'Nothing below the neck and nothing above the knee.'

Rick held up his palms. 'These hands won't touch anything they're not supposed to.'

'Oh, come on,' Mia said and grabbed Rick's hand, amused by Cameron's show of possessiveness. 'Let's go do some dirty dancing.'

Cameron scowled after them, wondering when in the hell he'd become such a jealous man. Oh yeah… since Mia. But ultimately he trusted Rick and knew the man wouldn't do anything inappropriate. Cameron understood that the two of them had to make it look real and convincing to prompt Carrie to take her pictures, and that would mean more touching than Cameron would have preferred.

Cameron's only consolation was that Mia would be going home with him tonight, and he planned to do more than just touch her body. Before he was done with her, he was going to entrench himself into her heart, her soul, her emotions.

He was going to make her completely his, and be sure she knew it.

With Mia and Rick up onstage dancing, Cameron skirted the edge of the room, staying in the shadows and working his way to the front of the establishment in search of the woman who'd walked in about ten minutes ago and resembled Carrie. He scanned the area and finally saw a redheaded woman making her way through the crowd on the main floor, toward the stage area.

Certain it was Carrie, he followed from a distance, watching her every move. She kept to herself, and it was as though she was drawn to the dance floor-specifically, to Mia and Rick, who were putting on a convincing act with their bold, uninhibited dance moves.

But then, Mia was so naturally sensual, her movements so inherently provocative no matter what she was doing. Men naturally stared at her, watched her, lusted after her. Tonight, though, Cameron noticed a big difference in Mia. She was laughing and dancing and having fun with Rick, but it wasn't a deliberate attempt to draw attention to herself as it had been in the past. Rather, it was an act to catch Carrie, and Mia no longer felt the need to be wild and reckless for the sake of shocking everyone.

It was an amazing change, a maturity he hoped would carry over to their relationship. Especially after tonight, which marked the end to their agreed-upon affair but could be the beginning of something much bigger and better. If she allowed it to happen.

With his gaze still on Carrie, he watched her lift something up to her face and realized it was a small, disposable camera-which made perfect sense considering all the photographs Mia had received in the mail had been grainy and taken from a distance. She took a few pictures, and the strobe lights overhead camouflaged the camera's flash. When the current song ended, Carrie wended her way through the crush of people and down the corridor leading to the restrooms.

Before the next song could begin, Cameron flipped open his cell phone and called Rick. He'd specifically told him to put his phone on vibrate, and he knew the exact moment his call had gone through. Rick jerked in startled surprise and then grinned wryly as he pulled his phone from his jean's front pocket.

As soon as he answered, Cameron said, 'Carrie is here with a camera. Meet me at the bottom of the stairs to the dance floor.'

Rick disconnected the call, said something to Mia, and then grabbed her hand and they both headed toward the stairs. Cameron arrived just as they did.

'Change of plans,' he said to Mia. 'She just went into the women's restroom. Why don't you go in there and act surprised to see her. That way she can't try and sneak out of here without being seen like she did the last time. I'll wait just outside the restroom, just in case you end up needing me for anything.'

She exhaled a deep breath. 'I'm sure I'll be fine.'

As Mia headed down the hallway to the restrooms, she hoped her words proved to be true, that she would be okay by the end of all this. Even though she knew Carrie was responsible for everything, she wasn't looking forward to the confrontation that would undoubtedly occur.

She pushed open the door to the ladies room and stepped into the spacious women's lounge. The room was occupied by at least a dozen women sitting on the couches and chairs as they chatted and freshened their makeup. Carrie wasn't there, so Mia continued on to the bathrooms, and as soon as she entered the area she saw Carrie jerk away from the large mirror above the row of sinks and then quickly stuff something into her purse.

'Mia!' she exclaimed, her eyes wide and startled. 'I've been looking for you!'

The lie hurt, especially when Mia knew exactly what Carrie was up to. She also knew that if Carrie hadn't been caught right now she most likely would have left The Electric Blue without contacting Mia at all.

'I was on the dance floor,' Mia replied and refused to let Carrie off easy. 'Why didn't you tell me you were coming tonight?'

'Oh, it was a last-minute thing. I wasn't going to come, then changed my mind, and because it was all so spur of the moment, I figured I'd find you here,' she said, speaking in a fast, nervous rush. 'Come on, let's go back out and get a drink.' She stepped toward Mia in an attempt to usher her out of the bathroom.

Mia turned to go, but something on the mirror caught her eye. At first she thought it was a reflection of something in the bathroom, but when she stepped back to get a better look, she realized someone had written on the mirror itself-in what appeared to be bright red lipstick.

Mia Wilde is a slut.

The slur, coming from someone she'd once believed was a friend, hurt. Badly. She glanced back at Carrie, who now looked panicked because she knew she'd been caught red-handed.

And the only thing Mia could think of to ask in that moment was, 'Why? Why write this about me? Why the pictures? The stuff you did to my car? The panties you sent? Why, Carrie?'

Mia expected Carrie to initially deny everything, but instead she lifted her chin scornfully. 'Because I wanted you to see the way you act around men. The trampy way you dress. You want attention? Well, I made sure you got it.'

A woman walked into the bathroom area, and Mia ignored her, knowing she couldn't let Carrie walk away now. 'God, Carrie, what did I ever do to you?'

'You're a tramp,' she said, as if that explained everything.

Mia thought back to her conversation with Cameron and his own explanation for Carrie's possible behavior. 'Is this because of your mother?'

Carrie stiffened defensively. 'Of course not. It's all about you. You're like a bitch in heat around men.'

Mia tried not to flinch at Carrie's cruel words, though she couldn't deny they did sting. 'I think this does have to do with your mother, whether you realize it or not,' she said with more calm than she felt. 'You can't control your mother's actions when it comes to the men who come and go from her life and the way she acts around them. And you blame your mother for your parents' divorce, so you've focused all that anger my way.'

'My mother is, and always will be, a whore,' Carrie said bitterly. 'Just like you.'

Although Mia was still hurt and angry, she could no longer take it as personally as she once had. She could only feel sorry for Carrie, that she was so wrapped up in her mother's life that somewhere along the way she'd lost control of her own. And until she disengaged herself from her mother and the situation at home, it would always continue.

But before she let Carrie go, she wanted her to know one thing. 'In a lot of ways, you did me a huge favor. Those pictures you sent did make me see how my actions and behavior made me appear to other people. It made me think and change certain things, like how I dress and act. So if that was your intent, it worked.'

The corner of Carrie's mouth curled in a malicious smile. 'Just remember, once a tramp, always a tramp.'

Carrie pushed around her, and Mia let her go. There was nothing left to say, and this was one friendship Mia didn't care to salvage. With a tired sigh, Mia followed her out of the lounge just in time to see Cameron catch Carrie by the arm and stop her mid-stride.

'Can I have the camera, please?' he asked politely and held out his free hand to confiscate the item.

Carrie yanked her arm from Cameron's grasp and narrowed her gaze at him. 'I don't know what you're talking about.'

'Oh, I think you do.' He smiled, though the look in his eyes spoke volumes and told Carrie just how serious he was.

Вы читаете Too Wilde to Tame
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