Havelsee,' he explained.

'Are they any good?' Russell asked.

'Of course. I took them myself.'

Russell decided he had enough time to visit Neuenburger Strasse with the good news, but reckoned without Frau Heidegger. She waylaid him on his way in, and took him to task for 'that woman in your apartment'. It was against regulations, she told him, and 'that idiot Beiersdorfer' was already causing her enough trouble. If he found out, there'd be no stopping him.

Russell promised his friend would be gone by the next day. 'She's just lost her husband,' he added, knowing that a fellow-widow was guaranteed to enlist Frau Heidegger's sympathy. 'She needed a few days of solitude in a place that holds no memories. She's going back to Hamburg in the morning.' He was halfway up the stairs before he realized he hadn't been offered coffee.

Sarah was boiling water for tea on Russell's electric ring. She took the news calmly, and together they searched Russell's atlas for Bitburg. It was close to the border with Luxemburg, which made sense. A night trek through the hills and she'd be on a train to Brussels or Antwerp, long a centre of Comintern activities.

'I'll check the trains and pick you up tomorrow morning,' Russell told her.

'I'll be here,' she said wryly.

He drove across town to Grunewald, arriving only ten minutes late to pick up Paul. His son was in his Jungvolk uniform, but seemed as subdued as the rest of Berlin by the outbreak of war. Strangely for a mostly German boy, he seemed more angered than relieved by Britain's hesitation in honouring the guarantee to Poland. 'Of course,' he added a few minutes later, 'if they do declare war on us, then next year's match at Wembley will have to be cancelled.'

At Paul's request they went to the fairground at the southern end of Potsdamer Strasse. Russell was afraid they would find it closed, but his son's optimism proved justified. It was not only open, but twice as crowded as usual. A good proportion of Berlin's children seemed to be screaming away their unconscious anxieties on the various rides.

Driving back from Grunewald after dropping off his son, Russell found himself wondering how many of those children had seen their fathers for the last time. Paul, at least, was lucky in that respect - neither of his would be sent to war.

He bought a paper when he reached Potsdamer Station, but no corpses had been discovered, no war declared. As for the trains, nothing was certain, but a journey to Bitburg was still theoretically possible. Trains were scheduled to depart for Cologne at nine and eleven on Sunday mornings, and both had connections to Trier and Bitburg. And yes, the clerk replied to Russell's query, both stopped at Potsdam. At twenty-two minutes past the hour.

Russell stopped off at Hunder's garage on the way home, and paid the usual inflated price for a full tank of petrol. Back at the flat, Effi was waiting in the red dress. 'It seems like a good night to go dancing,' she said.

They ate on the Ku'damm and headed east. The dancehall under Alexanderplatz Station was packed with people drinking too much, dancing too vigorously, laughing too loud. Berlin's adults were also saying farewell to peace, and the popping corks of their sekt bottles sounded like an ironic echo of the war unfolding in Poland.

Russell and Effi danced themselves to near exhaustion, then drove up to the Kreuzberg. The moon was yet to rise, the sky bursting with stars, and they sat on a wooden bench for a long time, looking out across the war- darkened city.

Russell arrived at Neuenburger Strasse soon after seven the following morning. He expected to find Sarah asleep, but she was emerging from the bath-room as he came up the stairs. Fifteen minutes later they were motoring south towards the Avus Speedway.

He had thought it better for her to join the train at Potsdam, and so avoid any possible checks at the main Berlin termini. He was probably overreacting - nothing had appeared in the papers to suggest a search was underway - but it was a nice day for a drive, all blue sky and late summer sunshine.

Their destination reminded him of Wilhelm's leaflet and article. He told Sarah about them, and his difficulty in getting them out of Germany. Would she be willing to take them across the border?

'Yes, but how...'

'I'll send them to you at the Hohenzollern Hotel. The post office will be shut today, and I wouldn't want you taking them on the train - there'll probably be spot-searches, particularly as you get near the border. But once you leave Bitburg...'

'It'll be just one more charge against me if I'm caught,' she said dryly.

'Something like that.'

'Of course I will,' she said.

'I'll send them off tomorrow. And if they get there after you've left, too bad.'

They reached Potsdam with almost an hour to spare. Sarah bought her ticket and they shared a mostly silent breakfast in the cavernous station buffet. The man in the ticket office had assured them the train was running, but it was still with some relief that Russell saw it round the long curve and ease in to the platform. It was less packed than some he had seen over the last few days, but still uncomfortably crowded.

Sarah Grostein didn't seem to mind. She climbed aboard with her small suitcase, turned briefly to mouth the words 'thank you', and disappeared into the throng. Russell watched the train pull out, frantic belches of steam giving way to a steady pumping. It wasn't over, he told himself - it wouldn't be over until she was out of the Gestapo's reach. But he had got her out of Berlin, which had to be safer for both of them. Slowly but surely, he thought, the artefacts and people that linked him and Effi to their various crimes and misdemeanours were disappearing. Perhaps they really were going to get away with it.

The two men were waiting for him at Neuenburger Strasse. He had a fleeting glimpse of Frau Heidegger's frightened face in the doorway as they bundled him into the back of the government Mercedes, a surprised look from the returning Beiersdorfer as they drove out of the courtyard. 'Where are we going?' Russell asked as calmly as he could, and wondered whether his abductors could hear the tremor in his voice.

'102 Wilhelmstrasse,' the man beside him said.

The SD? That had to be better news than the Gestapo, unless, of course, Hauptsturmfuhrer Hirth had come to know of his treachery. Russell wondered if the Soviets had betrayed him to the Germans, had added him to the list of gifts they were offering Hitler as part of their wretched Pact. He almost hoped they had, because Effi had played no part in his dealings with them.

Had she been arrested as well? He could see her back in that cell, so frightened and pale... Stop it, he told himself. Keep calm. Whatever they had, it was unlikely to be conclusive. Whatever the Soviets had said, he could always claim that he'd been stringing them along. You can do this, he told himself. A schoolmaster had once told him he could talk his way out of anything.

The car drew up outside SD headquarters, and the two men escorted him through the gardens and in through the main doors. They seemed almost friendly now, or maybe he was mistaking condescension for kindness. The blonde receptionist gave him a winning smile, but she would have blown Jesus a kiss on his way up Calvary.

The two men took him up to Hauptsturmfuhrer Hirth's door, knocked, and ushered him in. The Hauptsturmfuhrer's face showed irritation and dis-dain in equal measures, but that was probably how he got up in the morning. 'Please sit down,' he said, with unexpected courtesy.

Russell began daring to hope.

'There has been...' the Hauptsturmfuhrer began, only to be interrupted by a voice on the loudspeakers outside. He got up and closed the window. 'Do you know what that is?' he asked rhetorically. 'The English have declared war on the Reich. Their Prime Minister made the announcement an hour ago.'

'Ah,' Russell said. It seemed the safest thing to say.

'We've been expecting this for several days, of course. And that's why you're here. You, Herr Russell, have become a victim of your own success. Of the breadth of your connections, shall we say? Your links with the Soviets have proved most rewarding, and for that the Reich thanks you, but the Pact has reduced our need for intelligence from that direction. Your connections with your own country now seem more relevant, and the Abwehr has asked for your services.' He paused, and actually offered Russell a thin smile. 'You know what the Abwehr is?'

'Military Intelligence.'

'Precisely. Well, the SD may want you back at some time in the future, but for now the Abwehr's need is greater. They have your details, and will no doubt be contacting you in the near future.'

Вы читаете Silesian Station (2008)
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