that had been defeated more than a hundred years before. His mood grew steadily expansive, aided by several draughts of what he called his “morning Madeira.” Within half an hour he had forgotten his disappointing new mistress completely.

Van Clynne, too, began to feel more and more in command of the situation. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he envisioned himself as being in a position to change the course of the war, not merely with the message he was delivering, but with his sharp business sense. For what else is war by a negotiation brought to its extreme? And who was this man sitting across from him but the head negotiator for the other side, as least in this section of the continent? A man strongly partial to the American side, according to all reports.

Two eminent men of business, sitting down to supper — untold fortuned had been made in this way.

Who among us has not been carried away by such grand visions? Especially when the wine is good and flowing so freely?

“ Is this not the best wine you’ve tasted in the colonies?” Howe demanded as they paused, waiting for their chocolate.

“ Begging your pardon, sir, but wine is wine. The Portuguese are experts at it, but it is just a fashion. Now ale — ale is altogether an art.”

“ Ale? That’s a commoner’s drink.”

“ On the contrary. It has been blessed by kings, even in your great country. Why, it came from the Egyptians themselves — I have it on good authority that their pyramid-shaped temples were actually brew houses.”

“ Indeed,” said Howe. He was not used to finding underlings so knowledgeable or agreeable.

“ Do you have any aboard?”

“ Pyramids?”

“ Good British ale, General,” said van Clynne, bumping up Howe’s patriotism. “This drink the Portuguese make — well, it will do for breakfast, I suppose, but I have always wondered what the English could do if they decided to be grape growers. Then we would have wine. You have only to taste British ale and you understand perfection. But I wonder if the Portuguese hold back with the wine they ship out of their country. I tell you, sir, I don’t fully trust them. They are very warlike.”

“ Warlike?”

“ Naturally aggressive. I wonder if they aren’t using some of their islands as a base for spying on England. I have often thought of how they might be defeated in a war. I would very much like to hear your famous tactical skills applied to such a problem.

“ A flanking assault, of course,” said Howe, his voice assume the strong tone of a man born to lead troops to battle — not to mention draw vast squiggles and arrows on oversized maps. “Sailor, a cask of the best ale on deck immediately! And find out where our chocolate is.”

Chapter Thirty

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