Janelle Denison
© 2000
Chapter 1
'Mr. Matthews, Jessica Newman is here to see you.' The voice of Haywood and Irwin's receptionist drifted through the intercom on Ryan Matthews' desk, breaking his train of thought on the brief he was preparing for a client's divorce case.
Before he could recover from Glenna's unexpected announcement, she continued in her ever-efficient manner. 'Ms. Newman doesn't have an appointment, but said she'd like to speak with you regarding a personal matter if you have the time.'
Curiosity flickered through Ryan, as well as an undeniable spark of enthusiasm. He'd make the time for Jessica Newman-anytime, anyplace. That she'd sought
'My afternoon is clear, Glenna.' He didn't have any appointments or engagements, just a tedious pile of correspondence awaiting his attention. No doubt, Jessica would provide a much more exciting diversion. 'Will you show her to my office, please?'
The line disconnected, and Ryan set aside the documents he'd been reviewing and straightened the scattering of folders and papers on his desk, all the while wondering what had prompted this unscheduled visit of hers.
He'd first met Jessica a year ago when he and his buddies, Marc and Shane, had headed up to the Colorado Rocky Mountains for a few days of skiing. But instead of the guys-only weekend they'd envisioned, they'd found themselves sharing the same cabin with Jessica, her sister, Brooke, and another friend, Stacey. A blizzard had stranded Brooke and Marc together for two days in a deserted cabin, which had been the beginning of a lasting relationship between the two. And while Shane had also connected with Stacey on a very intimate level, Ryan had struck out with Jessica, but not for lack of trying.
Over the past twelve months he'd seen her a handful of times, the last of which had been at Marc and Brooke's small, intimate wedding three weeks ago where they'd stood up as best man and maid of honor for the couple. Other than Stacey and Shane, only immediate family had been invited to the private gathering.
And once again, Jessica had opposed his flirtatious advances. She'd used her arsenal of lawyer jokes to keep her attraction to him at bay, and ultimately turned down his request to take her out to dinner sometime. He'd been prepared for her refusal-over the course of a year she'd rejected him more than any man's ego should have to endure. More than most men
He wasn't most men, and possessed enough patience to believe that some things were worth waiting for. And Jessica intrigued him with her efforts to resist him. She stimulated him with her sassy mouth and spirited debates. And it drove him nuts that he couldn't break through that reserve of hers and make her admit to the awareness simmering between them.
She'd become a challenge, one he enjoyed as much as it frustrated him-losing, in any capacity, wasn't something he liked to accept, and he'd never been one to admit defeat until he'd exhausted every effort available.
A slow smile curved his mouth. Maybe it was time he upped the ante with a more direct approach and
Being a bachelor suited Ryan just fine-it freed him to pursue his career goals single-mindedly, without the distraction of a serious relationship to waylay him, as he'd seen with other colleagues. But he wasn't opposed to spending time with a woman who aroused him on all levels, and Jessica Newman certainly did that.
But first, he needed her to admit she reacted the same way to him.
His mind turned over tantalizing ideas just as his office door opened and Glenna stepped aside to let Jessica enter. Automatically, he stood, one of the many gentlemanly gestures ingrained by his mother since he was a toddler. Being the only son in a family with three sisters, he'd learned early to treat women with utmost respect. As a teenager, he'd grumbled about the unfairness of having to cater to his sisters, but had grown to appreciate being familiar with the formalities that women seemed to admire and value.
Not that he was counting on his social graces to make any difference with Jessica. No, it was going to take something more tangible and candid to make an impact on her. By the time she left his office, he planned to shake her aloof composure and, he hoped, put a fracture in her convictions to keep him at arm's length, too.
She strolled into the room, her winter coat draped over her arm with her leather gloves stuffed in the front pocket. He started around his desk and across the distance separating them, watching as her big blue eyes registered his gradual approach. He smiled, taking in her teal-and-black, thigh-length sweater over black leggings, which tucked into stylish boots. She always dressed conservatively, whether in jeans and loose blouses, or slacks and long flowing skirts-nothing to draw attention to the slender curves and full breasts merely hinted at beneath her choice of clothing.
Nothing sophisticated like the kind of worldly women his profession drew, but it was her wholesomeness that fascinated him and appealed to him. She wore little makeup to enhance the creamy perfection of her skin, just enough to intensify the drown-in-them-forever blue of her eyes. Her hair was a rich shade of honey-blond, all chin length in a no-fuss style, and parted on the side with wispy bangs touching her forehead. The strands were incredibly silky-looking, beckoning for him to slide his fingers through them as he'd envisioned doing a hundred times since knowing her.
Today, there would be no suppressing his urges. Today, he was going to discover just how warm and heavenly her hair felt wrapped around his fingers… and he planned to discover a whole lot more.
'Can I bring either of you refreshments?' Glenna asked.
'Would you like something from the coffee bar downstairs?' he suggested to Jessica. 'An espresso? Mocha? Cappuccino?'
He fully expected her to say she wasn't staying long, but she surprised him with, 'I'd love a mocha, thank you. I'm still chilled from the cold temperatures outside. Maybe that will help warm me up.'
Ryan thought of more traditional and fun ways to generate heat. Long, slow kisses. The stroke of his hands across her bare skin. His naked body against hers. The possibilities were endless.
'A mocha it is,' he said, glancing toward Glenna with their order. 'And I'll take a cappuccino.'
With a nod, the receptionist was gone, closing the door behind her.
'This is a pleasant surprise.' Taking her coat and purse, he hung both next to his suit jacket on the brass hooks mounted on the wall just inside the room. 'Dare I hope that you've reconsidered going out on a date and you're here to beg me for a second chance?'
A smile quirked the corner of her mouth, and she slanted him that sly look he was coming to know so well. He knew what was imminent, and anticipated her brand of humor.