“Elves,” Jerdren murmured in surprise.

He fell quiet as Eddis beckoned him over, introducing everyone around as her companions drew up stools. Blorys distributed cups, and the taverner himself came over with a pitcher of wine and Eddis’ usual ale andpressed fruit. He waved aside her coins and was gone before she could protest or thank him.

“We arrived late this afternoon,” Willow-or Mead-replied tothe swordswoman’s earlier question. They were alike enough that it was difficultto tell them apart, though a closer look revealed subtle differences between their clothing and their faces. “What are you doing so far south this late inthe year, though, Eddis? I thought you and your men didn’t like facing thepasses if there might be snow.”

“We still don’t, Willow. The pay was worth it, though. Iwouldn’t have expected you two here, myself. Last I heard, you were headingnorth.”

“We went north. It proved to be another false lead.”

“We had better luck east,” Mead added.

“Same matter or another?” Eddis asked as she mixed fruit intoher ale.

The elves exchanged glances. “The same matter. We finallycaught up with the company that attacked Mother’s clan, two years ago.” Therewas grim finality in his voice. All dead, Eddis guessed. “One of the dying toldMead that two of their leaders had split off some time before, That they’dplanned on coming this way, to harry the East Road.”

“Just you two-fighting against how many?” Jerdren asked.

Willow smiled, but his eyes remained dark. “We had surpriseon our side. And both of us have some skill with weapons.”

“Believe it,” Eddis told Jerdren. “They’re good.”

“Say we’ve learned the trade,” Willow said quietly. “Myhalf-brother is as skilled with his blades as his arrows and as clever a mage as any you’d want to meet. Fortunately, because his spells persuaded that man totalk and let Mead know he spoke the truth. We would never have journeyed so far for rumor or hearsay. As it is…”

“We barely reached the stables when we heard about thissortie against bandits,” Mead said. “We hear you are to captain it, Eddis.”

Jerdren stirred. Blorys gripped his wrist, and his brother subsided.

Eddis flashed the younger man a wry grin. “Not exactly. Itwas Jerdren’s idea to begin with. Since that’s so, he can tell you about it, ifhe’d rather.” But Jerdren, his color suddenly high, shook his head. Eddisexplained. “It’s possible you’re looking for the same men we’re after.” She letthe unspoken question hang.

“We’ll join you-if you’ll have us,” Willow said, his eyesmoving from Eddis to Jerdren.

Mead merely nodded, but his dark eyes fixed on Jerdren’s.

“Don’t worry, Jerdren,” Willow added with a faint smile. “Youlook like a man who hasn’t dealt much with magicians of any sort, let alone onelike Mead. But you have Eddis’ word for our use to your party. She can tell youI’m skilled enough with swords, knives, and longbow. Mead’s fast and deadly witha bow or his knives. We don’t know the lands hereabouts, but we’re both good incountry like this-woods, hilly ground, and river-bottom. We’re both good attracking and quieter at it than most men. We can see farther and better in the dark, and we’ve good cause to help you, because we want certain of those mendead as revenge for the pain they caused our family. I’m willing to go fornothing but the chance of vengeance-”

“Nonsense,” Eddis broke in firmly. “Share and share alike,Willow. In whatever plunder we recover, in the dangers, and in the castellan’s offer of funds for provisioning and weapons. Tell them, Jers.”

He grinned, as if pleased she’d used his nickname. “Elves asfighting companions-I admit Blor and I haven’t had that chance before, but we’veheard plenty of tales. It’s equal shares for all who come with us,” he said.

The two elves looked at each other for a long, utterly still moment.

Mead broke it. “We’ll go, then.”

Eddis opened her eyes groggily. First light was pale in herwindow-not enough to have wakened her. A scratching on the door panel broughther fully alert.

“M’Baddah, what?” she asked as she scrambled to her feet andhauled the dark shirt over her head.

“It is no great rush, my Eddis,” his low voice came throughthe window slit “I merely came to keep Jerdren from pounding at your door towaken you. He is greatly excited and babbled something about a full company or more awaiting you both, outside the tavern.”

She scrubbed sleep from her eyes and felt for her trousers. “Outside-you mean, even the tavern isn’t open yet?”

“Not quite yet, my Eddis.”

“Tell Jerdren he’s a dead man for even thinking aboutbeating on my door this early, and I’ll be there when I’m dressed and cleanedup. Not before!”

By the time she had replaited her hair and pulled on her boots, sunlight slanted through the little window and across the fountain square. A few merchants were beginning to set up for business. The tavern door was open, and the odor of freshly baked loaves and hot, fried meat carried her through the door, where it was almost as gloomy as it had been the night before.

Jerdren’s shout of welcome hit her from across the room.M’Baddah reached her at the same moment.

“I’ll kill him yet,” she mumbled and let her lieutenantescort her over to the now familiar corner. Jerdren, his brother, and Willow had the table to themselves at the moment. Half a dozen hard-looking armsmen sat together nearby.

Willow laughed quietly as Eddis settled on a stool. “Areearly hours as good for you as ever, Eddis?”

“Rrrrr,” Eddis replied and gave Jerdren a gimlet-eyed glare.“Early,” she informed him flatly, “is essential on the road. Not here.”

“I agree,” Blorys said. He handed her a cup and a thick sliceof pale, heavily seeded bread, shoved a pot of thick fruit spread her way, then sat back to quietly wait until shed had a little to eat and drink. When Jerdren leaned forward to say something, Blorys tapped the man’s shoulder and shook hishead firmly.

Thank you, Blorys, Eddis thought grimly. Keep the man quiet, and he won’t wind up wearing the pot of fruit. She finally set her cup down andeyed Jerdren questioningly.

“What’s been done?”

“Without you?” he demanded sourly. “Nothing. You and Iagreed-equals, remember? Those,” he gestured toward the table of men, “areFerec’s contribution. I know a few of ’em, but none well.”

“Fine. Let’s start,” Eddis said and turned to catch theattention of the nearest man.

By midday, they had a solid core group of thirteen andanother ten men in reserve. Those going would be themselves, the two elves, and six of Ferec’s men who knew the area well, who had tracked and ambushed straymen and creatures, including a burly older fellow who served as cook for hunting parties. A good part of the afternoon was spent questioning the Keep men and going over Jerdren’s maps with them. There were small stray bands of men to befound almost anywhere, Eddis learned, but most of them fled if confronted with a few swords. Now and again the guards encountered a regular clutch of armed men, but they also tended to evade a fight as well.

“Possibly under orders,” one of the men said.

There were plenty of rumors of other creatures, but while several of the men here had almost seen something neither human nor beast, close questioning by Eddis revealed few actual sightings.

“That’s good,” she said finally.

“What do you have against fighting creatures?” Jerdren wantedto know. “Take out a horde of goblins or even kobolds-they’re cowards unlessthey outnumber you, mind-and I wager these peopled be grateful indeed.”

She bit back a sigh. “Let’s deal with what we know first andwith the actual threat to the Keep-armed men, a company of bandits attackingcaravans, if you remember? Besides, it just might take more than a few hours together out there before we’re a proper band of fighters and not a collectionof volunteers who don’t know a thing about each other’s fighting styles, skills,and drawbacks. I’d rather not take on a horde of kobolds or anything else when Idon’t know who or what’s protecting my back.”

Jerdren gave her a sidelong look but said nothing more on the subject.

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