
You should have died in that raid on the wagon train, and if you'd had

any damned sense, you would have stayed with that bleeding Apache.' :

Tess winced. Von Heusen's hold on her arm was vicious, and she could

feel the cold steel presseft hard against her temple. She swallowed. If

he killed her now, she was still the winner. She had to keep telling

herself that, so she could keep fighting him.

'That bleeding Apache, as you call aim, is here to kill you, von Heusen.

The Apache and the cavalry are riding together. Just to kill you.'

They had come to the top of the stairs. Von Heusen burst open the door

to one of the rooms and threw her inside. Tess 279 staggered across the

room as yon Heusen closed and bolted the door, putting a chair across


'What now, yon Heusen?' Tess demanded.

He cast her an evil glar~ with his near colorless eyes, and she felt

fear creep along her spine. He strode across the room to her, wrenching

her by the hair.

'You foolish, foolish little girl. You could have lived as that Indian's

squaw, but now I promise you that you're going to pay dearly. One wrong

move, and I'll scalp you myself. What a beautiful trophy that hair would

be, eh, Miss. Stuart?'

She spat at him. He pulled on her hair so hard that she was certain half

of it left her head and, despite her efforts to choke back the sound,

she cried out. She saw him smile at her pain, and it sickened her, and

she realized that he liked hurting people, that killing gave him

pleasure. 'What now?

Now we wait. We wait for your ever gallant young cavalry hero to come

running up those stairs. Then I shoot him dead. Then I use you to escape

this town, and then maybe later I'll let you go, but more likely, I'll

kill you.

I'll kill you slow. I'll have you first, and I'll humiliate you every

way I know how, and then I'll kill you bit by bit.' She managed to jerk

away from him, backing toward the window, staring at him.

'You bastard! Why don't you just kill me now?

I'll make your life a living hell. I'll never take a single step with



'Unless?' He drew out his knife, a wickedly sharp and long bowie knife

that glinted in the fraction of sunlight that entered the room.

'You leave Jamie alone. We'll go out by the roof right now and I'll come

along without a protest' -- 'How touching.'

'If you kill him, I won't make a move.'

'Oh, but I can make you,' yon Heusen told her softly. And maybe he

could. He was walking toward her, his knife before him, twisting in his


'I'll just make you bleed a little now, but you'll feel it,' he promised


She was going to scream or faint. She wanted desperately to fight, to be

brave, but all she could see was the glinting steel. He was coming

closer and closer, and she didn't know how brave she could be once that

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