outsized breasts. Hers were as big as grapefruits, each crowned by a nipple as big as a strawberry and as brown as a ripe fig. He didn’t think he’d ever seen a woman’s body so lavish and luscious, so inviting, so made for love. “Dulcima,” he said hoarsely, “you trying to get me killed? I’m standing under San Diego’s roof and his woman is standing in front of me naked.”

She had come to a stop after pulling him into the middle of a big tiled room. She let go of the serape so that it fell around his sides. “Bah,” she said. “I am not hees woman and theese ees not hees roof. This ees my house.”

Longarm was having trouble with his breathing and his jeans had gotten far too tight. He knew he should look away, but he couldn’t keep his eyes off her. They roved between her big, erect breasts and the fascinating, glistening patch of hair that grew at the apex of her legs. Wanting to back away, he said, “Listen, what is going on here? Where is San Diego?”

She shrugged. “He has gone across the river. He does hees business there. So he say to me. I doan care where he ees. I like you the first time I see you. I theenk we go make love now.”

He reached up and quickly took the serape from around his neck and returned it to hers. “I think I better get the hell out of here,” he said, “while I still can. I got a feeling San Diego is liable to come walking in any second with a gun in each fist.”

Dulcima cocked her head and looked at him. “Why you want to make theese kind of talk? You are not escared of Raoul. I doan theenk you are escared of anybody. Why you talk like that? Who you trying to fool? You doan fool Dulcima.”

He looked around. The room they were in was big and furnished with heavy Mexican furniture. A door to his right obviously led to some kind of dining room and on into a kitchen. The door to his left was closed. A staircase along the right-hand wall led up to a small landing on the second floor. “Who is in this house?” he asked her.

She reached out and took his hand and pulled it to her, laying it between her breasts and holding it there with both her hands. “There ees nobody in theese house except for us. Mi mozos, my servants, are working outside. I have been watching for you since theese morning.”

He looked at her, feeling the almost electric heat of her body through his hand. “You couldn’t have known I was coming out here.”

“I look for you every morning. Since we talk in the plaza, I knew you would come.”

“But I came to see San Diego.”

“Fah on San Diego!” She stamped her bare foot on the smooth tiles. “I throw heem out! He does not leeve at theese place no more.”

“I thought you said he was gone to Mexico?”

“He ees gone to Mexico. Fah! He ees not here. What you care where ees theese man named Raoul San Diego? He look like a man, he act like a man, but he not really a man. He fool all the people, but he no fool Dulcima.” She grasped Longarm’s wrist with both hands and started walking backwards, pulling him along, toward the stairs. “You come with Dulcima. I much want to play with all of your body.”

He went reluctantly. His breath was coming rapidly and he was aroused so that his heart was going fast enough for him to feel it. But he was suspicious and worried that it might be a trap of some kind. “What do you want with me, Dulcima?” he asked. “You could have your pick of the men in town. Hell, in the county. Maybe in the whole state.”

She held his eyes with hers. She was on the first step and stepping backwards for the second. “I theenk you are mucho hombre. Much man. I am never wrong about theese theengs. You come with Dulcima and we will feel good.”

He glanced behind him, but she was already a third of the way up the stairs and he was about to mount the second step. He looked at her soft, warm, inviting body and thought that if she was the cheese he was one mouse that was ready to be caught.

He followed her up the stairs to the small landing at the top. She had turned her back to him, but was still holding his hand with one of hers. Her round, firm buttocks were as sensual as her breasts; the sight of them made his breath catch. There was only one door on the landing, a big, dark wooden one that was almost a match to the front door. She opened it, shoving it wide, and he could see past her enough to tell it was a large bedroom with another room leading off to his right. She led him over the threshold and then turned to shut the door. He looked to see if it had a latch or a sliding bolt, but there was just the knob. He was going to ask her if there wasn’t some way to lock it, but she didn’t give him time. She led him straight to the biggest bed he’d ever seen, then turned and started unbuttoning his shirt. Longarm could feel his legs beginning to tremble. He unbuckled his gun belt, being careful not to dislodge the derringer hidden in the concave buckle, and then lowered the rig slowly to the floor, bending over so that his lips and hers naturally came together. Her mouth was already opening as he bent his head over her. He could feel the sudden flush of her warmth on his mouth and then the sensual darting and stabbing of her tongue. Her arms were around his neck and he raised her up, lifting her off her feet. She was smaller and lighter than she had seemed that day in the plaza. Her feet dangled as she held on with just her arms around his neck. Finally he eased her back to the floor, took her around the waist, and lifted her onto the bed, laying her across it. The bed covering was white, accentuating her musky darkness. For half a moment he just looked at her lying there, legs open and inviting, breasts heaving with passion, lips parted as she looked at him with her big, luminous eyes.

In frantic haste he ripped his shirt off, then sat down on the side of the bed and yanked his boots off and then his jeans. Austin Davis had made fun of his not wearing underwear. Well, here was a good example of the usefulness of such a practice.

Behind him she said, “Arriba arriba. Pronto!” Hurry hurry hurry.

He turned quickly, and crept across the bed to her on his hands and knees. As he went between her legs, they came up to encircle him around the chest. Longarm feared it would make her too far away for his penis to reach and penetrate her, but then she did something with her hips as her arms encircled his neck, and he almost cried out as he felt himself slide into her hot, throbbing body. He stayed on his hands and knees as her mouth came up and her tongue went inside his mouth to complete the circle. Holding him around the neck, she thrust herself into him rhythmically, over and over, faster and faster, her breath coming in gasps.

Now she was biting him on the lips and the cheek and the ears. Longarm was trying to hold back, give her time, but the heat she’d generated in him with the first sight of her in nothing but the serape, had fanned into a flame that he could not turn down. He lifted his right arm and cradled her back in his big hand. He knew he would collapse on her when he exploded.

Вы читаете Longarm and the Lusty Lady
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