across from mine, and he's got a perfect view of my place. And a few weekends ago when I was laying out by the pool I saw him standing out on his balcony with his camera. As soon as he realized I was watching him, he hurried back inside his apartment. At the time, I didn't think much of it, but now I can't help but wonder.'

Mia's concerns were believable, and warranted. 'Well, he's certainly worth checking out.' Cameron reached for the pad of paper and a pen he always left by the phone on the counter, prepared to take notes to pass on to Steve, who would most likely handle the case. 'What's Will's last name?'

She blinked at him in surprise. 'I don't know. We were on a first-name basis only.'

'Not a problem. I'll find out.' Not only the man's last name, but Cameron planned to make sure Steve did a thorough background check on the guy as well. 'Let's talk about who else you remember seeing at The Electric Blue Friday night. What about the girlfriend who drove you to the place?'

Mia came around the counter and sat on the bar stool next to his. Much too close for comfort, Cameron thought.

'You mean Carrie Jansen, the woman we spoke to as we were leaving the bar?'

'Yeah, her.' Ignoring the awareness kicking up the beat of his pulse, he jotted down the woman's name for future reference. 'She seemed a bit on edge that night.'

She tipped her head, her expression curious. 'How would you know?'

He tapped the end of his pen against the pad of paper. 'Because I was watching her.'

Mia's spine stiffened, and her curiosity shifted not-so-subtly to indignation. 'You were?'

He nodded, barely able to suppress a grin at Mia's reaction. 'Actually, she asked me to dance.'

A fascinating flash of jealousy passed across her features, an emotion that pleased him way too much, because he'd like to believe that on some level that show of envy meant she cared. Maybe even more than she, herself, realized. He found that bit of knowledge both exciting and disconcerting.

A few long seconds ticked by before he finally let her off the hook. 'I turned her down, and she didn't seem too happy about that.' But amazingly, Mia appeared very relieved. 'Does Carrie have any reason to slander you this way?' he asked, because the woman's actions that evening had him questioning just how good a friend she was to Mia.

She glanced back at the photos and visibly shuddered at the images and words staring back at her. 'She's been moody lately, but I can't think of anything I've done to make her stoop to this level.'

Cameron wasn't so sure, but he let the issue slide for the time being. 'All right. Who else?'

She thought for a quick moment. 'Other than my roommate, Gina, and her boyfriend, Ray, there was no one else there I knew personally. Just casual acquaintances I've seen at The Electric Blue on other nights.'

'I don't much care for your roommate's boyfriend.' His statement was as blunt as it was honest.

'You don't even know him,' she said, laughing lightly.

'I don't have to know a person to see what a bonafide jerk he is,' he said, a thread of disgust lacing his tone. 'I saw the way he treated Gina. The guy's possessive as hell, and I'm betting he's got a temper to match.'

'You're very perceptive,' she murmured, seemingly impressed with his accurate assessment of the guy.

A slow, easygoing grin eased up the corners of his mouth. 'It's my job, sweetheart.'

Mia wasn't sure what affected her more, the devastatingly sexy smile on Cameron's face, or the deep, husky endearment that had slipped from his too-sensual lips. Both caused a warm, tingling rush of sensation to settle low. Then, because he still hadn't put on a shirt, there was all that naked male flesh tempting her to reach out and caress. The man had a body to die for, and she would have loved to spend hours worshiping all that lean muscle and sinew in the most reverent, thorough way.

Back to business, Cameron's expression turned serious and focused once more. 'What's Ray's last name?'

Sighing, she attempted to dismiss her arousing thoughts so she, too, could concentrate on their conversation. 'Wilkins.'

He wrote that down on his notepad, underlined the name a few times for emphasis, and then glanced back up at her. 'What do you know about Ray?'

'Actually, you pegged him pretty well. He's very controlling when it comes to Gina, and I've seen him handle her a bit too roughly a few times.'

A fierce frown pulled at his dark blond brows. 'Then what the hell is Gina doing with him?'

'I honestly don't know.' She recalled Gina's split lip and the exchange they'd had a few days ago, as well as her friend's reluctance to listen to what she had to say. 'I've tried to talk to her about Ray and the way he treats her, but she always has an excuse or she cuts the conversation short.'

'Sounds like a classic case of battered woman's syndrome.'

Surprised by his knowledge, she asked, 'And you know this how?'

His wide shoulders lifted in a shrug, making the muscles across his chest shift and ripple with the movement. 'Those psych classes I took in college come in handy sometimes, not to mention that I've dealt with all kinds of abuse cases in my line of work. Gina's obviously being emotionally and mentally manipulated by Ray, and maybe even physically abused, as well.' As he spoke, he wrote the words possible abusive tendencies beneath Ray's name. 'He might have even threatened to really hurt her if she leaves him, and she's scared enough to stay in the relationship and not tell anyone what's going on.'

Mia hated the thought of her friend being in such a dark place and knew she needed to tell Cameron about her own run-ins with Ray for him to do his job and help her find out who was behind the pictures. And maybe, in the process, he could do a check on Ray to see what secrets lurked in his past.

'He's made a couple passes at me,' she said.

That snagged Cameron's full attention. 'What happened?'

'He's grabbed my butt, which he claimed was an accident, and he's made a few lewd suggestions that he's tried to couch as a joke, none of which I found the least bit funny.' If anything, she'd been not only offended, but revolted by his behavior. 'I also don't care for the way I've seen him look at me, either. It gives me the creeps.'

The hand resting on the counter curled into a tight fist, and Cameron's expression darkened. 'If he touches you again, you let me know,' he said gruffly.

'Why, so you can go beat him up?' she joked and batted her lashes playfully at him.

'It would be my pleasure to kick his ass and emasculate him so he'd think twice before touching any woman ever again,' he said in a deep, menacing growl.

She rolled her eyes at his he-man approach. 'You're beginning to sound like my brothers and cousins.'

He shot her a hot, smoldering look that spoke volumes and told her that there was nothing siblinglike to the attraction still simmering between them. 'Speaking of which, I'm going to hand these notes over to your cousin Steve so he can follow up on these leads.'

Her amusement fled, immediately replaced by a heavy weight of dread. 'No.'

He looked taken aback by her adamant tone. 'I think your cousin should know about this.'

'If I wanted Steve to know about this situation, I would have gone directly to him,' she said in a firm, precise tone that brooked no argument. 'I came to you for help specifically because I don't want any of my cousins or brothers involved.' This was an issue she wasn't about to budge on, no matter what it took to convince Cameron to take on the case.

But at the moment, he appeared completely unswayed. 'Why wouldn't you want your family to know about this?'

She exhaled a frustrated breath. 'Because once you tell Steve about the pictures, he'll tell my brothers what's going on, and before you know it I'll be under watch 24/7; they'll be pressuring me to move back home where they feel it's safe. Joel would probably assign one of his guys at his security firm to be my constant shadow, too. Being smothered by my brothers and cousins is not an option for me, and that's exactly what will happen if they get involved.'

'All our cases are handled confidentially,' he said, attempting to reassure her.

Her laughter held a cynical edge. 'Not when it comes to my family. You know as well as I do there is no way Steve would keep something like this to himself.'

He leaned back on his barstool and crossed his arms over his chest. This time, he didn't argue her valid point. 'If you want the truth, because of our…'

He seemed to struggle for the right phrasing, and she supplied it for him. 'Affair?'

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