sitting still, Saint Christophe exuded an air of overwhelming menace—partly from

his imposing bulk, and partly from his unwavering, lizardlike gaze. His face was

blank and almost childlike, his features stretched smooth like a baby's by his

fat, an impression heightened by his thin, wispy hair. He moved slightly, and

the wooden bench groaned under his weight. His bodyguards were already beginning

to shiver from the dropping temperature, but he didn't seem to notice it. His

gaze was fixed entirely on Hawk, ignoring Burns, for which Burns was very

grateful. When Saint Christophe finally spoke, his voice was deep and cultured.

'Well, Captain Hawk. An unexpected pleasure. It's not often you come to see me.'

'I have a problem,' said Hawk.

'Yes, I know. You have a talent for annoying important people, Captain, but this

time you have surpassed yourself. The Guard wants you suspended, a gang from the

Devil's Hook has declared vendetta against you, and Morgan wants your head on a

platter. You've had a busy morning.'

'It's not over yet. I need to know how Morgan is going to distribute his new


'And so you came to me for help. How touching. Why should I help you, Captain

Hawk? It would make much more sense to have you killed, here and now. After all,

you've caused me much distress in the past. You've shut down my operations,

arrested and killed my men, and cost me a great deal of money. I really don't

know why I didn't order your death long ago.'

Hawk grinned. 'Because you couldn't be one hundred percent sure they'd do the

job. And you know that if they didn't kill me, I'd kill them, and then I'd come

after you. And all the bodyguards in Haven couldn't keep you alive if I wanted

your head.'

Saint Christophe nodded slowly, his face impassive. 'You always were a

vindictive man, Captain. But one day you'll push me too far, and then we'll see

how good you really are with that axe. In the meantime, my offer to you still

stands. Leave the Guard, and work for me. Be my man, I could make you rich and

powerful beyond your wildest dreams.'

'I'm my own man,' said Hawk. 'And there isn't enough money in Haven to make me

work for you. You deal in other people's suffering, and the blood won't wash off

your money, no matter how many times you launder it through legitimate


'Anyone would think you didn't like me,' said Saint Christophe. 'Why should I

help you. Captain? You spurn my friendship, throw my more-than-generous offers

back in my face, and insult me in front of my people. What is it to me if Morgan

is pushing a new drug? If it wasn't him, it would be somebody else. The market's

appetite is always bigger than we can satisfy.'

'This drug is different,' said Hawk flatly. 'It turns its users into maddened,

unstoppable killers. A few hours after the drug hits the streets, there'll be

hundreds of homicidal maniacs running loose in the city. The death toll could

easily run into thousands. You can't sell your precious services to dead people,

Christophe. You need me to stop Morgan because he threatens your markets. All of

them. It's as simple as that.'

'Perhaps.' Saint Christophe leaned forward slightly, and his wooden bench

groaned loudly. His bodyguards tensed for a moment, and then relaxed. 'This is

important to you, isn't it, Captain?'

'Of course. It's my job.'

'No, this is more than just your job; it's become personal to you. One should

never get personally involved in business, Captain; it distorts a man's judgment

and makes him… vulnerable. Let us make a deal, you and I. You want something

from me, and I want something from you. I will agree to shut down all

distribution networks in Haven for forty-eight hours. More then enough time for

you to find Morgan and put a stop to his plans. In return… you will leave the

Guard and work for me. A simple exchange, Captain Hawk. Take it or leave it.'

'No deal,' said Hawk.

'Think about it, Captain. Think of the thousands who'll die if you don't find

Morgan in time. And you won't, without my help. You really don't have a choice.'

'Wrong. You're the one who doesn't have a choice.' Hawk fixed Saint Christophe

with his cold glare, and the bodyguards stirred restlessly. 'The Guard still has

some of the super-chacal we confiscated from Morgan's factory. Whoever made the

drug disappear from Headquarters missed one batch. So either you cooperate, and

tell me what I need to know, or I'll see that when the drug finally gets loose,

you'll personally get a good strong dose. If Haven's going to be torn apart

because of you, I'll see you go down with it.'

'You wouldn't do that,' said Saint Christophe.

'Try me,' said Hawk.

For a long moment, nobody spoke. The atmosphere in the sauna grew dangerously

tense. Burns glanced from Hawk to Saint Christophe and back again, but neither

of them looked to be giving way. He let his hand drift a little closer to his

sword. All it would take was one sign from Saint Christophe, and the twelve

bodyguards would attack. Hawk might actually be able to handle six-to-one odds

with that bloody axe of his, but Burns had no false illusions about his own

fighting skills. Maybe, if he was quick enough, he could jump back and slam the

door in their faces, slow them down enough for him to make a run for it. That

would mean abandoning Hawk…

'Very well,' said Saint Christophe. 'I agree. I will see to it that the

distribution networks are shut down for twenty-four hours.'

'You said forty-eight,' said Hawk.

'That was a different deal. You have twenty-four hours. Captain. I suggest you

make good use of them, since regretfully I have no idea as to where Morgan might

be at present. He seems to have disappeared into a hole and pulled it in after

him. But Captain, when this is over, you will answer to me for your threats and

defiance. Please close the door on your way out.'

Hawk turned and left without speaking. Burns hurried after him, shut the cubicle

door firmly, and then ran after his partner as he strode off down the corridor.

'I don't believe what I just saw,' said Burns in amazement. 'You faced down

Saint Christophe without even drawing your axe, and got him to agree to help the

Guard. That's like standing in the harbor and watching the tides go out


Hawk shrugged. 'It was in his interests to help, and he knew it.'

'Where did you find the extra batch of super-chacal? I thought it had all


'It did. I was bluffing.' Burns looked at him speechlessly. Hawk grinned.

'There's more to surviving in the Northside than knowing how to use an axe.'

Hawk was never sure how he knew when he was being followed, but over the years

he'd learned to trust his instincts. He glanced at Burns, but he was apparently

lost in his own thoughts and hadn't noticed anything. Hawk slowed his pace a

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