came away bloody. She sank to her knees, seemed to pause for a moment, and then pitched forward on to her face with an awful gurgling moan.

Stuck in her back was the lance of that frightful spelter statue she had drawn so prettily on the first day of our acquaintance.

Charlie dashed to my side and lifted my head on to his knee. Fatigue and nausea were washing over me. «Charlie…»

We both watched as a torrent of blood as red as lava began to flow from Bella’s back, drenching her gown. Then her eyes turned glassy and she lay still.

«This is meant to be my day off,» said Charlie. «Who do I talk to about overtime?»

I looked him directly in the eye and managed a smile. «Charlie, what can I say?»

He stroked my hair with uncommon gentleness. «All part of the service.»

«Well, I’m glad you mentioned that, Charlie,» I murmured, managing to prop myself up on one elbow. «You know, my pal Beardsley always said that his indisposition made him frightfully horny. No doubt one is not quite in control of oneself when one’s glands are up.»

I smiled what my friends call, naturally enough, the smile of Lucifer.

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