Her numbness began to fade as the warmth of pity filled her.
This was her mother. This beautiful butterfly who didn’t look much older than she was herself. This woman who had apparently made such a pathetic disaster of her life, but now spoke with a strange, sad dignity. Jerry had hurt her, abandoned her. But there were so many things she could see in Jerry now. In her beautiful blue eyes. Remorse. Anguish. And a fear that had apparently lived with her for a long, long time. The fear that she could never, in a thousand years, change things.
“Jerry…” Sam began, but Jerry was staring at Joey Emerson nee Shapiro again.
Sam stood there, heedless of the others around her. “You killed Marcus Shapiro because he murdered my father,” she said evenly. “But why did Marcus kill my father?”
Jerry’s head fell, tears silently streaming down her face. “Robert Santino had hired a lot of divers on his treasure searches. When all this happened, he was still negotiating with SeaLink and, through SeaLink, with Justin Carlyle. Other than Justin, most of the divers Santino hired weren’t the most reputable men in the world. Santino wanted the rubies. He didn’t give a damn about the historical value of the
“Chico Garcia!” Adam interrupted. “He disappeared a long time ago. You mean, Garcia disappeared because of the
“It’s quite a story,” Liam Hinnerman said coolly. “Chico wanted a lot more money from Robert Santino than he was getting. He was also fooling around with Santino’s previous girlfriend—the woman he had been dating just before Jerry. He went out diving with one of Santino’s men, unaware that the guy was ready to break out on his own. Anyway, the best Chico was willing to do was to bring up gems one at a time and see what Santino was willing to pay him for each one. But the guy he was out with intended to keep everything for himself. Chico was actually the first man to find the ship—though he never had a chance to share what he knew about it. After he came up with the rubies, he realized that his buddy intended to shoot him. He must have been mortally wounded, but he went back down to the
“I still don’t understand why my father was killed,” Sam said.
“Or mine,” Joey said.
“Your father was a murdering bastard who deserved to die!” Jerry informed Joey passionately.
“Shut up!” Liam Hinnerman suddenly snapped. Taking a step toward Jerry, he swung his palm at her face with a blow that sent her sprawling to the floor.
“Don’t you dare do that! Don’t you dare!” Sam cried out. Leaping to her feet, she attacked Hinnerman.
“Sam!” Adam started after her, but Hinnerman pulled a gun and pointed it straight at Adam’s nose. Jerry struggled to her feet and caught hold of Sam, dragging her down before Liam could strike her, as well.
“Leave him alone, Sam, please.”
“He has no right! He can’t do that to you!” Sam insisted angrily. “I won’t let him! He can just damned well shoot me—”
“Sam, Sam, please stop. He
“Hinnerman,” Adam guessed.
“Yes, sir!” Liam said quietly, smiling, the gun still pointed at Adam’s face.
“Sam, I swear to you, I didn’t realize it myself until we were on the island. Liam is—”
“Liam is the bastard who pretended to be working for Robert Santino while he was striking out on his own,” Adam said coolly. “He rescued Jerry and kept in close contact with her while she had to lie low. Justin had been killed, and she had killed a man herself. Liam probably convinced her that she’d get the chair for murder if she whispered a word to anyone. Of course, Liam wanted her to find the ship, but she was terrified of diving, and shock had given her complete amnesia about what she knew about the ship. How am I doing, Hinnerman? Is that about right?”
“In a nutshell,” Liam said. “I’ve killed before, and I wouldn’t mind killing again at all. Of course, I need Sam alive for a while. Sam can find the
Adam crossed his arms over his chest. “Okay, Hinnerman, you’ve got a gun. But you’re facing six men, not to mention some very inventive ladies. You can’t shoot us all at once. And there’s a storm coming.”
“I don’t need to shoot you all at once. I’ll shoot you one by one—you in the knees, first. That should make Sam very amenable to following my orders.”
“And he’s not alone, honey,” a sexy voice said wryly from behind Adam.
They all spun around. Sukee had drawn a little pearl-handled revolver from the windbreaker she’d been wearing.
“Sukee?” Jim said incredulously. “But you were working for my father!”
“’Fraid not, honey,” she said sweetly.
Sam stood again, protectively placing herself in front of Jerry. “I just don’t believe this,” she said flatly.
“Sorry,” Sukee said with a shrug.
“Why?” Jim demanded, still astounded.
“Well, now, lover, it seems that no one on this island goes by his or her right name. I made up all that Pontre crap. You’re all too trusting.”
“I doubt that I will be in the future,” Sam commented.
“If you have a future,” Liam warned.
“Just what
She smiled. “Garcia. Chico was my father.”
“This is sick!” Yancy offered. “You’re in league with Hinnerman—who killed your father?”
Sukee tossed her short, sassy hair. “Unlike Joey over there, I can see the truth. My father wasn’t just a criminal, he was a complete asshole. I don’t need anyone to tell me that he deserved to die. But he was the first to find the stinking ship, and I deserve my cut of those rubies. So we’re going to get to them. Right now.”
“It’s night, and there’s a storm brewing,” Adam said.
“It’s nearly dawn, and I suggest Sam finds the damn ship before the storm actually gets here,” Sukee said.
“She doesn’t know where the ship is,” Adam insisted angrily.
Hinnerman suddenly pressed the nose of his gun against Adam’s temple. “Where’s your brother?”
“None of your business.”
“He came straight here. To you. To his kid.”
“Well, he isn’t here, is he?” Adam backed away from the nose of the gun, staring at Sukee. “Who was keeping him prisoner? A relative of yours?”
Sukee smiled. “I have a brother, too. He met up with Liam soon after poor old Dad met his fate. We spent a very long time planning this. Hank happened to dig his way out of his imprisonment just a little bit too late to be of enough help to do you any good now, huh? A few days earlier, and he could have kept you from the predicament you’re now in. But the little bastard is on the island, I’ll bet,” Sukee said.
Hinnerman said, “It
“So you’re planning on killing all of us here, then going to Seafire Isle and killing everyone there?” Adam asked.
Hinnerman smiled in reply.
“Sam doesn’t know where the ship is,” Adam insisted.
“Sam hasn’t wanted to know where the ship is because Sam has known she’d find her old man’s body on it,” Liam said flatly. “Now she can find the ship or I can start killing people.”