But then his mouth dipped down again, scattering her thoughts into the night as he once again trailed his lips along her throat and down to her breasts, where he lavished the plump curves with slow, damp kisses that had a clutch of butterflies fluttering in her stomach.

The words he'd spoken to her a few nights ago came back to her now, adding to the erotic sensations ricocheting through her. I'd give more attention to these lovely mounds of flesh and take each one into my mouth so I can finally know how you taste. I'd suck on your nipples for a good long time before moving on

Cameron made good on his promise, using the wet, swirling warmth of his tongue along her breasts, the arousing scrape of his teeth, and finally the deepening suction of his mouth on the beaded tips. She gasped and arched upward as a bolt of white-hot pleasure shot from her breasts to the growing ache between her legs, where the pressure and friction of her fingers threatened to send her spiraling over the edge. She eased back before her climax hit, and she couldn't stop the whimper of need that escaped her throat.

When I finally had my fill of your breasts, I'd kiss your belly and dip my tongue into your navel…

And that's exactly what he did. His lips skimmed along her rib cage, and the hot slide of his tongue lapped across her trembling stomach, then delved into her belly button in a wicked, erotic kind of French kiss. She moaned, long and low, and her free hand gripped the covers at her side in a tight fist. It was all she could do to keep herself from coming apart right then and there.

'Cameron,' she whispered hoarsely, desperately. 'Please.'

And then, when you were writhing beneath me and begging for more, I'd go down on you and use my tongue to make you come, no matter how long it took

He shifted between her spread legs and moved lower, settling in so his broad shoulders kept her knees firmly apart. Her body jerked as his mouth touched down on the inside of her thigh. His lips were soft, his breath damp and hot as he slowly, leisurely kissed and licked his way upward until he reached the very core of her.

By then, she was nearly sobbing with need, and still, somehow, someway, she managed to hold back. He tested her restraint even further when he used his tongue to follow the stroke of her fingers along her weeping sex, learning from her own touch and caresses exactly what she liked and what gave her the greatest enjoyment.

He was a quick study, and it didn't take him long to master her rhythm and discover her most intimate secrets. When he was seemingly confident of his ability to take over, he urged her legs up and slipped his arms beneath her raised thighs. He pulled her hand away and laced his fingers with hers at the side of her hips, holding her captive and forcing her to give herself completely over to him.

It was an incredibly easy thing to do, because she trusted him with her body. Maybe even more.

Then that frightening thought fled as the heat of his mouth covered her and his tongue took over where her fingers had left off. Slipping. Sliding. Swirling in and around her soft, swollen flesh before suckling on her clit in the most breath-stealing way. He finessed her body with such utter attention to her pleasure, worshipping her as if she belonged only to him, that she nearly passed out from the glut of sensation he lavished upon her.

He'd told her he'd spend hours if that's what it took to make her come, but within a matter of minutes, she was unraveling from the inside out. She started to pant and then her breath caught on a sob as her climax exploded and she was consumed by a overwhelming rush of pulsing heat. The force and intensity of her release tumbled her into the longest, most powerful orgasm she'd ever experienced.

And then, when you were wet and soft and ready for me, I'd slide deep, deep inside of you…

The shudders within her seemed to go on and on, and before the last of the tremors subsided, Cameron was moving up and over her. He covered her body with his own, all hard, lean muscles and barely suppressed hunger. In one long, smooth thrust, he slid into her, and she lifted her knees high against his waist to give him the deepest access possible. Once he was buried to the hilt, he closed his eyes and groaned as her inner muscles clasped him tight.

She knew he had to be aching for his own release, yet he went still, as if relishing the moment, the warmth and softness of being inside her, and the aftermath of the internal contractions still buffeting her body.

I'd make it last so I can savor everything about how you feet, inside and out, and finally, how exquisitely your body feels gripping my cock as I come…

As if he'd had a direct link to her thoughts, his lashes drifted back open and his darkened gaze locked with hers. He began to move, rolling his hips hard against hers, then plunging deeply. Again and again. Long, slow, agonizing strokes designed to make the pleasure last-for her, or himself, she didn't know, but it felt wonderful just the same.

He lowered his head and kissed her, the soft, sensual glide of his tongue matching the rhythm of his lazy thrusts. Eventually, the heat and friction and fire caught up to him, finally shattering his control.

She felt the change in him as his pace quickened, his breathing grew ragged, and he pumped harder, faster, toward his own completion. She dug her fingers into the rippling muscles of his damp back, arched high and hard into his thrusts, and felt him stiffen as his climax peaked. He dragged his lips from hers, surged into her a final time, and on a ragged, primitive growl, he spilled himself into her.

Breathing hard, he buried his face against her throat, and she threaded her fingers through his hair, giving him the time he needed to recover. A few minutes passed before he finally lifted his head from the curve of her neck. In the dim light, his features were shadowed, but there was no mistaking the satisfied gleam in his eyes as he stared down at her.

And in that moment, she felt incredibly exposed and vulnerable, because she knew he'd touched her in a way no man ever had-physically and emotionally.

'You look quite sated,' he murmured as a matching smile curved up the corners of his mouth. 'If I don't say so myself.'

He was such a typical male, exulting over the fact that he'd just given her a spectacular, unforgettable orgasm. 'Quit looking so smug,' she said, though it took effort to hold back a grin of her own because he looked so damn adorable. And so incredibly sexy.

'Hey, I have every right to revel in this moment.'

Yes, he really did, not that she was going to admit as much out loud and give him more of a reason to gloat over his sexual expertise. Nor was she ready to deal with the strong, overwhelming feelings directly linked to the orgasm he'd just given her.

Her emotional defenses automatically kicked in, and she instead turned the moment into a light-hearted one by issuing him a playful challenge. 'However… I do have my doubts that you'll be able to do it again.'

Holding her gaze, he slid a hand between their still joined bodies, across her belly, and down to her mound. His thumb pressed against her still-sensitive flesh, and she was shocked to feel her body come alive again. He stroked slowly, wringing a soft gasp from her, his talented touch proving he'd learned her body's responses and needs very well.

He arched a dark blond brow as a shameless liquid heat coated his fingers. Amusement and renewed desire mingled in his smoky green eyes. 'Is that a dare?' he asked.

She felt him harden inside her again, felt her own body clutch his shaft, and knew she'd greedily take whatever pleasure this man was willing to give her. Memories to store away when their time together was over.

'I believe it is a dare, sugar.' Wrapping her arms around his neck, she brought his mouth down to hers and murmured huskily against his lips. 'So what are you going to do about it?'

Over the next few hours, he proceeded to make good on her challenge and gave her a night of erotic, forbidden pleasures that left her limp, spent, and physically fulfilled.

And earned him every right to gloat.

Chapter Eight

CAMERON woke up the following morning, momentarily disoriented and confused about where he was, until his sleepy vision and mind cleared and his feminine surroundings came into focus-a noticeable contrast to his own masculine domain and a direct reminder that he'd spent an amazingly sensual night

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