happened?” Harv said, winded from his sprint.

“I saw one of Dalton’s girls in the backseat. I couldn’t see the other.”

“You made the right decision.”

“I had him. The son of a bitch blew me a kiss as he went by.” He kicked the ground, fouling the driveway with dirt.

Harv motioned toward the house. “We might find Dalton’s body in there.”

“If so, I hope his girls didn’t witness any of it.”

“You want me to go in?”

“Hell, I’ve come this far.”

“I’m still alive,” Montez said.

“This isn’t a secure line. No names. What do you want?”

“I want you to call off your dogs.”

“They aren’t my dogs. Don’t you get it? I’m not calling the shots anymore.”

“Then I suggest you call in a favor.”

“Why would I do that?”

“Self preservation,” he said. “I have no desire to see you mired in scandal, or anyone else, for that matter. I’d like a certain amount of money deposited into my account. Tonight.”

“Then what?”

“Then I disappear and you won’t have to look over your shoulder for the rest of your life.”

“That door swings both ways. Suppose I agree, which I’m not sure I do. What guarantee do I have you won’t resurface someday?”

“My word.”

Montez heard the sarcastic laugh on the other end.

“That’s it? Your word?”

“Need I remind you I’ve kept your dirty secrets for fourteen years?”

“They’re not my secrets.”

“Is that all you care for your country?” Montez asked. “If anyone should be distrustful, it’s me. Do you take me for a fool? I’ve been planning against this betrayal for a long time. Did you really think killing me would protect anything?”

“It wasn’t my doing.”

“It doesn’t matter who gave the order. You’re a smart man. I’m offering you the lesser of two evils.”

“Who are you to talk about evil?”

“Oh, I see. You eat the steak but refuse to be blamed for the death of the cow.”

“Nice try.”

“It’s not negotiable. Your lapdog just spilled his guts, literally and figuratively. I’m minutes from mailing a special video package of his admissions to all the world’s major media outlets.” He waited through several seconds of silence. “Are you still there?”



He heard venom in the voice. “How much?”

“Twenty million.”

“That’s more than we agreed. A lot more.”

“Once again, not negotiable. Any contract we had was rendered null and void when your people tried to kill me. Twice.”

“I already told you, they’re not my people. I’m not responsible for that.”

“But it would have saved you a bundle. Coincidence?”

“Believe what you want.”

“I believe the political health of your nation is at stake. And if that’s not enough to move you, it’s about your health as well. You could go to prison and I don’t need to remind you what happens to people with soft hands in general lockup. How long do you think you’d last with the sodomites? If I were you, I’d start lifting weights and befriending white supremacists. And I hear the food is terrible.”

“I don’t take kindly to being blackmailed.”

“And I don’t take kindly to being the target of assassination squads. You have ten seconds to decide before I hang up.”

“I can’t move twenty million dollars million all at once.”

“I’d better find five million dollars million deposited tonight. You have two days for the rest.”

“I’ll start making the transfers. Don’t ever contact me again.”

“That depends entirely on you. Good-bye, Senator.”

Nathan left Harv in place guarding the driveway while he conducted a quick search around the perimeter of the house. He approached several expensive vehicles-including a Bentley-but none of the hoods were warm. Fifty yards to the west, a pool area with several large gazebos connected to the driveway via granite slab sidewalks. Whoever owned this property was clearly wealthy. The landscaping alone probably cost more than most people’s homes.

In his earpiece, Harv’s voice broke the near silence. “Another body, east side of driveway. Plus one dog. Same MO. Looks like another bodyguard.

It explained why they hadn’t seen any tactical dogs. Montez or his men killed them. “Meet me at the front door. I doubt anyone’s still here, but let’s stay sharp.”

The double front doors hung wide open. Most of the ground floor lights were on. Harv powered off his TI and tucked it into his waist pack. Nathan did the same with his NV visor.

“Why’d they leave the doors open?” Nathan asked.

“Maybe they left in a hurry. We could’ve been spotted.”


“I don’t smell propane or natural gas,” Harv whispered.

“Me either. I’ll take the left.”

They rushed inside and couched down, both sweeping their Sigs across the room.

All clear. Silent as well. No background music or TV noise. Nothing. The house felt abandoned.

Wall-to-wall with ornately carved antique furniture, the living room looked like a time warp. Mahogany- paneled walls were adorned with huge oil paintings, some of which he recognized. Possibly one reason why Montez hadn’t rigged explosives. Even being the monster he was, he remained respectful of personal property. The Bonita safe house had been worthless to him, but this? He’d probably spent a good amount of time coveting it. No doubt Montez believed destroying this furniture and art would’ve been a crime against society. The irony almost seemed laughable.

“I’ve seen museums with less inventory,” Harv said, looking around. “What’s this stuff worth?”

“Millions, maybe tens of millions.”

Harv scanned the room. “I don’t think anyone’s here, but we should clear the house.”

“Take the upper floors. Fifteen-second check-ins.”Nathan covered Harv’s advance to the marble staircase before heading into the kitchen. He’d start there and work counterclockwise through the ground floor rooms.

The bathroom off the entry looked fit for Saudi royalty. As he cleared the kitchen, den, billiards room, and two guest bedrooms-each with its own full bath-anger and hatred flared at Montez’s escape. He forced it aside and concentrated. Only one room left, next to the library. Probably a private office.

Its door was closed.

Chapter 36

“Harv, I need you down here.”

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