
I just felt cold.

For you, Penny, I said. And for all his victims down the years. And especially for six poor women in Whitechapel, who never wanted to be part of a legend.

The Plymouth Fury whistled loudly. Way to go, Drood! Let s see the evil little scrote come back from that!

I ignored the car and turned to look at Crow Lee, who was standing very still, exactly where I d left him. He smiled briefly.

People can always surprise you. Have to say, Eddie, I didn t think you had it in you.

I didn t, I said. He had it in him. And I did it for the victims.

No, said Crow Lee. You did it for yourself. I know about these things.

Why didn t you run? I said. I was distracted. You might have got away.

Where could I go that you wouldn t find me? You re a lot more than I thought you were I m bad, Drood, but you re the biggest monster in this room. So, better to stay and work out some kind of agreement that will get you off my back.

You took away my family and my Molly.

The least of my many crimes, but let s not dwell on the Past. I still have something to bargain with. Something you want.

Can you bring back Molly and her sisters?

No I m not exactly sure where that particular spell sends people. Not that I ve ever given a damn, as long as they disappeared from my life. It can t be that bad; no one ever comes back to complain! Little joke there No. All right. I can help you recover your lost family! I still have the remote control I used to send Drood Hall away. It still contains the exact coordinates of the dimension I had Alpha Red Alpha send them to. A place so remote and distant you ll never find them, Eddie, never track them down. Not without the exact coordinates contained within my remote control.

You still have it? I said.

Not here, Crow Lee said quickly. Not actually on me but it is somewhere near. Somewhere safe. We can make a deal, Drood: I give you the remote, and you agree to let me live.

Let you live? I said. Let you go unpunished after everything you ve done? I remembered the major hitting Molly, his fist smashing into her face over and over, saying, This is Crow Lee s orders. I shook my head. I don t think I can do that.

Isn t it worth it? To get your family back? Immunity for one man, to have the mighty Droods back in the world again?

But you re not the only game in town, I said. I have the monkey s hand. It can find anything. It can make changes in reality. Put that together with my Merlin Glass, and what do I need you and your remote for?

Well, yes, technically speaking, said Crow Lee.

But, unfortunately, I know more about these objects than you do. So I know it s already pretty much used up. It can only hold a certain amount of magical energies, and it has been very busy. You see, a monkey s paw isn t supposed to be a Hand of Glory. And vice versa. The two contrasting natures are always fighting it out, which is why it can never hang on to its various powers for long. See for yourself.

I looked at him for a long moment and then fished the ugly thing out of my pocket dimension. The monkey s paw was always a dried, withered thing, but now it was actually rotting and falling apart. I let it drop to the floor, and it just fell to pieces as it hit. Crow Lee tutted sadly.

They really are such fragile things. So, now you re going to have to make a deal with me, Eddie. If you ever want to see your family again.

And then we both stopped and looked around sharply, as we heard the sound of something approaching. A great roaring, rushing sound that seemed to come from every direction at once, and then concentrated directly under my feet, under the floor. A sudden wild surmise gripped hold of my heart, and for a moment I couldn t breathe, for hope. I stepped quickly backwards as the great hole before Crow Lee s chair reopened, and Molly and Isabella and Louisa came flying up out of the hole together and back into the room. The hole in the world disappeared and the three Metcalf sisters stood there together. They all looked radiantly healthy and entirely uninjured. Molly didn t have a bruise or a drop of blood on her. She smiled brightly at me.

Hello, sweetie. Miss me?

I dropped my armour and stepped forward to take her in my arms, holding her tight, so tight that no one would ever be able to take her away from me again. Molly held me just as tight, murmuring comforting, reassuring words in my ear. Eventually I let her go. Isabella was looking down her nose at me. Louisa was beaming widely. Molly looked haughtily at Crow Lee.

I have been to Heaven and Hell and everywhere in between. Did you really think you could send me anywhere that I couldn t get back from? And once you d broken the chains holding my sisters, their magics returned and they could heal me. You really didn t think it through, did you? Had to go for the big dramatic gesture. She looked at me and broke off. I m sorry, love. You still look terrible. Let me.

She took my head in both hands, gently, gently, murmuring Words under her breath, and all my injuries healed in a moment. I hadn t realised how much fighting the pain had weighed down on me till it was gone. She stepped back, looked me over briskly and nodded, and then frowned.

Eddie, you re looking at my sisters again while they re naked!

They re standing right in front of me! I am so glad to see you again, Molly. I was so worried

Well, that was sweet of you, said Molly. But you really are going to have to learn to trust me to be able to look after myself. She looked around her. Where s Mr. Stab?

You re standing in what s left of him, I said.

Oh, ick, said Molly. And what is the car doing in this room?

Saving the day! the car said cheerfully. I helped!

It s true, I said. She did. Apparently the Scarlet Lady is one of the Regent s Special Agents.

Will wonders never cease? said Molly. Hold everything where s Crow Lee?

He went into the next room, the Plymouth Fury said helpfully. While you were all distracted. He s still in there. Up to no good, I m sure.

Can you please get these collars off us? said Isabella. They re suppressing our magic, now that we re back in the world.

Oh, sure, I said.

I armoured up my right hand and gave two of the fingers sharp edges to form simple scissors. I snipped through Isabella s collar easily enough, and then Louisa s, and she giggled happily as I did so. Molly stood close beside me as I worked.

Whatever you do, she said, Don t look down.

You don t want me closing my eyes as I m doing this, I said. Could be a very unfortunate incident.

I like you, said Louisa. You re cute.

And you re a very scary and destructive person, by all accounts.

That s right!

I cut through her collar. Immediately Louisa and Isabella covered themselves with clothes. Isabella was back in her crimson biker leathers, while Louisa wore a long daisy-yellow dress and white stilettos. Isabella nodded to me brusquely.

Good to see you again, Eddie. Thanks for the rescue.

You plotted with Crow Lee to destroy my family, I said.

Your family, my family I think maybe it s time all of us stopped defining ourselves by our families.

Yes, I said. But not quite yet.

I looked at Louisa, who smiled brightly.

I knew everything would work out! Group hug!

The three Metcalf sisters moved together and held hands, and there was a brief burst of swirling lights and coruscating energies that filled the whole study. Molly let go and stepped back and stretched luxuriously, like a cat in the sun.

Ah Now, that s more like it! My magic is back, every last bit of it! Let us have words with Crow Lee.

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