2. The Istanbul Declaration (OECD, 2007), http://www.oecd.org

3. D. Cameron, ‘The next age of government’, TED conference, 16 February 2010, www.ted.com

4. P. Noonan, ‘There is no time, there will be time’, Forbes ASAP, 30 November 1998

5. Declaration on Social Progress and Development (United Nations, 1969), www.un.org

6. D. Kahneman, E. Diener and N. Schwarz, Well-Being: The Foundations of Hedonic Psychology (Russell Sage Foundation, 1999)

7. Strategy Unit, Life Satisfaction: The State of Knowledge and Implications for Government (Cabinet Office, 2002), www.nationalarchives.gov.uk

8. R. Layard, Happiness: Lessons from a New Science (Penguin, 2005)

I is for Immigration

1. R. Brown, ‘Racism and immigration in Britain’, International Socialism Journal, 68 (1995)

2. ‘Citizenship: A History of People, Rights and Power in Britain’, The National Archives, www.nationalarchives.gov.uk

3. G. Clayton, Textbook on Immigration and Asylum Law (Oxford University Press, 2010)

4. I. R. G. Spencer, British Immigration Policy since 1939: The Making of Multi-racial Britain (Routledge, 1997)

5. B. Carter, C. Harris and S. Joshi, ‘The 1951–55 Conservative Government and the racialisation of black immigration’, Policy Papers in Ethnic Relations, 11 (1987)

6. Home Office, Secure Borders, Safe Haven: Integration With Diversity in Modern Britain (TSO, 2002)

7. M. Prestwich, Edward I (University of California Press, 1988)

8. Cabinet Papers 194668, The National Archives, www.nationalarchives.gov.uk

9. Andrew Neather, ‘Don’t listen to the whingers — London needs immigrants’, London Evening Standard, 23 October 09

J is for Justice

1. P. Colquhoun, A Treatise on the Police of the Metropolis (H. Fry for C. Dilly, 1795)

2. W. Allen and Y. Barzel, ‘The evolution of criminal law and police during the industrial revolution’, Working Papers (Simon Fraser University, 2007)

3. Justice Committee, The Crown Prosecution Service: Gatekeeper of the Criminal Justice System (House of Commons, 2009)

4. R. Reiner, ‘Media-made criminality: the representation of crime in the mass media’, in M. Maguire, R. Morgan and R. Reiner (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Criminology (Oxford University Press, 2007)

5. P. Murray, Signal Crimes: Risk Perception and Behaviour (ODPM, 2004), www.communities.gov.uk

K is for Knives

1. ‘Tackling Knives Action Programme (TKAP) Fact Sheet’, The National Archives (2008) www.nationalarchives.gov.uk

2. No to Knives campaign launch, The National Archives (2008) www.nationalarchives.gov.uk

3. M. Easton, ‘Knife “fact sheet”: the e-mail trail’, BBC, 5 March 2009, www.bbc.co.uk

L is for Learning

1. A. Wolf, Does Education Matter? Myths about Education and Economic Growth (Penguin, 2002)

2. Leitch Review of Skills (HM Treasury, 2006), www.nationalarchives.gov.uk

3. Table A3.3, Education at a Glance (OECD, 2011), www.oecd.org

4. B. Bloom, Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Handbook 1: Cognitive Domain (David O. McKay, 1956)

5. Antonio Di Vittorio, An Economic History of Europe: From Expansion to Development (Routledge, 2006)

6. D. S. Landes, The Unbound Prometheus: Technological Change and Industrial Development in Western Europe from 1750 to the Present (Cambridge University Press, 2003)

7. I. Brinkley, The Knowledge Economy: How Knowledge Is Reshaping the Economic Life of Nations (The Work Foundation, 2008)

8. R. B. Freeman, ‘The great doubling: the challenge of the new global labor market’ in J. Edwards (ed.) Ending Poverty in America: How to Restore the American Dream (The New York Press, 2007)

9. D. Tapscott and A. D. Williams, Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything (Atlantic Books, 2007)

M is for Murder

1. C. Dexter, Last Bus to Woodstock (Macmillan, 1975)

2. F. Brookman and M. Maguire, Reducing Homicide: A Review of the Possibilities (Home Office, 2003)

3. Homicides, Firearms and Intimate Violence (Home Office, 2011)

4. D. Sethi, K. Hughes, M. Bellis et al. (eds.), European Report on Preventing Violence and Knife Crime Among Young People (World Health Organization, 2010)

5. P. Spierenburg, A History of Murder: Personal Violence in Europe from the Middle Ages to the

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