Judas Goat. They just passed him off as another victim, along with his daughter. It was true enough, in a way. And besides, his widow was going to have a hard enough time as it was. Katherine Blackstone chattered on for a while, talking lightly about this and that, and then fluttered away to talk to Graham Dorimant. Hawk looked at Fisher.

'Well?' he said dryly. 'What did you make of that?'

'Beats me,' said Fisher. 'Katherine Blackstone, coming on like an empty-headed socialite? That's not the woman I've heard so much about.'

'Maybe it's a test of some kind. Checking us out to see if we're smart enough to see through the act.'

Fisher scowled dubiously. 'Could be, I suppose.'

'Actually, it's a little more complicated than that,' said the witch Visage.

Hawk and Fisher turned quickly to find her standing beside them. Hawk's hand dropped to his axe. He hadn't heard her approaching; Visage saw the movement, and smiled slightly.

'I'm not your enemy, Captain Hawk. In fact, I'm glad you're here. I've had a premonition about William.'

Hawk and Fisher looked quickly at each other, and then back at the slender redhead before them.

'A premonition,' said Hawk slowly. 'You think he's in danger?'

'Yes. I'm Visage. I'm a witch. It's my job to protect William from magical threats. He should be safe enough here in Gaunt's house. I've never seen so many defensive spells. The place is crawling with them. And yet; there's a feeling in the air. It worries me. I've given William some extra protection, but still;'

'Have you sensed anything in particular?' asked Fisher quietly.

Visage shook her head, frowning. 'Nothing definite. Somebody here, or close by, is planning a death; and the victim is either William or someone connected with him. That's all I can get.'

'Have you told Blackstone?' asked Hawk.

'Of course. He isn't taking the threat seriously enough.'

'Somebody here or close by,' said Fisher. 'Maybe we should check the grounds.'

'I suggested that to Gaunt,' said Visage. 'He said no one could get into the grounds or the house without his knowing.' She looked at Hawk steadily. 'Unless you do something to stop it, someone is going to die in this house. Tonight.'

She turned suddenly and walked away. Hawk and Fisher watched her go.

'Great start to the party,' said Hawk.

'Isn't it,' said Fisher.

'Did you notice,' said Hawk thoughtfully, 'that she never did get around to explaining why Katherine Blackstone was acting out of character?'

'Yeah,' said Fisher. 'Interesting, that.'

They looked at each other a moment, shrugged, and helped themselves to more of the fruit cordial.

'Who the hell would be desperate enough to attack Blackstone in Gaunt's house?' said Hawk. 'All right. Gaunt isn't the most powerful sorcerer I've ever met, but I'd put him right up there in the top ten. I certainly wouldn't cross him without a damn good reason.'

'Right,' said Fisher. 'If nothing else, our potential murderer must be pretty damn confident. Or crazy. Or both.'

'Or he knows something we don't.' Hawk scowled grimly. 'Think we should say something to Blackstone?'

'Not yet,' said Fisher. 'What could we tell him that he doesn't already know? Besides, like you said, who could get to him here?'

'There's no place so well-defended that someone determined enough can't find a way in,' said Hawk firmly. 'After all, it might not be a direct attack. It could be something that's been planned in advance.'

Fisher nodded slowly. 'A prearranged spell, or curse. Or maybe they poisoned the food.'

'Or the drink,' said Hawk.

They looked at their empty glasses.

'Unlikely,' said Fisher. 'The witch said someone was planning <em>a</em> death tonight, not several. And anyway. Gaunt would surely be able to detect the presence of anything poisonous. Same for any spells.'

'I suppose so,' said Hawk. 'All right, poison is out. But a direct attack seems even more unlikely. In order to get to Blackstone, an assassin would have to get past all of Gaunt's defenses, and then fight his way past us. There are assassins that good in the Low Kingdoms, but I don't really think Blackstone's important enough to warrant their attentions. No, I think a magical attack of some kind has to be the most likely.'

'But according to the witch, this house is covered with defensive spells.'

'Yeah.' Hawk shook his head disgustedly. 'Nothing's ever simple, is it? You know, Isobel, just once I think I'd like to work on a case that was simple and straightforward. Just for a change.'

'So what are we going to do?' asked Fisher.

'Stay close to Blackstone, and watch everyone else very closely.'

'Sounds like an excellent idea,' said Dorimant.

Hawk and Fisher looked him over coldly, and Dorimant didn't miss the way their hands fell naturally to the weapons at their sides. He felt a sudden chill run down his spine. As a political adviser, Dorimant had mixed with some hard people in his time, but one look into Hawk's cold eye was enough to convince him that everything he'd heard about Hawk and Fisher was true. These people were dangerous. He smiled at them calmly, and hoped they'd put the sweat on his brow down to the heat.

'Allow me to introduce myself. Graham Dorimant, William's political adviser.'

Hawk nodded politely. 'I'm;'

'Oh, I know who you two are,' said Dorimant quickly. 'Everyone in Haven's heard of Hawk and Fisher.'

'Fame at last,' said Fisher dryly.

Dorimant chuckled. 'Honest Guards are as rare as honest politicians. That's why I particularly asked for you as William's bodyguards.'

'The witch says that Blackstone is in danger,' said Fisher bluntly. 'She thinks that someone's going to try and kill him tonight.'

Dorimant frowned. 'I wouldn't take Visage too seriously, Captain Fisher. She's good enough at her job, but she sees threats in every shadow.'

'But Blackstone does have enemies,' said Hawk.

'Oh, certainly. What politician doesn't? And William's policies aren't exactly aimed at making him popular with the vested interests who make this city the cesspool it is. But when all is said and done, he's safe here. Gaunt was telling me about some of his defenses earlier, and I can assure you that nothing and nobody gets into this house unless Gaunt says so. Believe me, William has absolutely nothing to worry about tonight.'

'Unless one of his guests turns out to be an assassin,' said Fisher.

Dorimant looked at her sharply. 'Captain Fisher, everyone at this party is a friend of William's, and has been for years. Not one of them has anything to gain by his death. The only people at this party that I can't personally vouch for are you and Captain Hawk. And your reputations suggest you lack the taste for assassination work.'

'Yeah,' said Hawk. 'The pay's good, but the working conditions are lousy.'

Fisher nodded solemnly. Dorimant looked from one to the other, and then smiled reluctantly.

'Captain Hawk, Captain Fisher, right now William's under a lot of pressure. His political opponents are doing their best to sabotage his new bill, and there have been a few death threats. Usual anonymous rubbish. I thought having you two around for the next few days might make him feel a little more secure. All you have to do is stick with him, and don't let anyone within arm's reach of him unless I vouch for them. All right?'

'Sure,' said Hawk. 'I've done bodyguarding work before.'

'Good,' said Dorimant. 'You do know you'll be staying the night here, along with the rest of us?'

'Yeah,' said Fisher. 'We didn't have time to pack a bag, but no doubt Gaunt can provide us with what we need.'

'Of course,' said Dorimant. 'I'll have a word with him.'

The doorbell rang, and Gaunt went into the hall to answer it. Hawk frowned slightly.

'Why does a sorcerer like Gaunt answer his own door? Doesn't he have any servants?'

Dorimant smiled. 'Gaunt doesn't trust servants. Afraid they might be after his secrets, I suppose. Industrial espionage is rife among magicians.'

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