enjoying my discomfort. This was not the time to mouth off to him.

“Nothing to say, my lovely Cicely?” He was baiting me. I could feel it in his tone. Trying to goad me into something stupid.

Everyone waited for me to respond. I could feel all eyes on me, waiting. Shaking my head, I fumbled for something to say. Finally, I found my tongue. “Congratulations, Lannan. Please, tell us what happened. Where did Geoffrey go to? Obviously, he took Leo with him. And did he try to hurt Regina like he threatened?”

“Such concern for my sister. She’ll be touched you inquired.” Said with a hint of sarcasm. Then, “Geoffrey would be tortured by the Queen if he touched one hair of my sister’s head and he should know that, but I could not chance that he’d gone insane and would carry through the threat. Which is why I left when he ordered me to do so.”

He leaned forward then, pushing up the sleeves of his casual jacket. His arms were scarred, ancient scars that told me Lannan had seen many battles before his mother turned him into a vampire. He noticed my gaze and slowly winked at me. Flustered, I turned my head.

“My sister found out when Geoffrey ordered that my stable be integrated into his. Regina shares my bloodwhores and did not take kindly to the thought. She confronted him. He told her that I’d chosen to leave, that I had-perish the thought-fallen for you and that I stormed out when you did. My sister is no fool. She went to Lainule, found out the truth of why I left, and went to the Crimson Queen. And if there’s one thing our Queen does not look kindly upon, it’s traitorous activity.”

The thought of being on the wrong side of the Vampire Queen’s wrath was almost enough to make me feel sorry for Geoffrey. Almost. Again, a wave of anger swept over me. I’d actually come close to liking the vampire. He’d seemed the most levelheaded of them all, but in this town, in the world I lived in, nothing was as it seemed. Betrayal hid under the guise of friendship, and aid manifested through the hands of the enemy.

“What did the Queen do?” Peyton asked, before I could get to the question.

“It seems the Crimson Court immediately revoked Geoffrey’s status as Regent and told my sister to take a contingent of guards and remove him from office. If he resisted, they were to crucify him under the open sky, where, at daybreak, he would fry like a fish, impaled on a harpoon.” Lannan snorted and the cold joy in his voice left me chilled through.

You’d do well to remember that Lannan is not your friend, nor anyone else’s friend. He may be an ally, but never forget what he is: a vampire, a predator who is older than the castles of Europe and who feels no remorse for anything he does.

Ulean’s words rang through me like a silver bell-clear and alarming. Lannan was no simple hedonist. And I’d better play my cards right, now that he actually did hold the title of master over me.

“I suppose some of his loyal followers found out, because by the time Regina and the guards reached Geoffrey’s mansion, he was gone, along with Leo and a number of guards.” Lannan shrugged. “This all happened in the past two days.”

“Then the day-runners we killed this morning-”

“Were loyal to both Geoffrey and Leo. They must have sent them from their hiding place.” Lannan cocked his head, a knowing smile on his lips. “Which means…come now, Cicely, you can figure it out.”

I knew what he was hinting around at. “Which means that the one we have tied up in the other room can lead us to where they are.”

“That’s my girl.” Lannan stood, crossing his arms. “Our plan is simple: We get to them before they get to us. Geoffrey is no longer welcome in the Court. No one will blink if a certain warlord disappears off the face of the planet. And mark you-we’d best destroy him because he will seek to destroy us. Now his only hope is to harness Myst’s people for his own, and he can’t do so with her at the helm. If he captures you and turns you as was his original plan, you will take the place of your long-distant mother. But this time he intends to keep control.”

I shuddered. “I’ll slit my own wrists before I let him do that to me.”

“Make no mistake, Geoffrey is cunning and wise. You are no match against his wits. And should you believe otherwise…Cicely, you think I’d make a vicious and deadly lover, but be advised that Geoffrey’s attentions are not without their own perversions. I lent several of my stable to him before I realized they were coming back traumatized and maimed.”

I blinked. For Lannan to call someone perverted was a terrifying thought, considering his own nature. “We have to talk to Erik again, before they figure out we killed their posse.”

“Being that it’s past nightfall, I guarantee you, they’ve already figured that out.” But Lannan motioned for us to bring the man in.

Grieve and Chatter rose and, without a word, retrieved our prisoner, holding his bound arms between them. They thrust him into a chair, none too gently. Chatter looked at Grieve. Grieve nodded, and stood back, his form blurring as he shifted into his wolf form. Baring his teeth, with a low growl, he posed, ready to leap at Erik. Chatter released the gag from the day-runner’s mouth.

I sucked in a low breath. They weren’t kidding around. But then, with Geoffrey and Leo on our asses, we couldn’t afford to play nice.

“We know what happened with Geoffrey. We know that he and Leo are off on their own, and we know why you’re trying to kidnap me as well as Rhiannon. You have a chance to make this right. You have a chance to live.” I wasn’t sure I could promise that, but we had to get him to talk.

He shook his head. “I’m not stupid. I know I’m not getting out of here alive. I’d switch sides, but you’d never trust me. Would you, Rio?” He glanced over at Rhiannon, who paled.

“I don’t know. You were Leo’s friend. He’s a vampire. and if you asked him, he could help you far more now than he could before. But then again…you never expressed an interest in being a vamp, did you?”

Lannan waved his hand at her. “Move. I can take care of this.”

Rhia backed away without a word. Lannan knelt down, staring into Erik’s face for a long moment. Erik tried to look away, but Chatter reached out and held his head steady. I could feel Lannan’s glamour weaving around the man. He could force his will on Erik and he had no compunction against doing so.

“Talk to me, Erik. You will tell me the truth. You cannot lie to me, and if you try, I will drain you down and bleed you out slowly and painfully so that you beg for death.” Lannan’s voice wove sinuously through the room and my hand fluttered to my throat. “Do you understand?”

My wolf shivered. I looked at Grieve, who was watching me, still in wolf form. His eyes were glittering, fastened on me, and I knew he could feel the response that Lannan’s command stirred in me.

Erik’s eyes fluttered, and I could tell he was resisting. I knew that look, I’d been there before.

With a shudder, Erik croaked out, “Yes, I understand.”

Lannan laughed, then glanced at me, and licked his lips. In that instant, I could feel his energy wrap around me like a snake, sliding up my body. I struggled for control. I couldn’t let Grieve see what Lannan could do to me. He knew, but knowing was not the same thing as having your nose rubbed in it.

“Very good, my little pecker.” Lannan returned his attention to Erik. “So tell me, Erik, and remember-no lying. Where are Leo and Geoffrey hiding?” His fingers stroked Erik’s chin.

With a shudder and a look of revulsion on his face, Erik stammered out his reply. “They are hiding in the basement of Inley.”

Lannan startled. He frowned. “Did Icarus give them permission?”

Erik nodded. “Yes, for a price. Geoffrey has to bring him fresh bloodwhores. Ten of them over the next year.”

Nodding, the vampire stood up. He gave Erik a considered look and then, without warning, jerked his head to the side. We could hear the cracking of bones as Erik slumped in his chair. Rhiannon gave out a choked cry, turning away. I stared in horror as Grieve transformed back.

But Rex nodded. “You did what was necessary.”

“I do not need your approval, werepuma, but yes, I did.” Lannan looked over at me, his eyes no longer filled with sensual fire but instead aloof and determined. “He betrayed Geoffrey. He would have betrayed us.”

Unfortunately, he was right. We could never have trusted Erik not to give us away. Instead of letting the horror of the situation paralyze me, I chose to focus on what we’d learned.

“What’s Inley? And who is Icarus?”

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