“By the bye, I caught a glimpse of Jennifer,” added Saint. “She’s looking rather wan and-”

“Mrs. Westerland’s files first,” Smith told him.

Nodding, Saint locked his hands over one knee and shut his eyes. “Won’t take a moment,” he promised.

There was a faint popping, then a thin plazcovered folder materialized on the bench beside him.

“Better allow me to peruse it first,” offered Cruz, reaching over to pick it up. “In case it contains the triggering phrase, Jared. Just looking at it might cause you to pop into a trance state.”

“Go ahead.”

Cruz settled back into his chair, leafed through the several sheets of faxpape. “Only one item of interest herein,” he announced finally. “Triplan, Ltd. is actually owned by Mrs. Westerland, Jennifer Arloff and her husband. Seems the late Doctor Westerland formed this company on the sly some years ago.” He closed the folder, passed it over to Smith.

Taking it, Smith told Saint, “See what you can find in Jennifer’s study.”

“Yes, I know exactly what’s wanted from therein.” Concentrating again, he produced a plazcovered book.

Cruz checked through that first. Finishing, he coughed into his metal fist. “These are safe for you to scan, Jared,” he said. “They do, however, present us with a source of perplexity.”

“How so?”

“These are Jennifer’s confidential memos to herself on the recent phases of the quest for her father’s lost secret.” Cruz tapped the book against his thigh. “According to these only three people know about the secret in all its aspects. That’s Jennifer, her mother and Arloff.”

“Jove, then one of the three has to be the person who’s doublecrossing Triplan,” said Saint, “selling tips to Syndek and sending Larzon on to glory, eh.”

“We got hold of this information,” Smith reminded him. “That means someone else could’ve, too.”

“It wasn’t anyone from Syndek,” said Cruz. “I confirmed that with Bjorn. They haven’t as yet tapped any Triplan or Horizon House sources of information.”

Saint said, “I can’t swear to this, yet I’m near certain no one except myself has been probing Triplan or Horizon House.”

“How do you know that?”

He rubbed at his curly orange hair. “One can sense that sort of thing, old man. Obviously I’m not completely certain, since it’s a feeling rather than-”

“Okay, let’s say you’re right,” said Smith. “Why would any of these people doublecross the others?”

“Money’s always a good motive,” mentioned Cruz.

“Meaning that if one of them got the secret all to himself, there wouldn’t be any splitting of profits.”

“And Syndek could probably be blamed.”

“I’d hazard a guess,” said Saint, “that Arloff is the most likely candidate. I find it difficult to accept your Jennifer betraying her own mother.”

“She’s not my Jennifer, but I agree. She and her parents were very close, loyal and-”

“I wouldn’t rule anyone out,” put in Cruz.

“Even so,” said Smith, “I’d better arrange to meet with Jennifer. We have to talk.”

Cruz eyed him for a few silent seconds. “You still haven’t gotten over-”

“If her husband’s working against her, I have to mention that fact to her, Cruz.”

“She won’t believe you, old chum. I’ve known a lot of other men’s wives in my time and this seems like-”

“Now get me whatever the computers have on Annalee Kitchen,” Smith told the green man.

“Yes, have that in a jiffy.” He closed his eyes tight. A moment later several sheets of yellow faxpape were in his hands. Saint glanced through the material. “Yes, this is an account of the extracting of the portion of the secret that the Kitchen woman carried in her head. The information itself is also here, along with the triggering phrase. Which phrase is a sequence of numbers not words.”

Smith told him, “Read the numbers off to me and then write down what I say once I go into my trance or whatever.”

“You’d best sit down first, old man.”

Smith took a wicker chair. “Go ahead,” he said.


A pair of white doves came fluttering down through the waning day, settling in the remains of an arched window in the tumbled down wall of the ruined temple. Smith glanced away from them to look once again down through the darkening forest that covered most of the hillside.

He saw Jennifer at last, climbing up from the pathway below. The oncoming night seemed to be following her, blackening the woodlands in her wake.

Smith forced himself to stay where he was beside the ruined grey stone wall.

“Well, what’s on your mind?” she asked when she was still a dozen yards from him.

“You’re late. I thought maybe-”

“Benton arrived just after you called,” Jennifer told him. “I had to wait until he wasn’t with me.”

Smith sat on a fallen, moss-streaked column. “There are some things we have to talk over.”

“So you mentioned.” She sat next to him, stretching out her legs. “Funny, I never expected we’d be here together again.”

The dusk closed in all around them, filling this skeleton of what had been centuries ago the altar room.

“Neither did I,” said Smith.

“Jared…I really was fond of you back then.”

“I know.”

“I’m not lying. You and I have always been honest with each other.”

“That’s not exactly the impression I ended up with.”

“You and I could never have had a successful life together. You weren’t the sort of man to…well, no matter. It’s all over and done.”

“Not the kind of man to lead a stable, responsible life. That’s what your father told me when he suggested I cease forcing my attentions on you.”

“Daddy was right, wasn’t he? I know what sort of life you’ve lived the past few-”

“How come he was so certain about my future?”

“He’d worked out a way of testing all you Horizon Kids,” replied Jennifer. “When he showed me the results of the tests he’d done with you-”

“That’s the reason?” Smith stood. “You did this to me all those years ago because your damn father showed you some projections of what I might turn out-”

“He was right. You screwed up years of your life and there’s no reason why I should have-”

“It might not have happened if-”

“What difference does that make now?”

“You loved me. I loved you. But you let that bastard convince you-”

“Don’t talk about my father that way.” She stood to face him. “And as for loving you…I’m not really sure I ever felt anything but…well, I hate to say this, Jared, but I was…sorry for you mostly.”

He took a slow careful breath, then said, “Let’s move to other matters.”

“That would be better. I really am sorry you’ve been brooding about this all these-”

“Why didn’t you tell me I was one of the ten?”

Jennifer turned away from him. The forest was dark now. “That was Benton’s idea,” she said. “He wasn’t sure you could be trusted, because of what had happened with you and me.”

“You told him about that?”

“He’s my husband.”

“When you warned me to be careful, you could’ve told me then.”

“I wasn’t sure of you either.”

“So you figured that when I brought in the five missing Horizon Kids, you’d whisper the triggering numbers in

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