I understood his message. I was to stay out of his way.

My mind spun with things I needed to do, but my body was too tired to do them. I'd written to young Philip Preston with my apologies for missing our appointment for riding instruction, and I needed to write again to set another date. On the weekend, Grenville and I would travel to Hampstead, where I would speak with Lord Sommerville. I'd pay a visit to the Beauchamps as well, having made my decision as to what I'd tell them. As to the whereabouts of Jane Thornton and the identity of Horne's killer, my mind balked. I knew who had killed Horne and why, but I did not want to know this. The world was happy with Bremer as the culprit; let him satisfy the world.

I also wasted time missing Janet. I wished for the hundredth time I'd never gone to Arbuthnot's to view that damned painting-I'd met an attractive woman there, Mrs. Danbury, who made it plain she had no interest in me, and I'd chanced upon Janet. God had been amusing himself with me that night.

I should have stayed longer at Grenville's, I reflected as I lit a candle in the darkness of my rooms. He at least diverted me with talk and food and drink. Here I was alone with my thoughts, my memories, and my past. I needed action.

Pomeroy had told me I was mad. Brandon agreed with him. Grenville thought so too. Louisa understood me a little better, but even she was fond of telling me how imprudent I was. All of them were right about me.

I changed into my regimentals, hobbled to the hackney stand in Covent Garden market, and took myself to the house of James Denis.

Chapter Twenty-Three

'You'll forgive my precautions, Captain.' Denis touched his fingertips together and regarded me calmly from a brocade wing chair. 'I assume you did not call on me to apologize for setting my boat alight.'

Upon my arrival, two of his thugs had thoroughly searched me for weapons and had taken away my walking stick, which Grenville had had repaired for me.

But the fact that Denis would not let me near him without searching me satisfied me a little. I did not make him feel safe.

'You are curious as to why I came,' I said. 'Or you never would have let me in.'

He gave a single nod. 'I admit, I am slightly curious. But I have an appointment in a half-hour's time, so please be brief.'

I had no intention of being brief. 'I've had much time to think this past week. It occurred to me that Josiah Horne was a man of sordid and vulgar taste.'

Denis raised his sleek brows. 'Please do not tell me that you traveled all the way to Mayfair to inform me of this obvious fact.'

'The abduction of Jane Thornton smells of his vulgarity. To lure an innocent girl from her family, to take pleasure in her ruin-that fits with Josiah Horne and his way of life.'

Denis looked pained. 'Indeed.'

'It occurred to me, however, that such a mode of business is not typical of you. You work for the rich and the discreet. You steal precious paintings from under Bonaparte's nose. Your business is a subtle one; you have networks scattered far and wide. You make wishes come true with seeming ease.'

'You flatter me.'

'I've had time to mull over the risk and the foolish theatricality of Jane Thornton's abduction, put together with what I've learned about you. I wondered why a man with your exactitude would want to do such a thing. And then it struck me. You had nothing to do with it.'

Denis did not move, but his eyelids flickered. 'I told you this when you called the other day.'

'You actually told me nothing. You let me run on in my anger, and you denied just enough to put me off the scent. You knew about Horne's abduction of Miss Thornton, and it angered you. So much so that you went to see him to tell him this. But it did not anger you in the same way it angered me. You cared nothing for Miss Thornton's welfare. Instead, you worried that Horne's stupid actions would endanger something else in which you were involved. What was it, I wonder?'

Denis brought his steepled fingertips to his chin. 'It cannot matter anymore, can it? Horne is dead.'

'And you could be his murderer.'

'I could be. But I was not.'

'I believe you. You didn't lie to me when you said he was worth more to you alive than dead. What did he ask of you? What did you give to him that put him so deep into your power?'

Denis watched me a moment, and at long last I saw some emotion in the cold blue depths of his eyes. That emotion was irritation.

'When I first met you, Captain, I told myself that someone like you could be useful to me. I have revised my opinion. You are too hotheaded. I would not be able to trust you.'

'You owned him body and soul, didn't you?' I asked. 'I think that once upon a time, vulgar Mr. Horne wanted a seat in Parliament. He came to you and behaved as though he were doing you a favor asking you to buy up votes for him. He disgusted you, but you must have seen an opportunity. No doubt you own other men in the Commons, and perhaps even in the Lords, people who owe you favors, as Brigadier Champlain did. But one more wouldn't hurt. You could have eyes and ears in all parties and manipulate whichever would benefit you the most.

'So you helped Horne get his seat, and your price was that he obeyed your every order. I can imagine a man like Horne would not even resent you. He had a seat; who cared that he made no move without your permission? But his stupidity over Jane Thornton could have jeopardized his position, especially when you discovered that her father had tracked her to his doorstep. When Thornton tried to accuse Horne of ruining his daughter, you called in a favor and had five cavalrymen ride to Hanover Square to shut Thornton's mouth. So they obeyed orders and shot an innocent man who was only grieving for his daughter.'

Denis regarded me coolly. 'You seem to have worked everything out to your satisfaction.'

'If it is not the truth, it is very near.'

His gaze drifted to the clock on the mantel. 'My appointment is in ten minutes, Captain. I must bid you good evening.'

I didn't move. 'You don't fear me or my revelations. Horne is dead, and I can prove nothing. I imagine many men of power owe you favors and would make sure that you were not hurt even if I tried to speak. I imagine they, like Horne, are grateful to you for what you've done and don't mind helping you.'

'It is the way of the world, Captain. Do not pretend you do not know that. You were in the army.'

'I admit I have done things I would not care to have closely examined,' I said. 'But my promises were made on the right side of honor.'

'Yes, I have heard all about your honor. It has put you where you are today: poor and of no consequence.'

'I must live with that.'

Denis shrugged. 'I am pleased to meet a man who values honor so highly. There are few these days. But I must insist you leave now. I have many things to do this evening.'

I rose to my feet, and he stood up as well. I was a fraction taller than he, but the cool stare from Denis's blue eyes told me he cared nothing for that.

'Good evening, Captain. Next time, remember that I see no one without an appointment.'

I remained in place. 'I came for a second reason. I would be most interested in speaking again to your coachman, Jemmy.'

Denis looked thoughtful. 'I am certain you would. And I'm certain I know why. Very well, I will deliver him to you. Please remember, however, that murder is against the law.'

'Jemmy is of more use to me alive than dead,' I said.

'Not to me.' The chill in Denis's eyes could have frozen oceans. 'Be so good as to tell him that for me when you speak to him.'

By the week's end, I felt well enough to accompany Grenville to Hampstead. He took me to the estate of Lord

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