
“How about a jacket?” asked Raine, reaching for a couple of hangers. “Cropped? Classic?” She held up two.

“You have anything in white?” asked Charlotte. “I think white makes a statement.”

“I’m not afraid of getting dirty? Even in the aftermath of a fire?”

“Exactly.” Charlotte moved to get a better view of the skirts hanging in Raine’s closet. The two women were close enough to the same size that she could borrow clothes. “I’d like to look crisp and professional.”

Raine lowered her voice. “Are you nervous?”

Charlotte shrugged. “Isabella and Ridley are due on set today. David will show up, for sure-”

“Your father, David?”

“Right. My father, David. And Devlin and Max-two cousins-won’t be far behind.”

Raine turned and cocked her head. “You know, Charlotte, you are an incredibly successful, intelligent, beautiful woman.”

“Thank you.”

“I mean it. You’ve got nothing to prove. You shouldn’t let them do this to you.”

Charlotte turned her attention to a white, pleated skirt, trying to formulate her thoughts.

They should be worried about impressing you,” said Raine with staunch loyalty.

Charlotte laughed. “They’re the Hudsons of Hollywood. They impress people simply by breathing.”

There was a knock on the bedroom door.

“Come in,” Raine called.

The door opened and Charlotte saw Kiefer. “You decent in there?” he called to Raine in the depth of the closet, studiously focusing on a bay window.

“No. I’m naked,” stated Raine. “That’s why I called you in.” She brushed past Charlotte, her demeanor instantly prickly.

Charlotte hid a smile at Raine’s habit of going overboard to hide her attraction to Kiefer.

Kiefer frowned at her sarcasm. “I was merely trying to be a gentleman.”

“Why start now?” Raine responded tartly.

Charlotte made her way out of the closet.

“Your brother wants us to go to Rome.”

Raine’s brows went up. “Us?”

“You and me. And to Paris and London. He’s worried about the circulation numbers.”

“Tell him I’ll get more data. Charlotte’s here. I’m not going to Rome.”

“He insists,” said Kiefer. “Believe me when I tell you, I’m less thrilled than you.”

“I doubt that,” said Raine.

“He wants us to talk to the Interet distributors and come up with a game plan.”

“Why now?”

“Because now is when the numbers are slipping.”

Raine heaved a sigh.

“Buck up,” said Kiefer, glancing at the three jackets draped over Raine’s arm. “Maybe you can fit in a little clothes shopping.”

Raine suddenly smiled. “What a great idea.” She turned to Charlotte. “You can come with us to Rome. Via Condotti, Via Frattina. We’ll have a blast.”

“I don’t-” Kiefer began. But Raine held up a hand to forestall him.

“It’s decided,” she pronounced. “If you’re going to drag me to Rome, Charlotte and I will make a shopping trip of it.”

Charlotte had to admit, the idea had merit. While she could borrow Raine’s clothes, they wore different shoe sizes. When she packed for this trip, she’d expected to be staying two or three days. She definitely needed to upgrade her wardrobe.

Besides, getting out of Provence for a few days would mean she could put off meeting up with the Hudson clan. Although she told herself she could handle it, her stomach had been churning all morning. A few new outfits from Italy couldn’t hurt her confidence.

Alec appeared in the doorway, his gaze darting from Raine to Kiefer, then settling on Charlotte. His expression stayed neutral, but gold flecks flared in his brown eyes, sending a shiver of remembrance zipping along her spine.

“Great news,” said Raine, and Alec’s expression turned puzzled.

“Charlotte’s coming on the trip with us. We’re going shopping.

Alec’s horrified gaze shot to Kiefer.

“Raine’s idea,” said Kiefer defensively.

“Charlotte can’t go with you,” Alec quickly put in. “She has to stay with the film.”

Raine waved a dismissive hand. “She’s not in jail. Besides, what’s left to blow up?”

“I really wish you hadn’t said that,” Kiefer deadpanned.

“I need Charlotte here,” Alec insisted, and it instantly dawned on Charlotte that Alec was staying here.

Another look passed between Alec and Kiefer, and Charlotte realized it was a setup. Kiefer had been assigned to get Raine out of the way, so Alec could spend time with her.

Charlotte wouldn’t lie to herself, she was keen to spend time with Alec, too. But talk about an over-the-top move by a self-indulgent man-sending his own sister on a wild-goose chase.

“I’d really rather go to Rome,” she put in, giving Alec a defiant stare.

“See?” Raine jumped in. “The poor woman needs a wardrobe.”

“Yeah,” Charlotte agreed, “this poor woman needs a wardrobe.”

Alec glared at her, clearly trying to transmit a message. She understood just fine. She simply wasn’t going to be a party to his machinations.

“Fine,” Alec ground out. “I’ll come, too.”

That surprised Charlotte. And judging by their expressions, it surprised Raine and Kiefer, as well.

“That’s ridicu-” Something in Alec’s eyes stopped Kiefer cold. “Great idea,” Kiefer said instead. “The four of us, shopping together in Rome. What could be more fun?”

Charlotte wasn’t sure about fun. But it was definitely going to be interesting.

Charlotte showed Alec no mercy. While Raine and Kiefer visited the magazine distributor in Rome, she dragged him to the shopping district. They visited Versace, Dolce & Gabbana, Ferragamo and Biagiotti, along with a dozen other shops and boutiques on the famous Italian streets.

Enjoying herself, she found beachwear, jeans, a couple of funky little jackets, three great party dresses and a formal gown for an upcoming event with her grandfather. She also picked out a new purse and a few pieces of jewelry. She’d fought Alec for the right to pay at every store. He was quick on the credit card draw, but she managed to either outsmart or outmaneuver him every time.

“Intimate apparel?” he asked, glancing skeptically at the discreet sign above the glass door on the stone face of the building.

He’d been patient so far, but she considered this the ultimate test. “A girl does need underwear.”

“You think this is funny?”

In fact, she did. “You intimidated?”

“By women’s underwear? Bring it on.” He pulled open the door and stood back to let her enter.

Alec found a seat in a small lounge area and picked up a magazine. A sales associate quickly appeared and offered him coffee, which he accepted, hoisting the cup in a toast to Charlotte.

She held an elegant, full-length, white satin gown up against her body.

He frowned and shook his head.

She pointed to a frivolous pink bra and panties, decorated with white fur.

He rolled his eyes.

Scanning the small racks in front of her, she chose a short nightgown of subtly patterned purple silk, with a lace-inset front and spaghetti straps.

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