Jessie noticed his reaction, and her smile became broader if no warmer. ?No restrictions at all, Mr. Long. These luscious little doves from down south are, shall we say, easily replaceable whenever necessary. And I do want my gentlemen friends to enjoy themselves.? Her smile was professional and greedy, even cruel.

Longarm felt a chill invade his belly and drive away the warmth of the rye. The swell of interest he had felt when looking at pretty, vulnerable, young Rosalie was gone as quickly and as completely as if it had never been.

?Are you telling me


?This is a very special house, Mr. Long. I am telling you that we shall be pleased to accommodate any taste, however exceptional.?

There was that smile again. But now Longarm found the expression chilling rather than welcome. All of a sudden Jessie reminded him of a cat. A big cat. A mountain lion with all its merciless and deadly beauty. Jesus!

?Maybe later,? he said, struggling to keep a stammer out of his voice. He felt unnerved. Pissed off, really. He looked at the girls who were in the room, and now they looked not so much pretty to him as pathetic. Anything a man wanted? Custis Long knew from long and sometimes bitter experience with the human race that ?anything? could cover a whole lot of very ugly territory. And Jessie had not been exaggerating when she said ?anything.? She had also said the girls were easily replaced. Jesus!

?You did mention a desire to meet someone here,? Jes­sie conceded. ?Naturally we mustn?t interrupt any of our gentlemen. Are you sure you wouldn?t like to enjoy your­self while you wait??

?No, I

? The refusal came automatically to his lips. Then he thought better of it and forced himself to give the madam a smile that he did not mean in the slightest. ?Come to think of it, Jessie, there?s really no reason why I shouldn?t have a little fun while I wait. You did say the girls will accommodate any desire, right??

?Absolutely, Mr. Long. Anything whatsoever.?

His smile was genuine this time. ?Then I would enjoy some time with Rosalie there.?

?An excellent choice, Mr. Long. Dear Rosalie is quite new to us. She has barely completed her training here. I am sure she will satisfy.?

?I?m sure she will,? Longarm said with a pleased antici­pation that he did not have to fake. ?And if the sheriff should return to the parlor while I?m occupied, would you delay him here for me, please??

?My pleasure, Mr. Long.? She continued to sit and smile at him as if she were waiting for something. It took him a moment to realize what it was. Then he remem­bered.

Fifty dollars in cash was what the no-longer-attractive whore wanted. The expense would damn near clean him out of cash. But it was going to be worth it.

And after all, tomorrow was when the White Hoods were supposed to strike. After the arrival of the afternoon train he wouldn?t have to worry any longer about keeping his occupation a secret. Then he could pay for whatever he needed with vouchers.

He reached deep into his pocket and gave the bitch her money.

?Thank you, Mr. Long.? Jessie lifted her finger once again, and slim, pretty little Rosalie appeared soundlessly in front of them. Now that he knew what was up in this house of horrors, Longarm could see the pain of frightened anticipation in the girl?s downcast eyes.

?You may escort the gentleman to room five, Rosalie.?

?Yes, ma?am.?

Without ever once looking Longarm in the face the girl took his hand with a light, trembling touch and led him toward the stairs.

Chapter Twelve

The room was small and surprisingly plain after the luxury exhibited downstairs. There was a reason for that, though, a reason that was evident in the peculiar furnishings of the place. In addition to a sturdy bed and hard mattress with no covers except a single sheet, there were the odd trappings of a ?special? whorehouse.

A wall rack that held a selection of quirts and whips and willow switches. A box of leather and steel fetters. Ropes and gags and hatpins and even, incredibly, a razor and strop for those whose quirks demanded blood and serious pain.

Longarm looked at all of it in partial disbelief. He had been expecting it in a way. But now, confronted with the reality of it, his mind stubbornly refused to accept it until the second or third inspection of the vile chamber.

He looked at Rosalie and realized only then that while he had been staring at the embellishments of a virtual tor­ture chamber, the young Mexican girl had been calmly re­moving her gown. Now she dropped the garment onto an oddly-shaped stool that had manacles and steel anklets at­tached to its legs. Naked?and admittedly lovely, but with her eyes still downcast and unable to meet his?she turned to face him.

She stood with her chin low, arms slack, and shoulders slumped. Longarm could not begin to guess what she ex­pected him to do to her?not with her but to her now?but whatever it was she offered no resistance. She stood mute and accepting before him.

She was a lovely girl, although her body was flawed. Flawed not by nature, but by plan. Her nipples were scabbed and misshapen from something that had been re­cently done, and there were the welts and bruises of a beating on her hips.

Longarm cleared his throat, the sound loud and awk­ward in the silence of the small room. ?I, uh, have a spe­ cial request for you.?

She nodded without looking at him.

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