Meryl the special planter that he hitched to his tractor for potatoes, delivering a commentary without pausing for breath.

‘It – makes – the – furrows – so – that – the – rotating – wheel – drops – the – seed -potatoes – in – then – it – turns – the – soil – over – them – otherwise – the – potatoes – go – green – in – the – light. Of course – sometimes – you – want – them – to – have – a – bit – of – light – so – that – they – sprout – early – but – then – you’ve – got – to – be – careful-’

Meryl, trying not to let her eyes glaze, had come away with only one thought.

‘His machine’s on its last legs,’ she told Jarvis now. ‘He needs a new one. You could make him an interest-free loan-’

‘It would be too late now.’

‘Just what I’m saying. You should have married me earlier and insisted on a bigger dowry.’ She nudged him in the ribs. ‘See what you get for being stubborn.’

‘Well, I’m not used to marrying for money,’ he said, nettled. ‘I don’t know how it’s supposed to be done.’

‘You fraud. You swore to Larry that you were a hardened mercenary. The fact is, you’re just a beginner.’

‘I’m not planning to make a career of it.’

She went to the stream where the horses were drinking and splashed some water over her face. He watched her, elegant in her riding habit, her glorious hair out of sight for once. Only last night that hair had streamed over her shoulders and breasts while he kissed her, unseen and unseeing.

Not by so much as a word or a look had she ever hinted at their secret life. By day they faced each other, smiling, fencing, sleekly armoured, each waiting for the other to whisper, I was the one you held in your arms last night.

But so far neither had yielded an inch.

With water in her eyes she fumbled for her handkerchief but couldn’t find it. Grinning, he offered her his own clean one.

‘Thanks.’ She sat down on a rock. ‘We must rethink the whole thing,’ she said thoughtfully.

‘Must we?’ he asked in an expressionless voice.

‘Yes. I’ll put a lump sum on deposit so that you can make them interest-free loans, and-’ She looked up. He was staring out over the water and the sight gave her a little spurt of temper. ‘All right, I put it the wrong way,’ she said irritably. ‘Rephrase it any way you like. I’m tired of dancing on pins just because you’ve got the pride of the devil.’

He was instantly contrite, coming to sit on the rock beside her. ‘I meet your generosity very shabbily, don’t I?’ he asked.

‘Yes.’ She was too disappointed to be diplomatic.

To her surprise he slipped an arm around her shoulder and hugged her. ‘I’m sorry for being such a bear. I don’t really know how to accept kindness.’

Never having received very much, she thought with a sudden sweep of tenderness.

But if he was tongue-tied, so was she. She longed to tell him of the change that was coming over her in this place. Now she could look back and see what a useless life she’d led, veering this way and that with every trashy wind that blew because she’d had no purpose and no one who needed her.

Here there were people who needed her and had no false pride about accepting her help. Accepting her. She was finding a peace she’d never known before, and she longed for the moment when she could tell Jarvis. But that moment wasn’t here or now.

‘We’ll forget it, if it offends you,’ she said.

‘No way,’ he said, as she’d known he would. ‘I can’t deprive them of what they need simply because-well, anyway. I’ll leave you to fix it up.’

He’d yielded, but only halfway. Still, she could hope for better next time.

They returned to their horses. Jarvis was in turmoil. Gratitude for her understanding warred with alarm at the way she’d slid past him again. Deeper in her debt than ever. Bought and paid for. Their brief understanding, which had soothed the wound, now seemed another danger. Bought and paid for twice over.

‘When are you going away?’ he asked suddenly.


‘When are you going? This flying visit you’re planning to New York to help Steen set things up. I thought you’d have gone by now.’

‘I don’t have to go yet. It’s not-’

‘Better if you do. I have a farmers’ conference to attend. I’ll be away several days.’

‘I could come with you.’

‘You really wouldn’t like it. Besides, Steen must surely need your help.’

Plainly he wanted to be away from her.

‘I’ll go tomorrow,’ she said.

Benedict met her plane and drove her to her apartment overlooking Central Park. Her housekeeper had got everything in perfect order and the place was warm and welcoming.

‘I’ve found the perfect site,’ Benedict burbled. ‘It’s on Fifth Avenue-’

‘Good,’ Meryl said, trying to sound interested. ‘Is there any news of Amanda?’

‘The wretched creature is playing hard to find. She won’t answer my calls and all I want to do is ask her to reconsider. We could still make a go of it, but she’s switched her mobile off.’

As always when he talked of his wife his genuine sadness touched Meryl’s heart. She invited him in for a drink, and took the first chance to call Jarvis and say she’d arrived safely. But Jarvis had already left for his farmers’ conference, so Meryl left a message and shrugged as she hung up.

Gradually she fell back into her old life, except that now she was in control of her own vast fortune. Somehow it wasn’t as satisfying as she’d thought it would be. She transferred the money she’d promised to Larne for the interest-free loan, but she couldn’t help thinking of the land where the light faded slowly, and the fields were dotted with woolly sheep, and the way she could find serenity just by being there. She should be in Larne this minute, seeing the smiles as hope returned, hope that she’d brought them.

Setting up Benedict’s business was a welcome diversion, but it wasn’t the whole of life, the way it would once have been. After a month she urgently needed more interests, and she contacted Amanda to invite her to lunch.

They’d always been friendly, but seen little of each other. Amanda was a pale, fair young woman whose beauty lay in the expression in her eyes rather than her features. They had a long, friendly talk over lunch, but Amanda wouldn’t budge about Benedict, although she too was unhappy.

‘You two drive me crazy,’ Meryl said. ‘You’re in love, for Pete’s sake!’

‘Sometimes that isn’t enough,’ Amanda said with a faint smile. ‘The person you love the most may be the person you can’t live with.’

‘Yes,’ Meryl murmured. ‘Oh, yes.’

They agreed to meet up again and settled a date. Meryl whipped out her little pen and prepared to scribble on the back of her hand.

‘I can’t get over you doing that,’ Amanda said, smiling.

‘Nor can Jarvis. The first time he saw me do this he nearly-’ She stopped and a horrid, cold wave washed over her. ‘What’s the date?’ she asked faintly.

‘The fifteenth of May. Why?’

The fete! It’s tomorrow. I promised I’d be there. I gave my word. Oh, heavens! After all the promises I made. Hurry. It’s a matter of life and death.’

‘Where are we going?’ Amanda asked when they were in the taxi.

‘To get my passport, then the airport.’

‘Can you do it in time?’

‘If I can get a flight tonight, and go there as soon as I land.’

In her apartment Amanda booked the flight while Meryl frantically went through her wardrobe, seeking something outrageous and finally selecting a scarlet trouser suit.

She tried to call Jarvis, but he was away and not expected back that night. Hannah took a message but seemed

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