While Mia's back was facing everyone up on the porch, Cameron was still in full view, which meant he needed to monitor his actions and reactions to Mia's current attempt to seduce him. 'I think I've proved a few times just how well I can handle you.'

'Mmmm. So you have.' Her lashes fell half-mast, and her voice dropped to a soft purr. 'I wouldn't mind you manhandling me again. It's been a while, you know.'

'You've made me well aware of that.' Reclining, he clasped his hands over his stomach. 'Especially today, with you wearing those lace-up boots. You wore them deliberately, didn't you?'

'Of course I did,' she admitted shamelessly.

Beneath the linen-draped table, the sole of her boot scraped along the inside seam of his jeans and then continued up his thigh until the toe of her shoe was pressing very insistently against his crotch. Heat and lust rushed straight to his groin, and he clenched his jaw to keep a low, tell-tale groan from escaping.

Bracing her elbow on the table, she propped her chin in her hand as she played with the frosting on the cake with her fork, as if she didn't have her booted foot between his legs, rubbing against him in a very arousing way, making him harder and stiffer than he already was.

'If I remember correctly,' she said huskily, 'You told me they did it for you, in a major way.'

'So I did.' She was enjoying exploiting that particular weakness of his to her advantage. And because they were surrounded by her family, he had to act blase, which was one of the most difficult things he'd had to do.

She slowly licked the white, creamy frosting from her fork, a sinful gleam in her eyes. 'And judging by the erection you're currently sporting, they're doing it for you, right now, in a major way. Aren't they, sugar?'

He reached down and grabbed her ankle, effectively putting a stop to her foot stroking along his shaft. 'You're playing with fire,' he warned in a gruff tone. 'You have been all afternoon.'

'Maybe I'm looking to get burned,' she whispered back.

Sitting up straighter in his seat, Cameron leaned toward Mia, using the position to strum his fingers along the sensitive skin at the back of her knee, right where the top of her boot ended. She visibly shivered, offering him a smidgeon of satisfaction that he was able to get under her skin in some small way.

His smile was calm for the sake of anyone who might be looking their way. 'If you're not careful, sweetheart, you're gonna end up on this table, with your skirt tossed up over your head, and with me having my way with you right here in front of your family.'

Undeniable desire darkened her eyes. 'How about you meet me in the upstairs bathroom in a few minutes while Cody and Tara are opening their gifts, so no one will miss either one of us, and you can have your way with me there?'

He released her leg, unable to believe what she was suggesting. 'You're kidding, right?'

'Actually, I'm absolutely serious. And I'll even keep the boots on just for you.' Standing, she licked the last smudge of frosting from her bottom lip, the glimpse of her soft, pink tongue reminding him of how well she could use that mouth of hers. 'Don't make me wait long, sugar, or else I'll have to take matters into my own hands.'

As he watched her sashay toward the house, he rubbed a hand along his slack jaw, his mind still reeling from her very risque proposition. God, she was so bold. So daring. And he was beginning to love those things about her, because all that brazenness was directed solely at him.

Oh, yeah, he'd meet with her in the upstairs bathroom. Just as soon as he could walk across the backyard without his erection announcing his intentions.

Chapter Thirteen

CAMERON quietly made his way upstairs, making sure no one witnessed his disappearing act. With a soft knock on the bathroom door, Mia let him inside, then twisted the lock, and eagerly pulled him to her. He braced his forearms against the wall on either side of her head, and his blood heated when she tunneled her hands beneath his shirt and skimmed her palms up along his chest, her caresses desperate and needy.

She nipped at his bottom lip and used her tongue to soothe the slight sting. 'God, Cameron, it's been too long since we've been together, and I want you so much,' she said, her panting breaths telling him just how excited she already was, and he hadn't even touched her yet.

He unbuttoned the front of her top, just enough so one shoulder slid down her arm, exposing a breast covered in pretty, embroidered lace that was sheer and damned sexy. He pulled that stretchy fabric down, cupped her bare breast in his palm, and scraped his thumb across her stiff nipple.

She closed her eyes and moaned softly, her lower body grinding provocatively against his. 'Cameron, please…'

'What, exactly, do you want me to do?' he murmured, and exposed her other breast so he could give it equal attention, squeezing and kneading the pliable flesh.

Her lashes drifted back open, her gaze heavy and sensual and just a little bit wicked. Lifting her hand, she threaded her fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck and pulled his head toward hers until her mouth brushed against his ear, her breath damp and warm as she spoke unabashedly. 'I want you to go down on me and do what you do so well.'

Her sexy, arousing request made him hard as stone and so fucking hot for her. There was something to be said about a woman who spoke her mind and had no qualms about asking for what she wanted sexually. In this, at least, Mia was completely open with him, uninhibited, and his for the taking.

'It would be my pleasure,' he murmured huskily, and kissed her, tasting the heat of her anticipation, the depth of her need. She pulled his tongue deeper, suckling him aggressively, greedily, and a low groan rumbled up from his chest.

Knowing her penchant for taking control, he released her mouth before she could take charge, pushed her breasts together, and dipped his head and nuzzled the soft, plump flesh. He laved her straining nipples with his tongue and tugged gently with his teeth until she whimpered and begged him to ease the ache gathering between her thighs.

He dropped to his knees in front of her, pushed her skirt up to her waist, and told her to hold the material out of the way for him. Without hesitating, she did as he asked, giving him a full, unobstructed view of her bare belly, her sheer, barely there panties that matched her bra, her soft, supple thighs… and those seductive, lace-up, dominatrix boots she'd worn just for him.

He pushed her legs farther apart, widening her stance, and then slowly stroked his hands up her firm, silky smooth thighs, reveling in her soft sigh of pleasure. Grasping the sides of her panties, he buried his face against her stomach and lavished her belly with soft, damp kisses as he dragged her underwear down her legs and helped her step out of them. Then he sat back and looked his fill of this incredibly sexy, half-dressed woman.

Her voluptuous breasts were bared, and in front of him was the sweetest, softest female flesh imaginable. He reached out and brushed the tips of his fingers over her feminine mound, then skimmed lower, sliding one long finger between those pouty lips to where she was hot and slick with desire.

Her legs trembled. 'Stop teasing me,' she rasped.

Ignoring her demand, he grinned up at her, deliberately stroking her slower, deeper, heightening the tension building within her. 'Remember that night in the truck?' he murmured as he leaned forward, sucked on a patch of skin on the inside of her thigh, and marked her with a love bite before lapping his tongue all the way up to her sex. 'You did a whole lot of teasing of your own. Now it's my turn to get even.'

She moaned her protest and then inhaled a quick breath when he spread her open with his fingers and finally took her with his mouth. Her back arched against the wall, and her hand twisted in his hair as he slid his tongue along her cleft and delved deep into that hidden pool of honeyed heat, coaxing her into a heady, sexual spell of exquisite wanting.

Three times he brought Mia to the brink of release, teasing her with the promise of an orgasm until she was squirming and writhing and begging him to please, please, please let her come.

He would. But not yet. He intended to be buried deep inside her when she climaxed.

With that plan in mind, he stood back up and slanted his mouth across hers in a hot, tongue-tangling kiss. His erection strained against his jeans, full and hot and heavy, pulsing with every heartbeat. Mia's hands dropped to the

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