Next morning they were up early to prepare for the wedding. All around them they could hear the family in the other suites and sometimes outside in the corridor, where Freya was having a lively argument with her mother.

‘If you really want to please your father, the answer’s simple,’ Charlene said as lightly as she could manage. ‘Just marry Freya.’

He was sitting on the bed. Now he put his head on one side, seeming to consider.

‘Really?’ he mused. ‘I don’t think so. The fact is-I’d rather marry you.’

She hoped he didn’t hear the little gasp that burst from her. She knew he didn’t really want to marry her. She’d been prepared for rejection, polite excuses as to why their relationship could go no further. This sudden reversal sent a jolt through her like a burst of lightning, but she controlled herself, assumed a smile, then her most cheerful tone to say, ‘I’m serious.’

‘So am I,’ he said.

‘No, you’re not. It’s one of your daft jokes. I blame Jackson. The pair of you are like a couple of school kids.’

‘Then obviously I need a good teacher to keep me in line. But I take it you don’t fancy the job.’

‘I don’t think I’d be up to it. It would take more than me to keep you in line.’

‘No, just you. You’re the only one who’s ever come close. Even Mom admits that.’

‘Oh, she wants to hand over the job of being your mother, does she? Thus freeing her for a succession of toy boys.’

His smile almost made her heart turn over. ‘Something like that.’

She could hardly breathe. Beneath the teasing atmosphere, something serious was happening.

‘Well?’ he murmured.

‘Well…the fact is…I’m not sure I’m up to the job.’

‘You mean you don’t think you could put up with me?’

‘Maybe yes, maybe no. I never rush big decisions.’

‘Then take your time.’ He kissed her cheek. ‘We’ll talk again later.’

He vanished into the shower, leaving her stunned, not only by him but by herself.

Why hadn’t she leapt at his offer of marriage? She loved him deeply. She wanted nothing more than to be with him for the rest of her life.

But his own feelings fell short of hers. That was the fact that she must face. He’d asked her because he’d decided to take Joe’s advice. His career was going well. His relationship with Amos was going well, and he wanted to consolidate everything by making a sensible marriage to a woman who could care for him as no other woman could.

The temptation was fierce. Seize the chance. Make the best of it. What else does life offer?

If possible, she would have dismissed her sensible side, but it hammered on her brain for admittance, reminding her how devastating was the decision she must make.

To marry him, knowing that her feelings were far greater than his, and his merely practical affection could never reach the heights of her passionate adoration. Or refuse him, walk away, knowing she had left this vulnerable man at the mercy of what life would do to him.

Nonsense! This is a grown man. He doesn’t need you to protect him.

But he does.

OK, so he marries you and you give him the children he wants. He’s grateful and affectionate, and for a while everything is lovely. But then he gets infatuated with some sexy little bimbo. Maybe he won’t leave you, but will he be faithful to you?

I don’t know.

Yes, you do. Admit it.

I don’t know!


LIKE everything else in La Couronne, the wedding area was magnificent. Chandeliers hung from the ceiling, gilt decoration adorned the walls.

‘It’s glorious,’ Harriet said to Charlene, ‘but I still prefer the ceremony Darius and I had on the beach at Herringdean.’

‘That sounds lovely,’ Charlene agreed.

‘It was lovely,’ Travis said. ‘Especially with the dog there. How is Phantom, Harry? I know everyone was afraid he wouldn’t live much longer.’

‘He’s managing to hold on. Every day is precious.’

‘I’m longing to see what Cassie looks like in her wedding dress,’ Freya said. ‘She’s so beautiful that I could hate her if I didn’t like her so much.’

The room was packed. Marcel had few friends but many business acquaintances who appreciated the invitation, and much the same could be said for Cassie.

At last Jackson and Leonid entered, then Amos and Janine. Amos looked proud and magnificent. Nobody, Charlene thought, would have dreamt that he’d come to this wedding against his will.

Now Marcel appeared, taking his place at the front, with Darius, his best man. At last everything was in place for the bride’s arrival.

As Freya had predicted, she was astonishingly beautiful. Charlene knew a pang. It wasn’t fair that one woman could be like that and another… She looked down disparagingly at herself.

Marcel turned to watch his bride approach, and Charlene drew a sharp breath at his expression. It was possessive, adoring and slightly incredulous, as though he couldn’t quite understand how such good fortune was his. That was how a man ought to regard his bride, she thought. It was how Travis would never regard her.

The voice of common sense echoed in her mind.

Time to face facts. Yes, I know you hate the thought, but listen. He doesn’t really love you. Not as you love him. And he’s never going to, you know that, don’t you?

I guess I do.

So be sensible. Get out now.

But that means abandoning him when he needs me.

That won’t be your problem.

Loving Travis will always be my problem. I can either love him at a distance, wondering how he is. Or I can love him close up, doing everything I can to make him happy.

And being hurt yourself. Think about it.

The same look was on Marcel’s face when he finally led his new wife back along the aisle, followed by applause from the congregation.

Then the photographs, a dozen different combinations of family members. In one, Amos stood with all five of his sons. This was followed by pictures of Amos with Darius and Marcel, then Jackson and Leonid.

‘Wait,’ Amos called. ‘We haven’t finished. Travis, get over here.’

And so it came about that Travis was the only one of Amos’s sons to be photographed alone with him.

‘Yes,’ Charlene murmured happily. ‘Yes, yes, yes.’

The reception was a riot of speeches and champagne. Watching the bride and groom, Charlene saw the same look she’d seen on Marcel’s face earlier. Darius too looked the same whenever his eyes fell on Harriet.

Would he look at you like that, at your wedding? demanded the sensible voice.

Probably. He’s a very good actor.

At last the guests began to leave. The goodbyes were said, and the rest of the evening became an extension of the family reunion. Cassie and Marcel were staying in Paris that night, leaving for their honeymoon next day, when the rest of the family departed. Travis, Charlene was glad to notice, was deep in conversation with Leonid, whose

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