Kate nudged aside the lighthouse-themed curtain that covered the front door’s window and peeked outside. A pair of truck-height headlights shone directly into her eyes. She let the curtain drop and turned the door’s dead bolt.
Her visitor’s vehicle had come to a stop. “Don’t know,” Kate said to Ella. “I’m just a little edgy. You’re the only one who’d be out here, and you’re there.”
“Okay, you have a point,” Ella said. “Should I dial the police on my cell?”
“A lot of good that will do when I’m way out here.”
The truck’s headlights were off. Kate scurried to the kitchen and grabbed the biggest knife she could find in the knife block.
“Single girl. Lake house. Mysterious midnight intruder. This is so straight out of
Kate glanced at thrlanced e serrated bread knife in her hand. Great. She’d have to saw the prowler to death.
A knock sounded at the front door. Kate considered this a good sign. So far as she knew, homicidal maniacs didn’t knock. Then again, she had limited experience with homicidal maniacs.
“Jeez, this is like one of those horror movies!” Ella said. “Don’t go to the front door. That’s the equivalent of the stupid babysitter who goes down into the basement. Just hide.”
Kate approached the door. “My car is out front, Ella. The lights are on in my house. Clearly, I’m here.” Funny how calm she sounded when her heart was slamming its way out of her chest.
Another knock…
“Do you have the knife?” Ella asked.
Kate ducked below the door’s window. She had no intention of losing the element of surprise. Slowly, carefully, Kate moved the curtain. Inch by inch, Matt Culhane’s face appeared, lit to glowing perfection under the porch light.
“Oh, no.” Kate let the curtain drop.
“Who is it?” Ella asked. “Freddy Krueger? Your ex, Richard?”
“No. Worse. It’s Culhane.”
“You’re kidding!”
Kate rolled her eyes. “Nope. He’s here in all his glory.”
“Really! All his glory? Nice.”
Matt knocked again and called her name.
“I have to go,” Kate whispered into the phone, and disconnected over Ella’s pleas to stay on the line and eavesdrop. Then holding the phone and knife in one hand, Kate released the dead bolt and opened the door just enough to peek out.
Big, strong guy, eyes full of ambition, and a smile that was full of humor-at himself and the world-the kind of humor that only comes with a healthy dose of self-confidence. Yep, it was Culhane all right.
“Hey,” Matt said.
Kate tried to process how best to get rid of the knife, which now seemed a little excessive. “Gosh, this is a surprise. How’d you find my house?”
“Well, that’s an interesting story.”
That got Kate curious.
“I don’t suppose you’d consider letting me inside?” he asked.
Good grief, she thought. She was a wreck. Almost-empty wine bottle, ratty clothes, hair from hell, and she had a bread knife in her hand.
“I ther›?hought we were going to talk tomorrow?” she said to him.
His smile was crooked and endearing. “I decided I like tonight better. And, I come bearing gifts.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a weirdly shaped object.
Kate squinted down at the thing, uncertain what it was.
“Is it chocolate?” she asked.
“Sorry, no chocolate. It’s metal.”
“Metal what?”
“A metal crow.”
Kate reached to accept the gift, inadvertently brushing her hand against Matt’s. A little tingle of heat rushed through her, leaving a breathless lump in her throat.
The knife in her other hand dropped to the floor, interrupting the moment. “Come in. I was having a glass of wine. Can I get you anything?”
He stepped inside. His gaze shifted from her to the knife at his feet, then back to her. He took his coat off and casually hung it on the rack. “No, thanks.”
Matt followed Kate into the living room. “So, why aren’t you drinking beer?” he asked.
Kate hastily cleared the coffee table of the remnants of her Not a Pity Party. “I’ve never been much of a beer drinker. To be honest, I hate the stuff. Have a seat.”
Matt settled on one end of the sofa, and Kate took a spot on the opposite end, leaving a fabric field of poppies and chrysanthemums between them. She was glad for the space, because he looked good. Really good.
“Let me get this straight,” Matt said. “I hired someone who hates beer to work in a microbrewery?”
“It looks that way.”
“I think I need a more detailed application form.” He pointed at her shirt. “Should I assume you hate both the things listed there?”
She glanced down at her SEX AND BEER T-shirt, then back at Culhane, who gave her a grin.
“Neither of them are at the top of my priorities these days. But this is a song title, and the shirt’s from Milwaukee 2006 Summerfest.”
“You sound pretty certain about that no sex or beer thing. I think I’m going to have to take you up on the challenge.”
Her heart stumbled. “You’re talking about the beer, right?”
“Of course I am. I have my priorities, too.”
Yeah, and not for a minute did Kate believe it was beer. Okay, truth was she
“So what is it we
“First, you were right and I was wrong.”
Kate laughed. “That’s always a good start.”
He pointed to the ornament. “And this comes with the admission. I’m not much for eating crow, so I thought I’d give you one.”
She examined the weird little metal bird. “Thank you, but it looks more like a raven to me.”
“My family vote came out in favor of a raven disguised as a crow.”
She couldn’t have heard that right. “Your family voted?”
Matt shrugged. “Long story. It begins with my birth. Let’s just skip it and move on to me saying that I was nuts to have thought we could talk at Harborside Market.”
“It’s okay,” she said. “I think everyone in town is now pretty clear on the fact that you’re not attracted to me.”
“I’m not that good an actor,” he said. “
Kate bit into her lower lip.
Matt studied her for a beat. “I just admitted I’m attracted to you, and I can’t read your reaction.”
“Flustered,” Kate whispered.
He blew out a sigh. “I get that a lot. Why don’t you give me a quick rundown of what you learned this weekend?”
“Well, first, I learned that Jerry doesn’t seem too devoted to the concept of management once you leave town. He shows up for a little while, tells the staff to follow the usual program and call his cell should something break, burn, or blow up. Then he leaves.”
Matt raised his eyebrows ever so slightly, but he said nothing, so Kate plowed on. She might as well get all the