Sing tra la fa, Fae, around the cauldron swoon, ’Tis truly time for the Witching Moon

I rocked on the cadence, letting it bolster me against the swirling mists. Slowly, I felt myself turning, as I headed back to the shoreline, to meet the water’s lapping waves. A part of me knew this was folly, that magic was being used against me, but the other part-the part that controlled limb and will-didn’t care. I would walk until the singing voices bade me to stop.

As I pushed the others out of my way, Grieve reached for my arm and I tried to shake him off. He held tight. “I hear them too-I can hear them on the slipstream, Cicely, but you have to ignore them. They’re sirens. They’ll lure you into the water and feast on your blood.”

I heard him, from far away, and saw the concern on his face, but nothing seemed to be able to penetrate the fog in which I was walking. I shook my head.

“Must go…must go to them…”

Kaylin came up on my other side and, with a sharp look at Grieve, grabbed me out of his arms and shook me soundly. He thrust his thoughts in my mind, his demon forced its way in and the rough, dark fire burned through the fog, leaving my thoughts scorched.

I screamed and went down on my knees with what felt like the mother of all migraines. Clasping my hands to my head, I screamed again, trying to shake the searing pain out of my mind. The world was a dark blur of flame and shadow, and just as I thought I couldn’t handle the pressure, it began to dissipate. I blinked. Everything was still blurry, but my vision was beginning to clear.

After a moment, the roaring thunder faded to a dull ache and I moaned and fell back, landing on my butt with a thud. I groaned.

“What the hell did you just do to me, Kaylin?”

“Mind-fucked you. I forced my thoughts into your own in order to break the hold the sirens had on you. No amount of talking would do it.” He smiled apologetically. “You’re extremely vulnerable to empaths and beasties that work on a psychic level. You need to learn how to shield, but that can come later.” He offered me his hand, and with a careful look at Grieve, I accepted his help as he pulled me to my feet.

“You really blasted my thoughts. I feel like I’ve either got the hangover from hell, or I’ve been pounded into by a sledgehammer. Mind-fuck is right…” But it had worked. And had he not done it, I would be fighting to return to the water. “Tell me, why didn’t those things…whatever they are…attack us as we crossed the pond?”

“Like Myst’s Ice Elementals, I have a feeling they won’t act until someone sets foot on this island.” He shook his head. “We’re going to have be very wary. Lainule’s protection is magical as well as physical. She has to have wards and spells set up.”

“I’m so stupid. I don’t know why I didn’t think of that.” Once again, I felt like a shortsighted idiot.

“We’ve been fighting on a physical level for days now with Myst-most of her attacks have been via flesh and blood. We’re all tired. I dread to think what happens when she decides her Shadow Hunters aren’t doing well enough on their own and begins to strike at us magically.” Kaylin’s face was grim and I realized I had deliberately been avoiding that same thought. We could barely fight back against her warriors, let alone her magic.

“Let’s move. The longer we tarry, the more chance we have of setting ourselves up as targets. But keep alert, and if you feel yourself slipping, say something.” I shook off the last of Kaylin’s shadow and fire, moving back into the lead with Grieve.

Ulean, couldn’t you break through the sirens’ songs?

You could not hear me. It would seem that something in their magic blocks our communication. I tried to call you back, but you faded out of my reach.

Keep close contact from now on. We can’t let that happen again.

As you say. I will, my friend. I have your back, as much as anyone ever can. And you, listen well, and the moment you think you sense something else, tell me-some whispers you will hear better than I. Others, vice versa.

And so we plunged on into the silent forest. The sirens’ calls vanished, but I wasn’t resting easy. There were darker things ahead, between us and the heartstone, set to protect. And no matter what we told them, they’d fight us because we could be anybody trying to get to the gem that kept the realm of Summer alive.

We pushed through the forest of rock and root, skirting the boulders settled at the base of some of the “trunks.” The albino ivy vines tendriled down to coil in our hair and try to hold us back. I brushed them away and they moved like snakes, slithering, rearing back, and I could swear I heard them hiss. But they did not strike, nor did they have thorns or fangs.

They are the eyes and ears of this cavern forest.

Are they sentient?

As sentient as any plant might be in the realm of Summer. Yes, they know we pass, but their thoughts are dark and shadowed, difficult to discern. They do not shout, nor raise a vocal alarm, but they can whisper among one another and let the rest know that invaders are on the way.

And are they doing that?

Yes, they are. I can hear them, though I can scarce give form to their thoughts and words.

I told the others about what Ulean had said, but there was nothing to do. As we passed each vine, Grieve gave it a surreptitious look but did not attack. The less we appeared to be intruders, the less trouble we should have. Theoretically.

I began to feel eyes on me from every direction. On us. It was as if the whole freaky forest had suddenly sprung to life, but there was no telling just where that life was hiding. Or whether it even was hiding. Perhaps we were seeing the very creatures we were trying to hide from- within the roots of the trees and the giant hanging rocksicles.

We came to a fork in the road. Exhausted, I dropped to the ground.

“We have to rest.” I looked up at them. “Is there any chance we can get a little sleep?”

“That might be a good idea. Here, in the realm of Fae, time moves far differently. It’s impossible to tell how much time on the outside has passed, but probably far less than in here. Grieve and I are strong here. We can watch over the three of you while you sleep.” Chatter motioned to the side of the path. “You’ll have to curl up on the ground, but at least it’s not cold.”

Wearily, Kaylin, Rhiannon, and I settled ourselves on the softest patch of earth we could find. Grieve and Chatter took watch. As we drifted off to sleep, I wondered if I’d dream of this place.

As my eyes fluttered open, I wondered where I was, and then remembered. We were in the realm of Summer, looking for Lainule’s heartstone. As I slowly sat up and yawned, achy from sleeping on the ground, my head felt clearer and I didn’t feel nearly so out of it.

“Did you sleep well, my love?” Grieve was right where he’d been when I went to sleep, looking no worse for the wear. Chatter was sitting near Rhia, staring off into the distance. As I stood, he woke both my cousin and Kaylin.

“Yes, I think I’m good. How long were we out?”

“Who knows? Time passes differently here. You slept for a while, though.” Grieve kissed me gently, and-as Rhiannon and I headed behind some nearby boulders to take care of personal business, he and Chatter began to discuss the path ahead.

When we returned, I realized I felt much better. Rhiannon and Kaylin both looked refreshed, too.

“Which way do we go?” I asked.

“Right, I think.” Grieve motioned to the path and we turned and followed him, circling through rock and root, the scent of deep earth and mold thick in my nose. I had no clue where we were going, but instinct told me this was the way. The farther we traveled, the thicker the air became till it was oppressive and heavy on the lungs. The magic was steadily growing. I almost expected to see giant mushrooms and monster crabs like out of some old movie, but neither appeared.

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