Yes, the stranger had a cock, but…he/she also had the ultimate fair-skinned, pale, sensual-looking body, with a pair of gorgeous, perfect breasts, full and prominent. Mark was instantly aroused as he stared. Each nipple was erect and piercings connected them with a thin chain. His/her lips were full and sensual, if almost colorless, below a thin, patrician nose and eyes so startlingly blue, they were captivating.
He wanted to stare into them without speaking for hours.
And then he remembered…despite the gorgeous tits, there was a cock dangling below. She/he was a hermaphrodite.
What the fuck?
Mark struggled to open his mouth and make his vocal cords work. When they did, they croaked a faint, ragged question.
“Who are you?”
“You can call me Damia. I’m the guy you don’t want to know,” the man/woman said. “I’m the girl you don’t want to know too. Because…I like sex, but even more, I like…blood. Lots of it.”
“What do you want with me?” Mark asked.
The creature laughed. “Sex and blood, for starters!”
“Kharon said I could see my wife if I came here.”
Damia put one hand on the rib bones enclosing Mark’s chest and swung her leg up over the table. He/she straddled Mark, leaning forward on the bones until her breasts pushed through the gaps. Mark felt the cold of metal studs against his thigh, as Damia leaned down to stare hard into his eyes. She cupped his cheeks in her hands and opened her mouth to kiss him.
He tasted metal as her tongue forced its way inside his lips, and as he stared into her eyes, her face suddenly grew fuzzy. As her edges blurred and she faded away, he began to see other things.
He saw:
“Stop it!” Mark finally screamed and the horrible visions suddenly were replaced by the steel-ringed eyes of Damia, just inches from his own.
“What’s the matter?” she asked in a voice both sweet and husky. “Don’t you have a taste for The Red? Your wife does, you know. She may turn into one of my best students at the rate she’s going. There is a bloodlust in her so deep…”
“Lust, yes,” Mark interrupted. “Rae could never get enough. And she liked things to get kinky, but she’s not mean and horrible like this…”
Damia laughed. “You saw the film. That was real. We granted her deepest, darkest wish-she was able to fuck a man literally to death, and she came with the heat of his blood dripping across her chest and down her thighs. Don’t tell me she is not ‘horrible like this’.”
“You did something to her,” Mark insisted. “You drugged her or something…”
“We did nothing but open the door to who she has always been,” Damia said. She leaned forward to lick a steel-studded tongue across his lips. Then she pressed herself up from the bones that trapped Mark to a sitting position.
“You were never enough for her,” Damia pronounced. “You are barely Blue Room material; you could never survive an hour of The Red. You should have just let her go.”
“I can’t,” Mark said. “She’s my wife. I love her. I have to see her again.”
“There is only one way that Kharon will allow that,” Damia said. “You have to take your own journey into The Red. If you can perform the tasks set for you in the first three rooms, you will find Rae waiting for you in the next.”
“And if I can’t do what you ask?”
“Then Kharon promised to give you to me,” Damia smiled. The hunger glowed in her eyes. “You will become another one of my memories,” she said. “Shall I slice off your parts, one by one, as we make love? Or would you prefer the hooks and chains? Or something more original?”
She reached beneath the table and released something there with a click. Then she lifted the cage of bones from pinning his chest and opened the locks that held his wrists tight.
Mark felt sensation rush back to his limbs in a fire of pins and needles, and he struggled to sit up. The room spun around him as he did, and he almost cried out at the sensation returning to his hands and legs. He stifled that, knowing that it would only earn him more taunts from the hermaphrodite.
Damia held out a long, thin arm, and Mark accepted her hand out of reflex. She pulled him from the table, and he almost fell. But Damia propped him up with an arm across his shoulders. Mark could feel the cold steel of studs on his skin; Damia’s arms and shoulders were pierced in a line of steel and her back was dark with a maze of hellish tattoos.
“Let us begin,” she said as he staggered towards a wooden door.
Chapter Thirty-Four
Amelia picked up her silken robe from the stone floor and slipped it over her shoulders. Kharon had invited her to be a part of the ceremony, one of the twenty-four voyeurs. She had been allowed to wet her blade on Peter’s flesh, but Rae held the center of attention. She rode him to death, as she and the other Watchers looked on.
First the rabbits, and now the sacrificial table. It was all about Rae anymore.