“Rose?” Daniel’s brow furrowed beneath the shimmer.
Rose held her breath as the nascent veil coalesced into a face. She recognized the wide eyes and full lips.
They were her own.
Tears spilling down her cheeks, she cradled his face between her trembling hands. A shaky sob escaped her lips.
He covered her hands with his. “Do you see something?”
She nodded, her lips beginning to curve.
Understanding dawned. “It’s not a death veil, is it?”
She shook her head, laughter spilling from her lips.
He silenced her chuckle with his mouth. She clung to him, gathering strength from his kiss. Joy infused her whole body, until she felt more alive than she’d ever felt before.
Daniel pulled back, pressing his forehead to hers. “Let me clarify-it’s
She chuckled, stroking his stubbled jaw. “Yes.”
“So we’re supposed to be together forever, right? That’s how it works, isn’t it?”
She thought of Dillon and Carrie Granville, a sliver of pain shooting through her chest. “It’s not a guarantee.”
He stroked her hair. “I don’t need one.”
She met his gaze. “I love you, Daniel. I didn’t know how much until I heard your voice in my ear when I needed you most.”
“I always want to be the voice in your ear,” he murmured.
“I always want to be the woman in your bed,” she replied.
He smiled. “That can definitely be arranged.”
A knock on the window behind her made Rose jump. She turned to find Agent Brody staring through her window. “You two gonna neck all night or can you get your damned Jeep out of the way?” he said through the glass. “You’re blocking the road.”
Laughing, Daniel started the car. “Let’s find a bed.”
Rose sank back against the seat as he pulled away from the curb, smiling at the darkness. She didn’t know if the true-love veils were back for good or if it was a one-time thing. Not that it mattered. She didn’t need a true-love veil to tell her Daniel was her soul mate.
That’s what her heart was for.