Nat's ship and kill him, and she got mad as bell. Dickstein was her man. He was funny, and he was strong, and he was oddly vulnerable, and he wrote love letters and stole ships, and he was the only man she had ever loved like this; and she was not going to lose him. She was in the enemy camp, a prisoner, but only from her point of view. They thought she was on their side; they trusted her. Perhaps she would have a chance to throw a wrench in their works. She must look for it. She would move about the ship, concealing her fear, talking to her enemies, consolidating her position in their confidence, pretending -to 'Share their ambitions and concerns, until she saw her opportunity. The thought made her tremble. Then she told herself: If I don't do this, I lose him; and if I lose him I don't want to live. She got out of bed. She took off the clothes she had slept i% -washed and put on clean sweater and pants from her suitcase. She sat at the small nailed-down table and ate some of the sausage and cheese that had been left there the day before. She brushed her hair and, just to boost her morale a little, put on a trace of make-up. She tried her cabin door. It was not locked. She went out. She walked along a gangway and followed the smell of food to the galley. She went in and looked swiftly about. Rostov sat alone, eating eggs slowly with a fork. He looked up and saw her. Suddenly his face seemed icily evil, his narrow mouth hard, his eyes without emotion. Suza hesitated, then forced herself to walk toward him. Reaching his table, she leaned briefly on a chair, for her legs felt weak. Rostov said, 'Sit down.' She dropped into the chair. 'How did you sleep?' She was breathing too quickly, as if she had been walking very fast. 'Fine,' she said. Her voice shook. His sharp, skeptical eyes seemed to bore into her brain. 'You seem upset.' He spoke evenly, without sympathy or hostility. 'I . . .' Words seemed to stick in her tbroat, choking her. 'Yesterday ... was confusing.' It was true, anyway- it was easy to say this. 'I never saw someone die.' 'Ah.' At last a hint of human feeling showed in Rostov's expression: perhaps he remembered the first time he watched a man die. He reached for a coffee pot and poured her a cup. 'You!re very young,' he said. 'You can't be much older than my first son.' Suza sipped at the hot coffee gratefully, hoping be would go on talking in this fashion-it would help her to calm down. 'Your sonT' she said.

'Yuri Davidovitch, he's twenty.' 'What does he dor' Rostov's smile was not as chilly as before. 'Unfortunately he spends most of his time listening to decadent music. He doesn't study as hard as he should. Not like his brother.' Suza's breathing was slowing to normal, and her hand no longer shook when she picked up her cup. She knew that this man was no less dangerous just because he had a family; but he seemed less frightening when he talked like this. 'And your other sonT' shq asked. 'The younger one?' Rostov nodded. 'Vladimir.' Now he was not frightening at all: he was staring over Suza's shoulder with a fond, indulgent expression on his face. 'He's very gifted. He will be a great mathematician if he gets the right schooling.' 'That shouldn't be a problem,' she said, watching him. 'Soviet education is the best in the world.' It seemed like a safe thing to say, but must have had some special significance for him, because the faraway look disappeared and his face turned hard and cold again. 'No,' he said. 'It shouldn't be a problem.' He continued eating his eggs. Suza thought urgently: He was becoming friendly, I mustn't lose him now. She cast about desperately for something to say. What did they have in common, what could they talk about? Then she was inspired. 'I wish I could remember you from when you were at Oxford.' 'You were very small.' He poured himself some coffee. 'Everyone remembers your mother. She was easily the most beautiful woman around. And you're exactly like her.' That's better, Suza thought. She asked him, 'What did you study?' G.Economics.' 'Not an exact science in those days, I imagine. 'And not much better today.' Suza put on a faintly solemn expression. 'We speak of bourReois economics, of course.' 'Of course.' Rostov looked at her as if he could not tell whether she were serious or not. He seemed to decide she was. An officer came into the galley and svoke to him in Russian. Rostov looked at Suza regretfully. 'I must go up to the bridge.'

She had to go with him. She forced herself to speak calmly. 'May I come?' He hesitated. Suza thought: He should let me. Hes enjoyed talking to me, he believes I'm on his side, and if I learn any secrets how could he imagine I could use them, stuck here on a KOB ship? Rostov said: 'Why not?' He walked away. Suza followed. Up in the radio room Rostov smiled as he read through the messages and translated them for Suza's benefit. He seemed delighted with Dickstein's ingenuity. 'The man is smart as hell,' he said. 'What's Savile Shipping?' Suza asked. 'A front for Israeli Intelligence. Dickstein is eliminating all the people who have reason to be interested in what happens to the uranium. The shipping company isn't interested because they no longer own the ship. Now he's taking off the captain and crew. No doubt he has some kind of hold over the people who actually own the uranium. TVs a beautiful scheme.' This was what Suza wanted. Rostov was talking to her like a colleague, she was at the center of events; she must be- able to find a way to foul things up for him. She said, 'I suppose the breakdown was rigged?' 'Yes. Now Dickstein can take over the ship without firing a shot.' Suza thought fast When she 'betrayed' Dickstein she had proved her loyalty to the Arab side. Now the Arab side had split into two camps: in one were Rostov, the KGB and Egyptian Intelligence; in the other Hassan and the Fedayeen. Now Suza could prove her loyalty to Rostov's side by betraying Hassan. She said, as casually as she possibly could, 'And so can Yasif Hassan, of course.' ''What?' 'Hassan can also take over the Coparelli without firing a shot. Rostov stared at her. The blood seemed to drain from his thin face. Suza was shocked to see him suddenly lose all his poise and confidence. He said, 'Hassan intends to hijack the Coparelli?'

