acquaintance of Mr. Grenville or of Mr. Horne? It is most unlikely for a gentleman to be both.'

'Grenville is the acquaintance,' I answered. 'I met Horne by chance.'

'And you prevailed upon Horne to write to me for an appointment. Why?'

'He told me that you obtained things for gentlemen.'

Denis inclined his head a fraction. 'I have, in the past, provided certain assistance to people I know. I do not know you. What is it that you hoped me to find for you?'

I made an uncomfortable movement, but I was determined to brazen it out. 'A young lady.'

'I see. For what purpose?'

'What do you mean, for what purpose? For what purpose do you suppose?'

'You might have a benevolent streak and wish to adopt an orphaned young woman to raise as your own. Or you might want a companion to share the rest of your hopefully long life. Or you simply might want someone upon whom you can relieve your base lusts.'

A trickle of perspiration slid down my back. 'It is the latter, I am afraid.'

Denis regarded me for a long moment. When he spoke, his voice was even more colorless, as though he regarded me with distaste. 'You could obtain such a thing for yourself. London has an unfortunately large commodity of women for just that purpose.'

'I do not want a girl from the streets. I want-a young lady.' I had difficulty making my mouth form the words.

'And you believe I can find one for you.'

'As you did for Mr. Horne.'

In the silence, a green log popped and a smattering of sparks hissed back into the fire. 'He told you this?'

'Not in so many words. I drew the conclusion.'

Denis studied me for a long time, his expression still neutral. Finally he spoke, as though ending an internal debate. 'What I obtained for Mr. Horne cost him a large sum of money. A very large sum. Such a thing was difficult, dangerous, and I must admit, distasteful. You, Captain, cannot afford it.'

'No,' I said. 'But Mr. Grenville can.'

His lids lowered briefly. 'Mr. Grenville would hardly lend you money so that you could satisfy yourself on a respectable virgin. He is careful of his acquaintance and unlikely to cultivate a friendship with a man of such disgusting tastes.'

I made a conspiratorial gesture. 'He does not need to know.'

'He knows everything about you,' Denis said. His blue eyes bored into mine. 'As do I. I suggest, Captain, that you drop the pose.'

Chapter Eighteen

I said calmly, 'I have always been bad at lying.'

Denis sat back and rested his hands, palms down, on the desk. 'Yes, your skills are remarkably ill developed. What is it you truly came here to discuss?'

I looked him straight in the eye. 'Miss Jane Thornton. And her maid.'

Nothing, not even a flicker of recognition. 'Who are they and what have they to do with me?'

My pulse beat faster. 'You procured them for Mr. Horne. The late Mr. Horne.'

'I did read in the newspaper of Mr. Horne's unfortunate death. London is a dark and violent city, Captain.'

'You destroyed an entire family, damn you. For his paltry fee.'

Denis's smooth fingers tightened the barest bit. 'If I had done what you accuse me of, the fee would not have been paltry, I assure you.'

I no longer tried to rein in my temper. I'd had enough of people caring nothing for the missing Jane, and for Aimee, frightened and destroyed. I rose. 'You procured her, and you sold her, just as you sold the painting to Grenville and his friend.'

I sensed a movement beyond my right shoulder. The man at the window, no longer looking half-asleep, had come alert.

Denis gave him a small, subduing gesture. 'Gentlemen sometimes ask me to obtain for them things that others cannot. It is expensive. One needs planning, the right contacts. I can do what they can't. That is all.'

'You cloak it in vague words, but you sold her the same as you would a prostitute to a nunnery.'

Faint color touched his cheeks. 'If you have come here to crusade, I suggest you rethink your position. I know you've questioned my coachman, and you questioned Horne and Grenville. But I warn you, Captain. Do not interfere in my business. You do not have the power or wealth to do so with impunity. And do not think to hide behind your friend Grenville. His greatest quality is his discretion. He will not help you.'

'Do you expect me to turn my back as you ruin young women and their families?'

'You must do as you please, of course.'

I rested my fists on his desk. 'Horne didn't pay you for it either, did he? That's why you went to see him the day he died.'

Denis steepled his fingers and regarded me quietly over them. 'My financial arrangements are my own affair.'

'I know Horne owed you money. That fact has not been hidden. Did you murder him, then? Because he would not pay?'

'How foolish for me to kill a man who owed me money. I prefer to have money in my coffers than blood on my hands.'

'And you wouldn't be able to pursue his heir for it, because you would have to explain the business transaction,' I said. 'I doubt you keep any records. I suppose I will have to satisfy myself with the fact that you will never see tuppence for Jane Thornton's ruin.'

Denis regarded me through another long silence before he unclasped his hands. 'I admire your bravery, Captain. Very few men would think to enter my house and make such accusations to my face. Or perhaps you simply do not know your danger.'

'I was warned.' Grenville had told me not to come here alone. Pomeroy had told me I was insane. I was beginning to think they were both right.

'And you came anyway?' Denis asked. 'I must say, you have astonished me.' He rose. 'I bid you good day, Captain.'

My breath came fast, and I did not take his outstretched hand. 'I can't say I wish you good health.'

The corners of his mouth twitched the slightest bit. 'You are refreshingly blunt, Captain. But have a care. Do nothing more to inquire into my business. It is not worth it.'

His eyes, again, held no menace, but I sensed a cold ruthlessness behind them. That coldness no doubt inspired fear in those who became acquainted with him.

I had lost my fear long ago.

I did not say good-bye. I simply turned and left him.


I returned to my rooms, enraged and no further forward. Yesterday, I had believed that Denis murdered Horne, but after meeting him, I changed my conclusion. I believed Denis when he said he would have gotten more out of Horne if the man had remained alive. Denis must have been in a fair temper with Horne in order to pay him a personal visit.

I toyed with the idea that Denis had told the brute of a man who'd stood guard in Denis's study to physically frighten Horne, and said brute had accidentally killed him, but I discarded that idea as well. Denis was too careful. The brute would not have made a mistake. And Denis certainly would not have murdered a man when he'd been publicly seen paying a call on him.

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