David was now alone, but it didn’t matter at this point since he helped put Robert away. Micah told me after David worked with the police to nail Robert, he hadn’t had a job since-no one would touch him. I owed this man quite a bit, but I hoped what I was getting ready to tell him wouldn’t be considered payment.
“I know, Micah told me,” I said and then changed subjects. “You’re sure you can only stay tonight? I booked your room at the Acqualina for two nights, in case you change your mind.”
I followed his eyes as he looked over to where my mother was dancing with one of my cousins, “I wish I could stay longer, I just-”
“I trust you are pretty good at being covert, but just to let you know Kimmy is a solid sleeper.”
An extremely puzzled look crossed his face.
“The room I booked for you,” I continued, “has a guest door to the adjoining room-Nadia’s room.” I couldn’t call her Mom for the moment as I was explaining that he could have access to her, if she were willing. “You will promise me to be discreet and that you’ll never ever do anything to hurt her. Agreed?”
I watched his eyes as he studied me.
“He told you?”
I could see the honest surprise.
“He said he didn’t want to know because you would make him tell you. I didn’t believe him. I’ve seen people try to beat stuff out of that boy and he’s never opened his mouth.
“You talked with my mother. Did you tell her some things you didn’t expect to say?”
The smile on his face grew wider as he began to see my point.
“So you tell me what we do, because I don’t know.”
“I’m really glad,” he confessed as he pulled me tightly against his chest just like his brother and then whispered in my ear, “that Micah jumped me
“Oh, yes, that reminds me.” I pushed back to regain the proper distance; Micah was the only one who needed to hold me that close. “You will promise, swear on your brother’s life actually, that no drugs will be involved; if she says no, you’ll take no for an answer.”
He got an odd look to his face, “Believe it or not, I couldn’t do that to her-I can take a no.”
The song ended and David leaned forward and slowly kissed my cheek. He squeezed my hands and thanked me and said he was going to get the next dance with Nadia before someone else got to her.
I watched him walk back into the room just as I felt someone touch my arm; Micah was there.
“I was wondering why he brought you out here?” he quietly questioned.
I smiled, “I was willing. I had to tell him something.”
“That I booked him a room with a guest door-to my mother’s suite.”
He grinned and gave a small chuckle, “You are never going to stop surprising me, are you?”
I pulled him into my arms and kissed him softly, “I certainly hope not.”
At that moment we heard the sound of someone coming out to the garden, and, as we turned to see who it was, Ryan was standing there, but abruptly retreated to go back inside.
“Ryan,” Micah called out to him.
He paused and looked at us.
Micah lifted my hand toward him, “Have you danced with the bride yet?”
He didn’t say a word; he crossed the short distance between us and accepted my hand.
Micah kissed my cheek and went back inside, once again trying his wings out at not being jealous.
“I asked them to play a special song,” he stated, a light blush came across his cheeks. “I don’t know if they have-”
At that moment the music began to flow from the reception hall and I could hear the Michael W. Smith song,
“Would you like to dance?” he asked quite gallantly.
“You don’t have to ask,” I smiled and went into his arms. “I like the song choice; it’s perfect.”
He gave a heavy sigh and continued to dance.
“What’s the matter?” I asked.
He looked down at me with those big blue eyes and said he had lousy timing.
“What do you mean?”
“I had the chance to start at PHS in the fall last year, but I drug my feet until March. If I’d have…” He shook his head and went silent.
It didn’t matter, I knew what he was thinking and I was surprised at myself as the realization hit me that he was absolutely right. “If you’d have started sooner, I’d be with you instead of Micah?”
A half smile emerged, “Definitely. I liked you from the moment I met you in English class. I think I’d have had my work cut out for me, but I’d like to think you’d have eventually come around.”
I blushed. “I would have,” I confirmed for him. “But I’m sure God intended for us to just be friends, really good friends.” But it was time to change the subject because the hold he had on me was getting firmer, “So you’ll start back at school next week. What’s after that?”
“I’ll finish up at PHS since they have the Air Force ROTC program and then it’s on to Colorado Springs.”
I raised my eyebrows without thinking, “What’s there?”
“The United States Air Force Academy; I have a full scholarship.”
“Wow, that’s pretty impressive, but…”
“But what?”
“What happened to Eglin? I thought you’d be staying in Florida.”
“No, I just had family at Eglin.”
An odd pang hit me hard in the chest as the thought of Ryan flying into a war zone crossed my mind, “H-how long does it take to become a pilot?”
“I’m already a pilot,” he replied as smoothly as if he was telling me he was male, “but it takes a bachelor’s degree from the Academy, officer’s training and a lot of other things to fly in the Air Force.”
I took in a comforting breath; a lot can happen in four years, and maybe the world will be a more peaceful place when the time comes for him to hit the sky.
“So how about you? Does your life end here tonight?” he asked.
I know the color drained from my face, “What?” The shock I felt was clearly communicated in my single word question.
“I mean are you forgetting about college and a career? I’m seeing him as a ‘keep-her-barefoot-and-pregnant’ kind of guy.”
I rolled my eyes and felt the color returning to my cheeks, “He’s already told me he doesn’t want me to be a teenage mother and, to answer the first part of that question, I haven’t decided yet exactly what I want to do, but whatever it is it won’t be for the money-I have that covered.”
He laughed, a big grin spread across his face, “Yeah, I know that’s right.” He spun me slowly in time to the music and then the smile faded, “So I guess this is gonna be it for us-I wish it wasn’t.”
“Why does this have to ‘be it’ for us? Can’t we keep in touch?”
“No one ever does that, Leese. Everyone has good intentions and then they drift apart and the years slip by, and before you know it, we’ll only be a memory for each other.”
“Geez, Ryan, that’s a depressing statement,” I frowned. I truly didn’t want this to be it. He and Micah were the most unique people in my life. Micah and I were pledged to having forever together, but how do you keep a friend from slipping away?
“It’s true. You have a new life in front of you that doesn’t include your friends. But,” he added with a sweet look on his face, “I’ll never, ever forget you.” His lips came against my cheek and rested there for a long moment. “I don’t suppose,” he whispered, “You’d approve if I moved this to your lips, would you?”
I returned the kiss to his cheek, “No-these lips are for my husband. But I guarantee you that I won’t forget you either.” I wasn’t expecting to cry, but I felt the sting coming on, “Are you staying at the Acqualina like most of the guests?” I was trying to find any reason for this not to be the last time I would see his face.
“I’ll spend a couple nights, but then it’s back to Pensacola.” The song was ending and he gave me a firm