It would have been churlish to refuse when he put it like that. 'All right,' she said. 'Thank you.'

He followed her into her office and shut the door behind them. 'I'll remember today too,' he said, 'as the day we really met. I want very badly to see you again.'

So he hadn't really dropped the subject; he'd only been biding his time. Lee tried to ignore the treacherous inner voice that said she was glad he hadn't given up so easily.

'Why are you trying to put me off?' he persisted. 'Is there someone else?'

'No, there's no one in my life at the moment, and I want to keep it that way.'

'For how long? When will you want someone in your life? I'll come back then.'

She was saved from having to answer by the door bursting open and Phoebe erupting into the room. 'Mrs Meredith, when will the pictures be ready?' she asked anxiously.

'The day after tomorrow.'

'You already have my card, haven't you?' Daniel asked with a grin. 'Call me when they're ready and I'll come for them.'

He took her hand and held it for a moment. She found the persistence of that warm clasp unnerving.

Outside the office Mark and Phoebe were deep in conversation. 'Come on, Phoebe, time for home,' Daniel said.

Lee went with them to the front door. She was afraid he'd ask her out again, but Phoebe and Mark were right behind them and in the melee of goodbyes there was no chance for any more to be said. She breathed a sigh of relief as she saw the Raifes depart together, Daniel's arm around his daughter's shoulders. She had no intention of ever seeing him again.

Next day Gillian was lyrical. 'Fancy you actually having a session with Daniel Raife!' she bubbled. 'He's better looking in the flesh than on TV, isn't he?'

'I wouldn't know,' Lee said coolly. 'I seldom watch television. Have you got those pictures of his daughter?'

They studied the pictures together, both startled by Phoebe's impact. 'You must send these to a model agency,' Gillian said.

'I can't do that. Her father would hit the roof.'

'But what does Phoebe want?'

'She talks about being a model, but it might be just a passing phase. He certainly thinks so.'

'Passing phase, nothing! Not with that kind of talent.'

'But she's also overloaded with brains, and his heart is set on her using them.'

'But she doesn't have to do what he wants. She's entitled to choose her own career.'

'It's funny,' Lee said, 'but I don't think that's ever occurred to him. Not if it means her choosing something he doesn't like.'

When she was alone Lee studied the photographs of Daniel and knew that her decision to avoid him had been wise. Everything was there: the disturbing mixture of gravity and irony, the suggestion of authority, the hint that behind this lay anarchy. His face was full of fascinating life, endlessly mobile, the dark eyes gleaming, the generous mouth made for laughter, and for something else…

Lee allowed herself to consider that mouth, and how it might have felt to kiss it. She knew that if she'd accepted his invitation they would have ended the evening in each other's arms, and because of that she'd rejected him. The years with Jimmy had taught her to fear her own instincts, and now she was deeply settled in the habit of playing safe. She could fall in love with Daniel, if she was fool enough to let herself. And as soon as Lee Meredith knew that about a man, he'd lost her.

She went to the studio early next morning and packed up Daniel's pictures. She wrote him a brief, formal note, expressing the hope that he would approve of her work, and was just putting the address on the envelope when Mark walked in.

'I just happened to be passing,' he said casually. 'Thought I'd see how you were.'

'That's very kind of you, little brother,' she said, wondering what it was that he really wanted.

'How did the pictures of the great man come out?'

'They're in that envelope.' While Mark studied the shots she telephoned for a messenger to collect them. When she'd finished she found him staring at her in dismay.

'I thought they were coming here to see them?' he said.

The penny dropped. 'They were never coming here, Mark. Mr Raife said he might come. He didn't mention bringing Phoebe.'

'Yes, but she'd-' He broke off, blushing.

'She'd have insisted on coming too,' Lee supplied. 'Hence your appearance in my studio.'

'Oh, shut up!' he mumbled.

Lee preserved a grave face, but with difficulty. She couldn't blame Mark for being smitten with the ravishing Phoebe. And now that his lordly world-weariness had given way to adolescent confusion, she liked him a great deal more.

At that moment her model arrived and Lee hurried to get to work. She forgot all about Mark, and when she next looked he was gone.

The house was empty when she got home later that day, and Lee enjoyed a pleasant afternoon, relaxing by herself. At six o'clock, when she was stretched on the sofa with a book, the doorbell rang. On the step she found a special delivery messenger, with a letter for her.

The letter was in a firm, masculine hand.

It was cunning (but not very brave) of you to send your brother round with the pictures. However, I can take a hint, and will keep my distance. But only for the moment. I haven't given up.

The pictures are excellent. Phoebe is ecstatic about hers. She and Mark are very taken with each other and have gone out this afternoon.

Until we meet again, (as we certainly will).


'What's up, Mum?' asked Sonya, who'd just arrived home.

'I think I've seriously underestimated Mark,' Lee said. She described what had happened, giving a carefully edited version of the letter.

'Have you only just found out,' Sonya asked, much entertained. 'What about the messenger you ordered?'

'Mark must have cancelled him when my back was turned. I noticed the envelope gone and assumed the messenger had come and Gillian had given it to him. Fancy Mark thinking up a bit of sharp practice like that.'

'Love makes a man infinitely cunning,' Sonya said, with adolescent wisdom.

'I don't think he's actually in love with her-'

'Oh, come on, Mum! It was written all over him in the car coming home the other day. He was terribly quiet and preoccupied.'

'I didn't notice.'

'Well, you were quiet and preoccupied yourself.'

'I didn't notice that, either,' Lee said, abstractedly, and failed to see the curious look Sonya gave her. She was realising, with dismay, that now it was impossible for her to sever all links with Daniel Raife.

It became clear that Mark's interest in Phoebe wasn't an idle one. He would have seen her several times a week but for her father, who restricted dates to weekends. Lee learned this from Sonya, who received Phoebe's confidences.

'You haven't forgotten that Phoebe won't be sixteen for several weeks,' she said to Mark once.

'Lee, if you're suggesting what I think you are, you can forget it,' Mark said loftily. 'Neither Phoebe or '. want to hurry our relationship. Besides,' he added, stepping down from his soap box, 'old man Raife would boil me in oil if he suspected anything like that.'

Lee opened her mouth to protest that Daniel was far from being an old man, thought better of it, and closed her mouth again.

She'd got her car back, but it immediately developed gearbox trouble and was soon out of action again, which made Mark tear his hair.

'You'll have to take the divine Phoebe out in taxi,' Sonya said callously one evening.

Mark scowled and flung out of the house. Sonya, carefully avoiding her mother's eye, observed, 'In future I think

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