Fisher glanced at the smashed lock, and nodded reluctantly. 'I see what you mean. We'll ask Gaunt.' She slipped the key into her trouser pocket.

'All right,' said Hawk, 'let's try and recreate what happened here. Blackstone was stabbed with a knife. The door was locked from the inside. So how did the killer get in and out?'

'Teleport?' said Fisher.

Hawk frowned. 'It's possible, I suppose, but a spell like that takes a lot of power and a hell of a lot of expertise. And the only person here who fits that description is;'

'Gaunt,' said Fisher.

'Visage wouldn't have the power,' said Hawk. 'Would she?'

'So far, this case has been nothing but questions with no trustworthy answers,' said Fisher disgustedly. 'This case is going to be a challenge. I hate challenges. We were better off with the vampire. At least we knew where we were with him.'

'Come on,' said Hawk. 'Let's go down and face the crowd in the parlor. Maybe we can get some answers out of them.'

'We might,' said Fisher. 'But I doubt it.'

They left the room, and Hawk pulled the door shut behind him. It wouldn't stay closed. Hawk looked at the splintered wood and the shattered lock, and wasn't surprised.

'You always were efficient,' said Fisher, smiling. 'But if we can't lock the door, how are we going to keep people out?'

'Beats me,' said Hawk. 'Ask them nicely? There's not a lot in the room in the way of real evidence, as far as I can tell; And any attempt to interfere with the scene of the crime would be a pretty good indication of guilt. So let's just leave the door open and see what happens.'

'I love it when you're devious,' said Fisher.

They chuckled quietly together, and made their way down the stairs and into the parlor. Hawk and Fisher paused a moment in the doorway, taking in the waiting suspects. The sorcerer Gaunt stood at the rear of the room by the main table. His face was calm, but his eyes were dark and brooding. Katherine Blackstone was still sitting in her chair by the empty fireplace. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying, and she had a tired, defeated look. Bowman stood beside her. His face was calm and controlled, as always. The Lord and Lady Hightower stood together by the buffet table. Their backs were straight and their heads erect, and they stood protectively close to each other. Hawk looked at the Lady Elaine's hands. They were held tightly together, the knuckles white from the pressure, as though to stop them trembling. Anger? Or fear? Not far away, Dorimant was helping himself to another glass of the fruit cordial. His normally ruddy face was pale and strained, and his hands were unsteady. The witch Visage stood beside him. She looked lost and frightened and very young. As Hawk watched, Dorimant put his arm around the witch's shoulders. Visage leaned against him gratefully, as though all the strength had gone out of her. Adam Stalker stood alone in the middle of the room. He glared impatiently at Hawk and Fisher as they stood in the doorway.

'Well?' he said finally. 'What's happened? And why have we been kept waiting all this time?'

'Councilor Blackstone is dead,' said Hawk quietly. He waited a moment, but no one said anything. Hawk walked forward into the parlor with Fisher at his side, and Stalker reluctantly gave way to allow them to take up the center position. Hawk looked slowly about him, to be sure he had everyone's attention, and then continued. 'William Blackstone was stabbed to death, in his room. So far, we have no clues as to the identity of the killer. At my request, the sorcerer Gaunt has sealed off the house with an isolation spell. No one can get in or out.'

The guests stirred uneasily, but still nobody said anything. For a moment, Hawk thought Hightower might. His face had lost all its color, and his hands had clenched into fists. But the moment passed, and Hightower remained silent. Hawk took a deep breath, and continued.

'Now, as Guards, my partner and I are required to question you each in turn, to help build up a picture of what was happening at the time of the killing. In the meantime, of course, no one is to go near the body.'

'Wait a minute,' said Bowman. 'Question us? Are you saying you think one of us is the killer?'

'Ridiculous!' snapped Hightower. 'And I'm damned if I'm answering any questions from a jumped-up Guard!'

'Refusal to assist us in our inquiries is in itself a crime,' said Fisher calmly. 'I'm sure you all know the penalties for obstructing the Guard in the performance of their duty.'

'You wouldn't dare;' said Hightower.

'Wouldn't I?' said Hawk. He locked eyes with Hightower, and Hightower was the first to look away. Stalker stepped forward.

'I've had experience with murders before, Captain. If I can help in any way, you have only to ask.'

'Thank you, sir Stalker,' said Hawk politely. 'I'll bear that in mind.' He turned to Gaunt. 'Sir sorcerer, is there a room my partner and I can use to talk privately with your guests?'

'Of course, Captain. There's my library; it's just across the hall.'

The library proved to be a small, cosy room directly opposite the parlor. Gaunt ushered Hawk and Fisher in, and lit two of the library's oil lamps with a wave of his hand. All four of the walls were lined with bookshelves, each packed with books of various shapes and sizes. The books were stacked neatly, though apparently according to size and shape as much as contents. There were two comfortable-looking chairs by the empty fireplace, and two other doors, one to the left and one to the right.

'Where do they lead?' said Hawk, indicating the doors.

'The door to your right leads to the kitchen,' said Gaunt. 'The door to your left leads to my private laboratory. That door is locked and shielded at all times.'

'Fine,' said Hawk. 'This room should do nicely. I think we'll make a start with you, sir Gaunt, if it's convenient.'

'Of course,' said Gaunt. 'But we'll need another chair.' He gestured sharply, and the library door swung open. A chair came sliding out of the parlor. It crossed the hall and entered the library, and the door swung shut behind it. Gaunt carefully positioned the chair before the empty fireplace and sat down. Hawk and Fisher pulled up the other two chairs, and sat facing him.

'That was very impressive,' said Hawk.

'Not really,' said Gaunt. 'Well, what do we do now? I've never been involved in a murder investigation before. What kind of things do you need to ask me?'

'Nothing too difficult,' said Hawk. 'To start with, do you recognize this key?' He nodded to Fisher, who dug the key out of her pocket and handed it to Gaunt. The sorcerer looked at the key, and then turned it over in his hand a few times.

'It looks like one of mine. Is it the key to William's room?'

'That's what we want to know.'

Gaunt shrugged. 'All the keys look the same to me. Since I live on my own most of the time, I don't have much use for the upstairs rooms. Usually I keep all my keys on one ring, in the right order so that I can tell them apart. And now they've all been split up; Still, it shouldn't be too difficult to work out which key it is. Where did you find it?'

'In Blackstone's room,' said Fisher. 'On the floor, not far from the door.'

Gaunt looked at Hawk. 'Then why ask me if this is William's key?'

'Because in a case like this we need to be very sure of our facts,' said Hawk. 'You can never tell what's going to turn out to be significant. Please let me know when you're sure that's Blackstone's key. Now, sir Gaunt, what did you do earlier this evening, after your guests had gone upstairs to change?'

'I went into the kitchen,' said Gaunt. 'The meal was almost ready. All I had to do was pour the soup into the bowls, and baste the meat one last time. I did that, and then I thought I'd better check that the table was ready. I walked out into the hall, and that was when I sensed the murder.'

Fisher leaned forward in her chair. 'You <em>sensed</em> the murder?'

'Oh, yes,' said Gaunt. 'I didn't know what it was at the time. I just felt a disturbance in the house, as though something terrible had happened. I ran upstairs to check that my guests were all right, and that's when I found you preparing to cut down my door with an axe. You know the rest.'

'Yes,' said Hawk thoughtfully. 'Tell me, sir Gaunt, could anyone use a teleport spell in this house without you knowing?'

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