But when she went into their room she knew that something was badly wrong. Angie was packing her suitcase with a kind of fierce purpose, and her face was set in a way that meant she was determined not to cry. In that expression Heather recognised her own experience.

‘Darling, what is it?’ she asked, taking Angie by the shoulders. ‘Have you quarrelled with Bernardo?’

‘Oh, no, we haven’t quarrelled,’ Angie said bitterly. ‘There’s nothing to quarrel about. He just explained to me calmly and reasonably why he’d die rather than marry me.’

‘But-he adores you, anyone can see that. What can be wrong if you love each other?’

‘That’s what I thought, but love isn’t enough. He says he loves me. He says he’ll never love any other woman, but it’s impossible.’


In halting words Angie told to her why she was planning to go away and leave the man her heart was set on, and whose heart was set on her. She explained it badly, because she was distraught from the day she’d spent with her lover, trying to understand why he was determined on a parting that would break both their hearts-his as well as hers, he’d left her in no doubt of it. But all her love, all her logic, her arguments and frantic pleading, had made no dent on his iron-hard resolution. He might suffer for it until his last moment, but he would not marry her.

‘I can’t follow that,’ Heather said at last. ‘To let such a thing come between you-in this day and age.’

‘Bernardo’s a Sicilian,’ Angie said a little wildly. ‘He doesn’t belong in this day and age. And the bottom line is that his pride means more to him than I do. So I’m leaving. And please Heather, can we not talk about it any more, because I don’t think I could stand it?’

Heather didn’t answer in words, but she drew her friend close, and they clung to each other.

‘How about coming with me?’ Angie asked huskily.

‘I can’t leave yet, not until Baptista is better. But I’ll be home soon.’

‘I’ll keep your room for you.’ She gave a wonky smile. ‘We haven’t either of us had much luck with Sicilian men, have we?’

Heather would have gone with her to the airport, but Bernardo was taking her, so she backed off to give them a last few moments alone together, hoping his mind would change. Perhaps he would even bring Angie home with him.

But he returned alone, with a face of flint. He met Heather’s attempts to talk with courtesy, but it was clear that he’d built a wall around himself. He stayed only long enough for a word with Baptista, before driving away to his home in the mountains, and remaining there.

‘What’s the matter with him?’ Heather stormed to Renato. ‘It was as good as settled.’

‘I’m as taken aback as you are. Only a few days ago he was set on marrying her. He told me so. But then he made this discovery, and it changed everything.’

‘Talk to him, for pity’s sake!’

‘I have no influence with Bernardo. We had different mothers, and that matters. We have a saying in Sicily. “A man’s mother is his soul. If he loses her, he will never find her again.” Bernardo feels that if he marries Angie he will lose his soul.’

‘Then he’s a fool,’ Heather said fiercely.

‘We’re all fools about the one woman who matters.’

‘How would you know?’ she asked scornfully. ‘No woman has ever mattered that much to you.’

‘True. And when I watch my brothers I’m glad of it.’

‘Yes, you protect yourself from being hurt, don’t you?’ She sighed. ‘Well, you’re probably wise. I must try to learn your way. I think it has a lot to be said for it.’

‘No, don’t do that,’ he said unexpectedly. ‘It would make you less than yourself, and you mustn’t be. These last few days you’ve been stronger than any of us.’

She shrugged. ‘That’s because I’ve lost the power to feel. It’s a great advantage. You know yourself how convenient it makes life. We’re the lucky ones, Renato. We won’t suffer as Angie and Bernardo are doing. Other people, yes, but not us.’

He took her arm to stop her turning away. ‘Whatever you do, don’t become like me.’

His fingers were touching her bare skin, but she felt no reaction. How ironically now she recalled the flashes of desire for him that had tormented her before the wedding. All gone now. Dust and ashes. Like her heart.

‘But you’re the way to be,’ she said lightly. ‘I envy you.’

His grip tightened. ‘Why, because you think I’ve lost the power to feel? You’re wrong. Sometimes I wish-’ She felt the tremor that passed through him. He released her.

‘No matter,’ he said curtly. ‘I’ll talk to Bernardo, but it won’t do any good.’

The day after her return from hospital Baptista summoned Renato and Heather to her presence, like a queen granting an audience.

Heather was reluctant to attend. She was in a strange mood. After several nights of sleeping badly, the armour of unfeeling calm that had protected her so far was beginning to crack. Through the weak places she could glimpse the storm of misery and anger that would overtake her if she gave it a chance.

Worse still were the moments when everything seemed bitterly funny. If she gave way to those she knew she would collapse in wild, uncontrollable laughter. But she mustn’t let that happen, so she buckled the armour on more firmly than ever, and hoped for the best.

Baptista had left her bed and was reclining in state on a sofa in her grand sitting room. She looked them both over as they appeared before her, taking up positions at some distance apart.

‘We can’t leave things like this,’ she announced. ‘It’s all been handled very badly.’

‘Perhaps Lorenzo should be here,’ Renato suggested.

‘Lorenzo is the past. It’s the future that concerns me.’

‘We know what that has to be,’ Heather told her. ‘I’ll return Bella Rosaria to you-’

‘That must wait. If you give it back in the same tax year as I gave it to you, we run into all sorts of problems. We haven’t yet discussed what happened in the cathedral.’

Heather took a sharp breath. ‘How can there be anything to say? It’s over.’

‘Over? When such an insult was offered you by my family?’

‘That “insult” talk is old-fashioned-’ she protested.

‘And Sicily is an old-fashioned place, even now. If such a thing had happened to me my father would have shot the man dead. And there wouldn’t even have been a trial.’

‘Well, I’m not going to start shooting,’ Heather declared. She was trying to lighten the atmosphere, but she couldn’t resist adding, ‘Not Lorenzo, anyway.’

‘I sympathise with your feelings, my daughter,’ Baptista said, giving Renato a look that would have frozen the blood of a less courageous man. He met it with a grimace in which affection was mixed with hearty respect. It amused Heather to realise that, however he treated anyone else, Renato trod very carefully with his mother.

‘Lorenzo and I have already met and declared a truce,’ she said.

‘And I’m grateful, but that isn’t the end of the matter. You have been injured by my family, and you cannot be allowed to suffer.’

‘Well, if Renato uses his influence with Gossways to restore me to the training programme, I won’t have suffered.’

Renato frowned. ‘And that’s really your idea of recompense?’

‘It’ll put me back where I was before you entered my life,’ she said firmly. ‘I’ll be able to pretend you don’t exist. In other words, the perfect solution.’

‘Thank you!’ he snapped.

‘Don’t mention it.’

‘It’s not enough,’ Baptista said. ‘There is the dishonour.’

‘But I told you, Lorenzo’s actions can’t dishonour me.’

‘They can dishonour his family,’ Baptista said, so fiercely that Heather was startled. ‘He insulted you, and the whole family will bear the shame of it until we have made amends.’

‘I won’t marry him now.’

‘Certainly not. But I have another son. I agree he’s done little to recommend himself to you, but Renato is to blame for this and Renato must put it right.’ Baptista spoke in her most regal manner. ‘Your marriage should take place immediately.’

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