Suza pretended to be shocked. 'Are you telling me that you didn!t know?' 'But who? Not the Egyptians, surelyl' 'Me Fedayeen. Hassan said this was your plan.' Rostov banged the bulkhead with his fist, looking very uncool and Russian for a moment. 'Hassan is a liar and a traitor!' This was Suza's chance, she knew. She thought: Give me strength. She said: 'Maybe we can stop him . . Rostov looked at her. 'What's his planr 'To hijack the Coparelli before Dickstein gets there, then ambush the Israeli team, and sail to ... he didn't tell me exactly, somewhere in North Africa. What was your plan?' 'fo ram the ship after Dickstein had stolen the

'Can't we still do that?' 'No. We're too far away, we'd never catch them.' Suza knew that if she did not do the next bit exactly right, both she and Dickstein would die. She crossed her arms to stop the shaking. She said, 'nen there is only one thing we can do.' Rostov looked up at her. 'There isr 'We must warn Dickstein of the Fedayeen ambush so that he can take back the Coparelli.' There. She had said it. She watched Rostov's face. He must swallow it, it was logical, it was the right thing for him to dot Rostov was thinking hard. He said, 'Warn Dickstein so that be can take the Coparelli back from the Fedayeen. T'hen he can proceed according to his plan and we can proceed according to ours.' 'Yesl' said Suza. 'Thafs the only waylIsn't it? Isn't it?'


As the Gil Hamflton came into view, Pyotr Tyrin cornered Ravlo, the addict, in the 'tweendecks of the Coparelli. Tyrin

acted with a confidence he did not feel. He adopted a bully~ ing manner and grabbed hold of Ravlo's sweater. Tyrin was a bulky man, and Ravlo was somewhat wasted. Tyrin said, 'Listen, you're going to do something for me.' 'Sure, anything you say.' Tyrin hesitated. It would be risky. Still, there was no alternative. 'I need to stay on board ship when the rest of you go on the Gil Hamilton. if I'm missed, you will say that you have seen me go over.' ~'Right, okay, sure.' 'If I'm discovered, and I have to board the Gil Hamilton, you can be sure III tell them your secret.' 'I'll do everything I can.' 'Yowd better.' Tyrin let him go. He was not reassured: a man like that would promise you anything, but when it came to the crunch he might fall to pieces. Ali hands we're summoned on deck for the changeover. Mie sea was too rough for the Gil Hamilton to come alongside, so she sent a launch. Everyone had to wear lifebelts for the crossing. Tlie officers and crew of the Coparelli stood quietly in the pouring rain while they were counted, then the first sailor went over the side and down the ladder, jumped into the well of the launch. The boat would be too small to take the whole crew-they would have to go over in two or three detachments, Tyrin realized. While everyones attention was on the first men to go over the rail, Tyrin whispered to Ravlo, 'Try and be last to go. 99 'All right.' The two of them edged out to the back of the crowd on deck. ne officers were peering over the side at the launch. The men were standing, waiting, facing toward the Gil Hamilton. Tyrin slipped back behind a bulkhead. He was two steps from a lifeboat whose cover he had loosened earlier. The stem of the boat could be seen from the deck amidships, where the sailors were standing, but the stem could not. Tyrin moved to the stem, lifted the cover, got in and from inside put the cover back in place. He thought: If I'm discovered now Ive had it. He was a big man, and the life jacket made him bigger.

With some difficulty he crawled the length of the boat to a position from which he could see the deck through an eyelet in the tarpaulin. Now it was up to Ravlo. He watched as a second detachment of men went down the ladder to the launch, then heard the first officer say, 'Where's that radio operator?' Tyrin looked for Ravlo and located him. Speak, damn you I Ravlo hesitated. 'He went over with the first lot, sir.' Good boyl 'Are you sure?' 'Yes, sir, I saw him.' The officer nodded and said something about not being able to tell one from another in this filthy rain. The captain called to Koch, and the two men stood talking In the lee of a bulkhead, close to Tyrin's hiding

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