doubt exorbitant fees.” He pursed his lips. “Do you remember what you said?”

She took a sip from her glass, glancing around at the other diners. No one was staring. No one seemed to have noticed anything amiss. “It must have been you asking about Prince John earlier,” she said slowly. “I saw him again. Only he was older this time. A teenager.”

“But you found him as obnoxious as before.” Nick was still twisting his glass between his fingers.

Jo nodded thoughtfully. “He seemed to think me attractive, but his methods of showing it were pretty crass. Thank you.” She looked up and smiled as the waiter put a cup down in front of her.

“Perhaps your reactions were tactless and high-handed.” A nervous tic had begun at the corner of Nick’s eye.

She stared at it. “We are talking about me again,” she said softly. “It was not me. It was Matilda.”

“Whichever one of you it was, you should have had the sensitivity to handle the situation more discreetly.” Nick took the bill and began methodically to check it.

“Why are you so angry?” Jo said suddenly. “It’s as if you’re taking it personally. I didn’t mention Richard, did I? Or is it just because I talked about the past? Or because I wasted this beautiful meal? Or did I shout and yell and make an exhibition of myself?”

He shook his head, reaching into his pocket for his wallet. “None of them. Come on. Let’s go.” He pushed his chair back and stood up.

It was a glorious night, warm and balmy. They walked slowly back up Victoria Road. Most of the houses were in darkness. Here and there a window was still lighted, shadows moving behind the curtains.

Nick did not touch her. He strode ahead in silence. Only when they reached the step beneath the pillared porch did he speak.

“Are you going to let me come in?”

She stared up at his face in the light of the streetlamp. “No, Nick.”

“Please, I won’t hurt you, I promise.” He put his hands on her shoulders and gently pulled her against him.

She wanted him badly. She could feel her heart beginning to beat faster as his mouth moved gently against hers, and she felt her resistance weakening as he moved his hands slowly from her shoulders toward her breasts, massaging them sensuously through the thin material of her shirt, pressing her spine against the door. He felt in his pocket for his key, silencing her feeble protest with another kiss as he slotted it into the lock behind her and pushed it open. The hall inside was pitch-black. He did not bother to try to find the light switch. His arm pinioning hers, he kissed her more fiercely as the heavy door swung shut behind them, leaving them in darkness.

“Nick.” Jo gasped. “Please, don’t-”

“Why?” She could hear the strange exultance in his voice as he tore her shirt open and dropped his head to nuzzle her breasts.

“Please, I asked you not to come in-”

“But you want me, Jo,” he breathed. “You want me.” Catching her wrist, he pulled her with him up the stairs, unlocking the door to her apartment and pulling her inside. Only then did he release her. Jo groped for the light switch, trying to refasten her shirt and tuck it back inside her skirt. “Nick, please, I’m tired-” She backed away from him uncertainly. “Will you go if I make some coffee-”

“No coffee. It sobers you up too fast.” He strode into the room, pulling the curtains shut and turning on the table lamp in the corner. “What we need is some more wine and some music.” Leaving her standing by the door, he disappeared into the kitchen and returned with a bottle. “I see you’ve replenished your cellar.” He smiled at her. “Put some music on, Jo. And relax.” She was standing by the door, her hand on the latch. “Turn off the main lights and put on something quiet and sexy,” he went on, his voice suddenly gentle. “I said I wouldn’t hurt you. Come on. Relax.” He turned away from her to find the corkscrew and set about drawing the cork and pouring out the wine.

Still hesitating, Jo moved to the shelf and shuffled through a pile of cassettes. Her hands were shaking as she picked one up. “Piaf?” she asked, conscious that he had put down the bottle and walked across toward the door. She spun around, afraid that he was moving to lock it, but he merely went to the switch and turned off the main lights, leaving only the soft glow from the one small lamp in the corner.

Trying to steady her nerves, she turned back to the tape, putting it on very low.

“Your wine.” He was immediately behind her.

She faced him and took the glass from him. “You won’t hurt me again, Nick. You promise,” she whispered as he reached up to touch her face.

Nick smiled. “Why should I hurt you?” He took the glass back from her and set it down on the shelf behind her, then gently he drew her to him. With a frown he began to unbutton her shirt once more. He pulled it off then reached up to unfasten her bra. “That’s better,” he murmured as he dropped it on the floor. “Now, why have you still got your shoes on?”

He stood back and folded his arms once more, watching as Jo kicked off her high-heeled sandals, embarrassed at his sudden cold detachment.

She gave a nervous laugh as she turned away from him to pick up her glass. “Aren’t you going to take off your shirt too?”

“Of course.” He watched her drink. “You enjoyed it when I raped you the other night,” he said suddenly.

“I did not,” she flared.

“I think you did. I could feel it. A woman can’t hide it when she’s excited.”

Jo stopped and picked up her shirt hastily, clutching it against her. “I hope you haven’t got the idea that I like being knocked around, because I don’t. Please, Nick, stop teasing me…”

Nick took a step nearer her. He dragged the shirt out of her hand and threw it down behind him, then he caught her by the elbows, pulling her hard against him. “Beautiful, independent, oh so liberated Miss Clifford! I doubt if any man has dared to tell you what to do before, has he? One look from those flashing eyes and men cower back into their corners. What was Pete Leveson like in bed, Jo? He looks like a teddy bear to me. I doubt if he ever beat you. Perhaps that’s why you had such a short affair.”


“Or Sam. Sam has always wanted you, hasn’t he? My mother came and told me as much today. Has he ever dared to touch you? I doubt it! My brother is scared of clever women!”

“Please, Nick!” She tried to pull away from him. “You’re hurting me. You promised you wouldn’t-”

“I’ll do what the hell I like with you, Jo.” He smiled at her. “Violence excites you. You like powerful men. You like a man who can bring you to your knees.”

She struggled frantically. “You’re drunk, Nick-”

“I don’t think so. In fact, I’ve not drunk nearly enough.” He let go of her so suddenly she nearly fell. “Let’s have some more wine.”

“You’ve had enough.” She dodged away from him, then stooped and grabbed her crumpled shirt. “If you don’t get out of here in ten seconds, Nick, I’m calling the police!”

He had picked up the wine bottle, and, holding it up to the lamplight for a moment, he poured some into his glass. He moved toward her, sipping it. “This is a good year,” he murmured. “I’m glad you care about good wine. Many women don’t-”

Jo was backing away from him toward the phone. As she reached it he lunged toward her and caught the phone cord, jerking it out of the socket. His wine spilled over her arm as, with a cry of fright, she dodged past him.

“You know, I quite enjoy your show of resistance, Jo,” he said lazily. “I can see why men always prefer-what is it they call them-women of spirit!”

“Just stop all the chauvinist crap and get out of here!” Jo was shaking violently. She put the sofa between herself and Nick as she pulled on her shirt.

“We were talking about the men who told you what to do, weren’t we?” he went on conversationally. “What about those men of Matilda’s? William de Braose, now. He never asked permission before he screwed his wife, I’ll bet. Did it thrill you? Being forced to obey him? You had to obey your husband, didn’t you?” He was moving toward her again slowly, his handsome face set.

Jo backed toward the French doors. “Please, Nick, go away.”

“You haven’t told me yet. Did William turn you on?”

She shook her head. “Never. He was repellent.”

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