are we walking?” she asked peaceably.
Frustration made his answer terse. Without a word, he opened the outside door. Greer stepped out first. Cool darkness immediately enveloped them. Yellow yard lights illuminated sidewalks and reflected off long sweeps of glistening dark lawn. Night flowers and grass smells infused the darkness with a faint, inescapable sweetness, and stars hung low, hovering near a crescent moon. There was no one in sight, not even a car passing. The air was sweet and the silence soothing, but for a time Ryan noticed none of it.
The damn woman
But taking direct action with Greer was what mattered, all that mattered, and there Ryan felt lost. Irritable. Fighting a brick wall. What he wanted to do was simple. Kiss her senseless. Gather her up, protect her, love her, make love to her…but if he did that, he would risk losing her, he knew damn well.
His hands were jammed in his pockets. A delicate arm suddenly lightly wound itself through his and stayed there. He glanced down.
“This way,” Greer said firmly. A germ of a rather insane idea had taken root in her mind.
They turned a corner and walked two more blocks. Greer again rugged slightly on Ryan’s arm at the parking lot of the small brick elementary school.
“What on earth are you-”
“Just let me take the lead for once, McCullough.”
His smile was half distracted, half exasperated, but it was still a smile. Greer grinned back, and then suddenly chuckled. Life wasn’t simple. Nothing was ever simple, but one could only toss problems around for so long. It was break time, and she was going to chase away Ryan’s brooding scowl if it killed her.
“You’re crazy!” he called after her.
“So? Race you, McCullough!”
The playground was deserted and the grass soaked with dew. The silver-painted swings, merry-go-round, slide and jungle gym caught the moonlight. The swing creaked when Greer settled into it. She pushed off and swung her legs in the air. Her crisp businesslike skirt immediately fluttered up to her thighs. “Are you just going to stand there, or are you going to push me?”
He pushed her, thinking dryly that it was at least one way of getting his hands on her fanny. He pushed her so high that she shrieked, and when the swing came back down she was wantonly leaning her head back, the breeze tossing her hair, her kissable mouth open with laughter. Now, how was he supposed to sustain his glum mood under those circumstances?
After that, she insisted on pushing him, and then she ran over to the slide, insisting he do the honors first. He did, but the slide was like glass, and the first time down he ended up on his seat in the sand.
Greer bent over him, shaking her head. “You need me to show you how it’s done?” She barely missed a swat on her backside as she hurried up the metal ladder. At the top, though, she balked. “I’ll wreck my skirt,” she complained.
Ryan, still dusting off his jeans, roared, “Hike it up. You started this.”
True. She, pulled her skirt up, closed her eyes and slid down on her slip. At the bottom, she gracefully sprang to her feet. “Nothing to it,” she announced.
He chased her in and around the jungle gym and swings. She could hear her own laughter ringing out in the darkness, then his. There was no possible harm. The night was wonderful, warm and sweet. Greer mimed a batter’s swing at home plate on the baseball diamond; Ryan mimed an imaginary pitcher on the mound. He was far better than she was. When he chewed an imaginary wad of tobacco and scratched his crotch, she collapsed in laughter, knowing exactly which major league pitcher he was imitating. After that, Ryan hooked an arm around her shoulders as they left the diamond.
“Ready for home?” she said breathlessly.
“No way.” They were never leaving, if he had his choice. He’d never heard Greer laugh so freely, and there wasn’t another woman on earth he could have shared so much nonsense with.
“Well…the merry-go-round then. We haven’t done that.” She reached the merry-go-round and tugged off her shoes. “Can’t do this right unless you’re barefoot,” she called out to him.
“Can’t you?” He couldn’t stop looking at her. Her hair was wind-tossed, her eyes sparkling. A button had worked loose at the neckline of her blouse; she’d tossed off her sweater and pushed up the blouse sleeves. For once, she was unconscious of her body, and her movements were as free and spontaneous as they were sensual and natural. She was a seductress with a dirt spot on her seat. A Romany Gypsy, acting on impulse, the look and sound of her like magic.
She was Greer. The lady who’d started this madness to shake him from a bad mood, he knew. A lady he could play with as well as talk to. A lady he loved.
She bent over to start pushing the contraption around. He moved behind her, pushing in rhythm as she did until the merry-go-round picked up momentum. “Hop on,” he ordered.
She did, clinging to the metal rails for support. “Too fast,” she protested.
“I haven’t even gotten it going.”
They seemed to be spinning at the speed of sound. Her stomach was turning over at the same dizzying tempo. “You’re crazier than I am. Would you
“Just lie down and close your eyes and enjoy.”
He vaulted up to her a second later. Flat on her back, holding on for dear life, Greer was conscious of the cold, hard metal beneath her, but not very. So fast…air rushed past, and darkness, and the silent houses in the distance. Exhilaration raised color in her cheeks, a smile that wouldn’t stop. She turned her head to look at him.
The mad whirl stopped, or maybe it didn’t. Maybe it even accelerated, and then something changed. Ryan reached out a hand, and it seemed utterly natural for Greer to take it. She let go of the metal bars, and suddenly he was holding her. More than holding her.
His legs were braced for balance, but his arms were free to both claim and secure. He hadn’t planned that. He hadn’t planned anything, but when he found her face that close, his mouth couldn’t help but cover hers. Around and around and around…that rush of speed was hypnotic, as intoxicating as the rush of sensations that swamped him. The warmth and suppleness of her body, molding itself willingly to his. The crush of her breasts against his chest, the beat of her heart, the softness of her features in the whirling moonlight. His lips locked with hers, and he couldn’t let her go.
Greer closed her eyes and hung on. She felt crazy, vibrant, high. Maybe there was no other gravity but Ryan. For that instant, she didn’t know or care. With no one to push it, the merry-go-round gradually wound down, but her heart still spun with a kaleidoscope of sensations. The rush was so unexpected, so lush, so…easy. The feel of his warm, mobile flesh beneath her fingers. His thigh locked against hers. The sweet, intoxicating taste that was Ryan.
She wanted…something. So much. Something as exhilarating and delicious as their mad ride, something that Ryan’s mouth was promising her, something his hands were promising in their rough sweep over her soft curves. His palm claimed her breast, cupping it, kneading, and she felt her heart quicken, heat gush through her veins.
Ryan placed a hand over Greer’s mouth to muffle her startled cry. Disoriented, he raised his head. The police car was idling at the edge of the parking lot in the shadows, a window rolled down and a weary-looking gray-haired officer leaning out of it. Ryan’s voice was strangled, but he managed a reasonably adolescent “Yes, sir.”
“I mean it. You know what time it is? Gull dern kids.”
As soon as they made to move, the patrol car drove off. Mortified, Greer leaped to her feet. For a minute, she was so busy gathering up her shoes, fixing her blouse and pushing down her skirt that she couldn’t possibly find time to look Ryan in the eye.
He didn’t force it. For one thing, his body didn’t want to do all that fast a recovery from the potent emotions Greer had aroused. For another, he was having a hard time believing he’d damn near made love to her on a children’s playground. And for another, he wanted to savor that delicious uninhibited response he’d won from the