11 “Commend thyself”: Simon,
11 “I swear to”: Quoted in Hemming,
11 “It is perhaps”:
11 “The central place”: Brian Fawcett,
12 “Not since”: Colonel Arthur Lynch, “Is Colonel Fawcett Still Alive?”
12 “I cannot say”: Fawcett to Keltie, Aug. 18, 1924, RGS.
12 “is about the only”: Quoted in Fawcett to Isaiah Bowman, April 8, 1919, AGS.
13 “it would be hopeless”: Arthur R. Hinks to Captain F. W. Dunn-Taylor, July 6, 1927, RGS.
13 “If with all”: Fawcett, epilogue to
13 “will be no pampered”: Ibid., pp. 14-15.
13 “We will have to suffer”:
13 “to harass and”: Ibid.
13 “the reflection of”: Williams, introduction to
13 “six feet three”: Fawcett, epilogue to
13 “He is… absolutely”: Ibid., p. 15.
14 “fine physique”: Percy Harrison Fawcett, “General Details of Proposed Expedition in S. America” (proposal), n.d., RGS.
14 “He was a born”: Fawcett, epilogue to
14 “Now we have Raleigh”: Williams, introduction to
14 “utterly impracticable”: Dickens,
15 “hearse with windows”: Ibid., p. 14.
15 “perfect ventilation”: Lamport & Holt brochure, “South America.”
15 “rather tiresome”: Fawcett, epilogue to
16 “Jack has”: Ibid., p. 15.
16 “Raleigh will follow”: Ibid.
16 “We shall return”:
17 It begins as barely: My descriptions of the Amazon River are drawn from several sources. They include Goulding, Barthem, and Ferreira,
19 The expedition was: My descriptions of the 1996 expedition are based on my interviews with James Lynch and members of his team as well as on information from Leal’s
19 “among the most”: Temple, “E. Douglas Fawcett,” p. 29.
19 “captured the imagination”:
19 Evelyn Waugh’s: Heath,
20 “Enough legend”: Fleming,
20 “than those launched”:
21 “Our route”: Percy Harrison Fawcett,
21 Even today:
21 “These forests are”: Hemming,
22 “No one knows”: Ibid.
22 In 2006, members:
22 “only one and all”: Percy Harrison Fawcett, “Case for an Expedition in the Amazon Basin” (proposal), RGS.
23 “a corpse piece”: Quoted in Millard,
29 many archaeologists and geographers: For a much more detailed discussion of the academic debate over advanced civilizations in the Amazon, see Mann’s
30 “counterfeit paradise”: See Meggers,
30 “cultural substitutes”: Ibid., p. 104.
30 “This is the jungle”: Cowell,
30 As Charles Mann notes: Mann,
30 “the most culturally”: Holmberg,
30 “No records”: Ibid., p. 122.
30 “concept of romantic”: Ibid., p. 161.
30 “man in the”: Ibid., p. 261.
30 a more sophisticated: Mann,
33 “the callowest”: Percy Harrison Fawcett, “Passing of Trinco,” p. 110.
34 “Beneath these rocks”: Percy Harrison Fawcett, “Gold Bricks at Badulla,” p. 223.
34 “As an impecunious”: Ibid., p. 232.
34 “possessed great abilities”: From a self-published article by Timothy Paterson, “Douglas Fawcett and Imaginism,” p. 2.
35 “Her unhappy married”: Ibid.
35 “hateful”: Fawcett to Doyle, March 26, 1919, HRC.
35 “Perhaps it was all”: Percy Harrison Fawcett,
35 “did nothing to”: Ibid., p. 16.
35 notion of a gentleman: For details on the Victorian customs and ethos, see the 1865 manual
35 “the memorable horror”: Fawcett,
36 “craving for sensual”: Percy Harrison Fawcett, “Obsession,” p. 476.
36 “a natural leader”: Girouard,